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Dr. Jack Harvey

Adjunct Senior Research Fellow

Research, Health and Wellbeing


Research Centres


Mt Helen Campus, Online

Australian sport and physical activity behaviours pre, during and post-COVID-19

Does an Increase in Supraspinatus Tendon Thickness After Swimming Increase the Likelihood of Future Shoulder Pain?

Telling adults about it: children’s experience of disclosing interpersonal violence in community sport

The motivations to play organised club-based sport in Australia

The role of trait mindfulness in shaping the perception of stress, including its role as a moderator or mediator of the effects of personality

Motivations to be active in club-based sport compared to fitness centres

The Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions on Perceived Health and Well-Being of Active Australian Older Adults

The Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions on Perceived Health and Wellbeing of Young Australian Sport and Physical Activity Participants

Understanding volunteer motivations and concerns in coaching and officiating basketball: implications for sport policy

Participation of Australian women and girls in traditionally male-dominated sports 2016-2018

The impact of COVID-19 restrictions on Australians' frequency and duration of participation in different types of sport and physical activity

The impact of COVID-19 restrictions on perceived health and wellbeing of adult Australian sport and physical activity participants

The use of intra-articular platelet rich plasma for the symptomatic management of osteoarthritis of the knee: a pilot study

Validation of a Follow-Through Developmental Sequence for the Overarm Throw for Force in University Students

Five-Year Changes in Community-Level Sport Participation, and the Role of Gender Strategies

Irrational beliefs and choking under pressure: A preliminary investigation

Researchers who examine existing models of choking under pressure are beginning to explore the...

Marketing Up the Wrong Tree? Organisational Perspectives on Attracting and/or Retaining Older Adults in Sport

Developing Sport for Girls and Adolescents

  • Book Chapters

Examining group differences in emotion regulation strategies and the state and trait anxiety of lifeguards and non-lifeguards in a real-world precompetitive situation

The purpose of this study was to investigate differences, between swimmer-lifeguards and...

Longitudinal trends in sport participation and retention of women and girls

Measurement and analysis of sport participation data is vital to understand trends, and therefore...

Sport participation settings: Where and 'how' do Australians play sport?

BackgroundLeisure-time physical activity and sport participation trends are often reported, both...

A mixed-methods case study exploring the impact of participation in community activity groups for older adults on physical activity, health and wellbeing

Regular physical activity (PA) has many health benefits but declines with age. Community...

High-intensity interval training in patients with cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis

No Abstract

  • Journals

Sport drop-out during adolescence: is it real, or an artefact of sampling behaviour?

The implications of female sport policy developments for the community-level sport sector: a perspective from Victoria, Australia

This study examined trends in sport participation among females over a six-year period...

A mixed methods case study exploring the impact of membership of a multi-activity, multicentre community group on social wellbeing of older adults

Background: Social wellbeing factors such as loneliness and social support have a major impact on...

Assessment and monitoring practices of Australian fitness professionals

Objectives: Assessment and monitoring of client health and fitness is a key part of fitness...

Cognitive behavior therapy for older adults with insomnia and depression: A randomized controlled trial in community mental health services

Study Objectives: To investigate whether cognitive behavior therapy was effective for older...

Demographic characteristics and type/frequency of physical activity participation in a large sample of 21,603 Australian people

Background: Regular physical activity (PA) is imperative for good health and there are many...

Girls' transition from participation in a modified sport program to club sport competition - A study of longitudinal patterns and correlates

Background: Participation in sport is very popular for young children. Many children participate...

Non-response bias in estimates of prevalence of club-based sport participation from an Australian national physical activity, recreation and sport survey

Background: An estimate of the prevalence of an activity derived from a sample survey is...

Participant characteristics of users of holistic movement practices in Australia

Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare the characteristics of users of holistic...

Video-based training to improve perceptual-cognitive decision-making performance of Australian football umpires

Decision-making is a central component of the in-game performance of Australian football umpires;...

Participation trends in holistic movement practices: A 10-year comparison of yoga/Pilates and t'ai chi/qigong use among a national sample of 195,926 Australians

Background: In recent decades, the evidence supporting the physical and mental health benefits of...

