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Ms. Karen Schneider

Lecturer, Primary and Early Childhood

Head of Primary & Early Childhood Teacher Education


Academic Operations - IEAC


Berwick Campus, Online


Karen Schneider is a Lecturer and researcher who works in education with a focus on early childhood. Karen has significant experience and expertise in working with culturally and linguistically diverse children, families and educators in the context of Australian early childhood education.

Through her educational leadership and consultancy roles, Karen has worked with educators to identify issues related to power, race, social class, disability and gender with the aim of enhancing relationships and experiences – particularly for marginalised children and families.

Karen is known for her creative play spaces and use of improvised materials for learning with young children from birth to five years. She also seeks to engage pre-service teachers in learning through play-based approaches. Karen has extensive experience in curriculum and assessment development for online and face-to-face learning in initial teacher education programs. She has been recognised for teaching excellence in both early childhood and higher education settings.

'More than Marking and Moderation': A Self-Study of Teacher Educator Learning through Engaging with Graduate Teaching Performance Assessment