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Professor Joanne Porter

Director, Collaborative Evaluation Research Centre

Collaboration Evaluation and Research Centre (CERC)


Collaboration Evaluation and Research Centre (CERC)


Churchill Campus, Online


Professor Joanne Porter has worked at Federation University’s Gippsland campus since 2002. Dr Porter is the Director of the university’s Collaborative Evaluation & Research Centre (CERC), working in partnership with government, agencies and not for profit organisations Nationally. As Director, Joanne has successfully led over 50+ evaluation and research projects with a focus on community resilience and engagement programs. Joanne has an extensive research history with over 90 + publications in peer reviewed journals and competitive grants. She continues to lead clinically and community-based research projects.

Field of Research

  • Rural and remote health services
  • Adolescent health
  • Gender studies not elsewhere classified

Barriers, Benefits, and Enablers of Acute Home-Based Care (Hospital In The Home) in Australia for Older People: A Systematic Review

Nature-Based Community Recovery Post-Natural Disaster: Black Summer Bushfires

Student led community health checks in regional Victoria: A mixed methods study

An exploration of the influencing factors for effective public health messaging during disasters: a scoping review

Health and wellbeing of staff working at higher education institutions globally during the post-COVID-19 pandemic period: evidence from a cross-sectional study

"I Don't Really Wanna Go Back. I Know What Ive Got in Front of Me". Lived Experiences of Emergency Nurses 2 Years Into the Global COVID-19 Pandemic

Indigenous experiences and underutilisation of disability support services in Australia: a qualitative meta-synthesis

'It's only a matter of time' - Lessons learnt and recommendations from COVID-19 to inform emergency nursing for future pandemics: An integrated literature review

Local Men Local Communities: A rural placed-based approach to increase men's engagement with mental health training and events

Mapping Hospital in the Home Models of Care: A Systematic Review

Patient and family members' experiences with language and environment when receiving bad news: A qualitative exploratory study

Preceptor's experience in supervising undergraduate nursing students in mental health: A qualitative study

Providing a localised cervical cancer screening course for general practice nurses

Socioecological factors influencing physical activity engagement for women across the menopausal transition: a systematic review

The benefit and limitations of an online physical activity program in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: A quantitative analysis of the virtual Latrobe Streetgames program

The Experience of Witnessing Resuscitation among Patients’ Families: A Phenomenological Study

The Latrobe Smoking Support Service: A quantitative study of participants in a regional area

The Lived Experience of Nursing Students from Student Work in Clinical Environments: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study

An exploration into early childhood physical literacy programs: A systematic literature review

A systematic literature review of workplace physical activity programs: an exploration of barriers and enabling factors

A systematic review of preceptor's experience in supervising undergraduate nursing students: Lessons learned for mental health nursing

Australian Men's Sheds and Their Role in the Health and Wellbeing of Men: A Systematic Review

Compliance with the Zero Suicide Initiative by Mental Health Clinicians at a Regional Mental Health Service: Development and Testing of a Clinical Audit Tool

Exploring the experiences of frontline nurses during the first 6 months of the COVID-19 pandemic: An integrated literature review

"If I Can't Do It, Who Will?" Lived Experiences of Australian Emergency Nurses During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic

"Paramedics are only a driver," The lived experience of Iranian paramedics from patient handover: A qualitative study

Public health messaging during disasters: A qualitative study of emergency department key informants

Public health messaging during disasters: Practice and attitudes of Australian emergency nurses

Simplifying Qualitative Case Study Research Methodology: A Step-By-Step Guide Using a Palliative Care Example

Student-led pop-up health check clinics: Innovative health prevention strategy for a low socioeconomic community

The Effect of Positively Framed and Negatively Framed Messages on Televised Smoking Cessation Advertisement Success: A Systematic Review

The Effects of the Ward Environment and Language in Palliative Care: A Qualitative Exploratory Study of Victorian Nurses’ Perspectives

The impact of nature-led recovery initiatives for individual and community health post disaster: a systematic literature review

The Potential Barriers and Benefits of an Online Physical Activity Program during the COVID-19 Restrictions: Latrobe Virtual Streetgames. A Qualitative Study

A creative approach for undergraduate nursing students to learn anatomy and physiology: a qualitative exploratory study

A Scoping Review of Community-Based Adult Suicide Prevention Initiatives in Rural and Regional Australia

Burnout, stress and resilience of an Australian regional hospital during COVID-19: a longitudinal study