Personality and performance in real-world competitions: Testing trait activation of fear of negative evaluation, dispositional reinvestment, and athletic identity in the field

Objectives Based on the trait activation principle, researchers have tested whether personality...

Social anxiety mediates the relationship between social connectedness and test anxiety: An exploratory investigation

This preliminary study explored the relationships and mediation structure among social anxiety,...

Sources of practice knowledge among Australian fitness trainers

Few studies have examined the sources of practice knowledge fitness trainers use to inform their...

Sport participation across the lifespan: Australian trends and policy implications

This chapter will explore the sport participation trends in Australia across the lifespan....

The influence of a Healthy Welcoming Environment on participation in club sport by adolescent girls: A longitudinal study

Background: This study investigated the perceived influence of a Healthy Welcoming Environment...

The relationship of sport participation to provision of sports facilities and socioeconomic status: a geographical analysis

Objective: Ecological models have been applied to investigate multiple domains influencing...

Age profiles of sport participants

Background: Participation in sport has many health benefits, and is popular amongst children....

Changes in sport and physical activity participation for adolescent females: a longitudinal study

Background: Participation in sport and physical activity is reported to decline during...

Different methods of training load quantification and their relationship to injury and illness in elite Australian football

Objectives: To compare different methods of training load (TL) quantification and their...

Igniting the Pressure Acclimitization Training Debate: Contradictory Pilot-Study Evidence from Australian Football

In Australian Football, set shot goal kicking is when a player has a shot at goal after...

  • Journals

Patterns of time use among regional and rural adolescent girls: Associations with correlates of physical activity and health-related quality of life

Objectives: To describe patterns of time use among regional and rural adolescent girls and...

Population levels of sport participation: implications for sport policy

Background: Participation in sport can contribute to health-enhancing levels of leisure-time...

Pumping Iron in Australia: Prevalence, Trends and Sociodemographic Correlates of Muscle Strengthening Activity Participation from a National Sample of 195,926 Adults

Objective The current Australian Physical Activity Guidelines recommend that adults engage in...

Selection and Management of Sports Grounds: Does Surface Heat Matter?

Little evidence exists on the surface temperatures experienced on third generation (3G)...

Trends in body image of adolescent females in metropolitan and non-metropolitan regions: a longitudinal study

Background: Body dissatisfaction is associated with a range of adverse outcomes, including...

Cognitive behaviour therapy for older adults experiencing insomnia and depression in a community mental health setting: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Background: Cognitive behaviour therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is a well-established treatment;...

Comparison of surface temperatures of different synthetic turf systems and natural grass: Have advances in synthetic turf technology made a difference

Few studies have considered surface temperatures on the most recent synthetic turf products, and...

Genome-wide sperm DNA methylation changes after 3 months of exercise training in humans

Aim: DNA methylation programs gene expression and is involved in numerous biological processes....

GPS variables most related to match performance in an elite Australian football team

The purpose of this study is to identify which GPS variables are most related to Australian...

How healthy is Australian sport?

  • Journals

Integrating public health and sport management: Sport participation trends 2001-2010

In order to inform strategies to increase levels of physical activity (PA) for a healthier...

Learning and development expertise: an Australian analysis

Learning and development (L&D) practitioners draw on a distinctive range of knowledge, skills and...

Participation in modified sports programs: a longitudinal study of children's transition to club sport competition

Background: Many children are not physically active enough for a health benefit. One avenue of...

Participation in sport and physical activity: associations with socio-economic status and geographical remoteness

Background: Many factors influence participation in sport and Physical Activity (PA). It is well...

Role models of Australian female adolescents: A longitudinal study to inform programmes designed to increase physical activity and sport participation

In light of the importance attributed to the presence of positive role models in promoting...

Socioecological factors potentially associated with participation in physical activity and sport: A longitudinal study of adolescent girls

Objectives: Many adolescents are not physically active enough to receive associated health...

The contribution of sport participation to overall health enhancing physical activity levels in Australia: a population-based study

Background: The contribution of sport to overall health-enhancing leisure-time physical activity...

Assessment of decision-making performance and in-game physical exertion of Australian football umpires

The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of in-game physical exertion on...

Associations Between Behavior Regulation, Competence, Physical Activity, and Health for Adolescent Females

Background: This study investigated the association between the different types of behavior...

Dose-Response of Women's Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) and Life Satisfaction to Physical Activity

Background: To examine the dose-response relationship between health related quality of life...

Effectiveness of a school-community linked program on physical activity levels and health-related quality of life for adolescent girls

Background: This study evaluated the effectiveness of a school-community program on...

Linking secondary school physical education with community sport and recreation for girls: a process evaluation

Background: The purpose of this study was to undertake a process evaluation to examine the reach,...

Understanding how the components of a synthetic turf system contribute to increased surface temperature

A systematic review of the psychological and social benefits of participation in sport for adults: informing development of a conceptual model of health through sport

Background: The definition of health incorporates the physical, social and mental domains,...

A systematic review of the psychological and social benefits of participation in sport for children and adolescents: informing development of a conceptual model of health through sport

Background: There are specific guidelines regarding the level of physical activity (PA) required...

Family support and ease of access link socio-economic status and sports club membership in adolescent girls: a mediation study

Background: Much research has been conducted into the determinants of physical activity (PA)...

Linking Physical Education With Community Sport and Recreation: A Program for Adolescent Girls

The engagement of adolescent girls in physical activity (PA) is a persistent challenge....

Longer Leukocyte Telomeres Are Associated with Ultra-Endurance Exercise Independent of Cardiovascular Risk Factors

Telomere length is recognized as a marker of biological age, and shorter mean leukocyte telomere...

The effect of prescribed fluid consumption on physiology and work behavior of wildfire fighters

The purpose of this study was to examine 1) wildfire fighters' ability to consume the prescribed...

The relationship between body image, physical activity, perceived health, and behavioural regulation among Year 7 and Year 11 girls from metropolitan and rural Australia

This study examined the relationship between educational year level, regional differences in...

Understanding the Contexts of Adolescent Female Participation in Sport and Physical Activity

Purpose: Participation in physical activity (PA) is reported to decline in adolescence,...

A cross-cultural study in the UK and Australia of pay expectations and entitlements A case of vanishing differences?

Can you swim? Self-report and actual swimming competence among young adults in Ballarat, Australia

This paper reports the Australian findings in an international study comparing self-reported and...

Choking under pressure: The role of fear of negative evaluation

Objective: Conceptual models and predictors of choking under pressure (i.e., choking) have been...

Examining changes in the organisational capacity and sport-related health promotion policies and practices of State Sporting Organizations

Pre-shift fluid intake: Effect on physiology, work and drinking during emergency wildfire fighting

Wildfire fighters are known to report to work in a hypohydrated state, which may compromise their...

Telomere attrition is attenuated in ultra-marathon runners

A comparative study of factors influencing participation in sport and physical activity for metropolitan and rural female adolescents

The aim of this research was to provide a comparative analysis of the influence of behavioural...

A population-based survey of knowledge of first aid for burns in New South Wales

Objective: To determine the current level of knowledge of first aid for a burn injury and sources...

Self-Presentation Origins of Choking: Evidence From Separate Pressure Manipulations

Whether self-presentation is involved in the choking process remains unknown. The purpose of the...

The test-retest reliability of a health promotion assessment tool in sport

Evaluation tools for measuring health promotion (HP) policies, practices, and organizational...

Acute effect of exercise on kicking accuracy in elite Australian football players

Kicking accuracy (KA) is an important skill in Australian football but the potential influence of...

A framework for the design and development of physical employment tests and standards

Does Sports Club Particpation Contribute to Health-Related Quality of Life?

It's not just about competition! Building sport's capacity for population-focused physical activity promotion and development of healthy settings

  • Conference Proceedings

Transition in participation in sport and unstructured physical activity for rural living adolescent girls

Effectiveness of the 2006 Commonwealth Games 10,000 Steps Walking Challenge

Effect of a nurse back injury prevention intervention on the rate of injury compensation claims

Problem: This study evaluated the effect of introducing a No Lifting policy on back injuries to...