Exploring mental health clinicians' perceptions of the Zero Suicide Prevention Initiative

Improving youth physical, mental and social health through physical activity: A Systematic literature review

Nurses, physicians and patients’ knowledge and attitudes about nurse prescribing

Nursing and Midwifery Students’ Mental Health Status and Intention to Leave During Covid-19 Pandemic

Peer Educators in the Facilitation of Sexuality and Respectful Relationship Education for People with an Intellectual Disability: A Scoping Review and Narrative Synthesis

Public health education by emergency nurses: A scoping review and narrative synthesis

The experiences of health professionals, patients, and families with truth disclosure when breaking bad news in palliative care: A qualitative meta-synthesis

The Physical Hospital Environment and Its Effects on Palliative Patients and Their Families: A Qualitative Meta-Synthesis

Aim: To review the latest qualitative literature on how the physical hospital environment...

An exploration into suicide prevention initiatives for mental health nurses: A systematic literature review

Mental health and suicide prevention are national health priorities in Australia, with research...

A thematic analysis of the perceptions of a community-based exercise program on the health and well-being of ageing adults

This study explores a weekly community-based exercise program (CBEP) for ageing adults in...

Learning Needs of Iranian Patients with Coronary Heart Disease: A Cross-sectional, Comparative Study

Background: Patient education requires modification as it is either nonexistent or implemented...

Nursing students’ attitude and preparedness for nurse prescribing and its relationship with self-efficacy

Aim: The number of countries where nurses are allowed to prescribe has increased over the past...

Palliative and End-of-Life Care in the Home in Regional/Rural Victoria, Australia: The Role and Lived Experience of Primary Carers

Introduction: Palliative support services (generalist or specialist) can provide much-needed...

Self-regulation for and of learning: Student insights for online success in a bachelor of nursing program in regional australia

The effect of swimming volume and intensity on changes in supraspinatus tendon thickness

Objectives: To compare the change in supraspinatus tendon thickness (STT) following a high volume...

Understanding the Needs of Australian Carers of Adults Receiving Palliative Care in the Home: A Systematic Review of the Literature

Introduction: Caring for someone at home requiring palliative care is an ominous task. Unless the...

A review of Code Blue activations in a single Regional Australian Healthcare Service: A retrospective descriptive study of RISKMAN data

Background: In the case of life-threatening conditions such as respiratory or cardiac arrest, or...

Evaluation of a Blended Online and Digital Learning Mode of Anatomy and Physiology for Undergraduate Nursing Students

Blended online and digital learning includes a variety of activities that combine engaging...

The academic experiences of transitioning to blended online and digital nursing curriculum

Background: The blended online digital (BOLD) approach to teaching is popular within many...

Family presence during resuscitation (FPDR): A qualitative descriptive study exploring the experiences of emergency personnel post resuscitation

Introduction: Family presence during resuscitation (FPDR), remains inconsistently implemented by...

The meaning of 'worried' in MET call activations: A regional hospital examination of the clinical indicator

Little is known about why nurses escalate a Medical Emergency Team (MET) response based on...

Adult Deterioration Detection System (ADDS): An evaluation of the impact on MET and Code blue activations in a regional healthcare service

Aims: To evaluate the impact of Acute Deterioration Detection System (ADDS) charts introduced to...

Cultural aspects of death notification following cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Aims: To explore the lived experience of resuscitation team members involved in notifying family...

Evaluating a Blended Online Learning Model among Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Quantitative Study

In Australia, the emerging use of technology in higher education has brought about significant...

Family presence during resuscitation (FPDR): A qualitative study of implementation experiences and opinions of emergency personnel

Aim: To explore the experiences of nurses and doctors on the implementation of family presence...

Physical deterioration in an acute mental health unit: A quantitative retrospective analysis of medical emergencies

Nursing management of physical deterioration of patients within acute mental health settings is...

Rating teams' non-technical skills in the emergency department: A qualitative study of nurses' experience

Introduction: Non-technical skills (NTS) teamwork training can enhance clinicians’...

Why does the Psychological contract matter? Implications for leadership practice, workplace stress and anxiety

  • Book Chapters

An exploration of emergency nurses' perceptions, attitudes and experience of teamwork in the emergency department

Background Teamwork may assist with increased levels of efficiency and safety of patient care in...

Family Presence During Resuscitation: A Double-Edged Sword

Purpose: To illuminate the meaning of the lived experiences of resuscitation team members with...