Treadmill Velocity Best Predicts 5000-m Run Performance

Trends in organised sport membership: Impact on sustainability

Using a socioecological approach to examine participation in sport and physical activity among rural adolescent girls

Effect of a Low-Resource-Intensive Lifestyle Modification Program Incorporating Gymnasium-Based and Home-Based Resistance Training on Type 2 Diabetes Risk in Australian Adults

OBJECTIVE- The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a low-resource- intensive...

Effect of a self management approach to implementing the National Evidence Based Guidelines for the Management of Type 2 Diabetes: primary prevention on self-management capacity and quality of life

  • Conference Proceedings

Making sporting clubs healthy and welcoming environments: A strategy to increase participation.

Sporting clubs are an ideal setting to promote community-wide participation in physical activity....

Participation by girls in community sport and physical activity during the transition to secondary school: A rural Australian perspective

  • Conference Proceedings

Participation in sport and physical activity for rural adolescent girls: a socio-ecological approach

  • Conference Proceedings

The effects of interval-exercise duration and intensity on oxygen consumption during treadmill running.

The magnitude of improvement in peak oxygen uptake (over(V, ̇)O2 peak) and performance to an...

A critical evaluation of methods used to evaluate a large scale health promotion program in the sport and recreation sector

  • Conference Proceedings

Evaluation of the 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games 10,000 steps walking challenge and 10,000 steps walking program

  • Conference Proceedings

Men's sheds in Australia: Learning through community contexts

  • Book

Ballarat diabetes prevention pilot initiative

  • Book

Defence physical employment standards project, infantry and airfield defence guards, report 10: Reliability of potential physical employment tests

  • Book

Defence physical employment standards project, infantry and airfield defence guards, report 11: Normative physical performance data: Infantry and ADG

  • Book

Defence physical employment standards project, infantry and airfield defence guards, report 12: Physical performance tests and standards: Infantry and ADG

  • Book

Defence physical employment standards project, infantry and airfield defence guards, report 13: Capacity of women to improve physical performance: A review

  • Book

Defence physical employment standards project infantry and airfield defence guards, report 5: Trade tasks risk analysis and mitigation: Infantry and ADG

  • Book

Defence physical employment standards project, infantry and airfield defence guards, report 7: Retrospective surveys of injuries (2004 & 2005): Infantry and ADG

  • Book

Defence physical employment standards project, infantry and airfield defence guards, report 9: Trade task analysis: Infantry and ADG

  • Book

Dispensing and monitoring of schedule 8 and schedule 4 (with dependency properties) drugs (addiction care 2)

  • Book

Error in publication code - Review of the physical fitness entry requisites for policing

  • Report

Factors affecting the successful creation of health promoting sports clubs

  • Conference Proceedings

Heat injury risk of simulated march and urban patrol infantry tasks

  • Journals

Impact of systemic and cultural factors on trade-related injuries in the Australian infantry

  • Conference Proceedings

Linking school-based sport programs to sport club membership

  • Journals

Participation in five major Victorian sports: Trends and issues

  • Conference Proceedings

Review of ADF injury data for infantry and airfield defence guards: 1998-2003

  • Conference Proceedings

The development of regional sports assemblies as health promoting organisations

  • Conference Proceedings

VicHealth sport and active recreation schemes evaluation project. Phase 1 evaluation report no.30 volume three: Active participation grant scheme

  • Book

VicHealth sport and active recreation schemes evaluation project. Phase 1 evaluation report no.30 volume two: Participation in community sport and active recreation scheme

  • Book

Analysis of the physical requirements of tasks undertaken by Australian infantry soldiers and airfield defence guards

  • Journals

Community acquired pneumonia project: Final report

  • Book

Criterion task workshop: Outcomes and recommendations

  • Book

Defence physical employment standards project, infantry and airfield defence guards, report 3: Review of injury data: Infantry and ADG

  • Book

Defence physical employment standards project, infantry and airfield defence guards, report 4: Trade tasks movement analysis: Infantry and ADG

  • Book

Defence physical employment standards project, infantry and airfield defence guards, report 6: The effect of demanding infantry and ADG trade tasks on cognitive performance: A pilot observational study

  • Book

Defence physical employment standards project, infantry and airfield defence guards, report 8: Selection of criterion trade tasks: Infantry and ADG

  • Book

Finding the fire: numeracy and literacy for public safety volunteers

  • Conference Proceedings

Literacy practices associated with training and learning by fire and emergency service volunteers in small and remote Australian towns

  • Conference Proceedings

Literacy practices associated with training and learning by fire and emergency service volunteers in small & remote Australian towns

  • Conference Proceedings

Monitoring core body temperature in infantry soldiers and airfield defence guards

  • Journals

Review of the firefighter fitness assessment

  • Book

VicHealth sport and active recreation schemes evaluation project: Phase 1 report partnerships for health

  • Book

Adult learning through fire and emergency service organisations in small and remote Australian towns

  • Book

Data mining of the Australian adverse drug reactions database: A comparison of Bayesian and other statistical indicators

Defence physical employment standards project, infantry and airfield defence guards, report 1: Selection of key trade tasks for detailed observation

  • Book

Defence physical employment standards project, infantry and airfield defence guards, report 2: Selection of potential endurance tests and kinanthropometric measures

  • Book

Men's learning in small rural towns: a Victorian survey

  • Conference Proceedings

Promoting holistic health to rural blue-collar men in the workplace: A multi-disciplinary socio-medical model

  • Conference Proceedings

Reliable assessment of faecal loading in older adults by abdominal radiograph

Objective: To produce a measure of faecal loading using plain abdominal radiograph that has both...

Technical note: The use of subject derived scale factors for one-camera 2D analysis in underwater swimming

This technical note describes a comparison of relative errors in one-camera 2D underwater motion...

  • Journals

The use of derived scale factors for one-camera 2D analysis in underwater swimming

  • Journals

The Victorian nurses back injury prevention project

  • Conference Proceedings

The Victorian Nurses Back Injury Prevention Project: An Evaluation

  • Conference Proceedings

VicHealth sport and active recreation schemes evaluation project report no. 5: Evaluation report format and timeline

  • Book

Victorian Nurses Back Injury Prevention Project: Evaluation 2003/4

  • Conference Proceedings

Victorian nurses back injury prevention project evaluation report

  • Book

A critical evaluation of the Australian accident classification standard

  • Journals

A critical evaluation of the Australian accident classification standard.

  • Journals

Evaluation of the health through sport and active recreation program: Phase 1 report

  • Book

Impact of health and safety representative training on concepts of accident causation and prevention

In South Australia, health and safety representatives (HSRs) may undertake three levels of...

  • Journals

Impact on training health and safety representatives on concepts of accident causation and prevention

  • Journals

Locating the Eureka Stockade: Use of a geographical information system (GIS) in a historiographical research context

More to sheds than meets the eye: Adult learning through public safety organisations in small and remote Australian towns

  • Conference Proceedings

Population estimation at the pixel level: Developing the expectation maximization technique

  • Book Chapters

Reliability of risk assessments - A statistical evaluation of results from six risk assessment tools

  • Journals

An analysis of the forces required to drag sheep over various surfaces

Some occupational health and safety hazards associated with sheep shearing are related to...

Bayesian data mining of the Australian adverse drug reactions database

  • Conference Proceedings

Data mining of the Australian adverse drug reactions database

  • Conference Proceedings

Estimating census district populations from satellite imagery: Some approaches and limitations

Population estimation models based on individual TM pixels

  • Journals

Reducing the energy cost of dragging sheep during sheep shearing

The task of dragging sheep into position for shearing has been reported by shearers as the most...

  • Journals

Multivariate statistical analysis of songs of the male Common Blackbird (Turdus merula): An example from western Victoria, Australia

Variation in the song of the male Common Blackbird was investigated within and between two...