Family Presence During Resuscitation (FPDR): Observational case studies of emergency personnel in Victoria, Australia

Introduction Family Presence During Resuscitation (FPDR), although not a new concept, remains...

Family support liaison in the witnessed resuscitation: A phenomenology study

Background Family-witnessed resuscitation remains controversial among clinicians from...

Triage and treat model of care: Effective management of minor injuries in the emergency department

Background The increasing demands on the emergency department (ED) can result in lengthy waits...

ED-HOME: Improving educator confidence and patient education in the Emergency Department

Background: Barriers to effective patient communication in the emergency department (ED) are well...

Improving the non-technical skills of hospital medical emergency teams: The Team Emergency Assessment Measure (TEAM (TM))

Objectives: This prospective descriptive study aimed to test the validity and feasibility of the...

Measuring teamwork performance: Validity testing of the Team Emergency Assessment Measure (TEAM) with clinical resuscitation teams

Aim: To test the resuscitation non-technical Team Emergency Assessment Measure (TEAM) for...

A trial of e-simulation of sudden patient deterioration (FIRST2ACT WEB) on student learning

Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.BACKGROUND: High-fidelity simulation pedagogy...

Designing a medical records review tool: an instructional guide

Background: Medical Records Reviews (MRR) are commonly used in research and quality activities in...

E-simulation Preregistration Nursing Students' Evaluation of an Online Patient Deterioration Program

This study explores preregistration nursing students' views of a Web-based simulation program:...

Family presence during resuscitation (FPDR): A survey of emergency personnel in Victoria, Australia

Background: Family presence during resuscitation (FPDR) has been endorsed internationally by...

Leadership and teamwork in medical emergencies: performance of nursing students and registered nurses in simulated patient scenarios

Aims and objectives. To examine nursing students' and registered nurses' teamwork skills whilst...

Patient Deterioration Education: Evaluation of Face-to-Face Simulation and e-Simulation Approaches

Background: Simulation-based education is one strategy that may be used to teach nursing students...

An evaluation of the effect of a mental health clinical placement on the mental health attitudes of student nurses

The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of a mental health clinical placement on student...

  • Journals

Emergency Resuscitation team roles: What constitutes a team and who's looking after the family?

Aim of study: This study aimed to investigate the attitudes of personnel working in emergency...

Family presence during resuscitation (FPDR): Perceived benefits, barriers and enablers to implementation and practice

Introduction: There are a number of perceived benefits and barriers to family presence during...

Undergraduate nursing students' performance in recognising and responding to sudden patient deterioration in high psychological fidelity simulated environments: An Australian multi-centre study

Background: Early recognition and situation awareness of sudden patient deterioration, a timely...

Attitudes, implementation and practice of family presence during resuscitation (FPDR): A quantitative literature review

Aim: To undertake a review of the quantitative research literature, to determine emergency staff...

Developing team based acute care scenarios: A rural hospital experience

Background: Health professionals work in teams in a variety of health care settings especially in...

Managing patient deterioration: assessing teamwork and individual performance

Objective To assess the ability of rural Australian nurse teams to manage deteriorating patients....

Measuring situation awareness in emergency settings: a systematic review of tools and outcomes

Background: Nontechnical skills have an impact on health care outcomes and improve patient...

Preparation for high-acuity clinical placement: confidence levels of final-year nursing students

Aim: To measure final-year nursing students’ preparation for high-acuity placement with...

  • Journals

Preparation for high-acuity clinical placement: Confidence levels of final-year nursing students

Aim: To measure final-year nursing students’ preparation for high-acuity placement with emphasis...

Emergency training boosts confidence

[No abstract available]

  • Journals

Identifying patient deterioration: Using simulation and reflective interviewing to examine decision making skills in a rural hospital

Objectives: The study aim was to examine how Registered Nurses identify and respond to...

Managing patient deterioration: a protocol for enhancing undergraduate nursing students' competence through web-based simulation and feedback techniques

Aims: To describe a funded proposal for the development of an on-line evidence based educational...

Perceptions of hand hygiene amongst health care workers in Sibu, East Malaysia

  • Journals

Simulation based learning in midwifery education: A systematic review

Aim: To critically examine the evidence for simulation based learning in midwifery education....

The FIRST2ACT simulation program improves nursing practice in a rural Australian hospital

Objective: To measure the impact of the Feedback Incorporating Review and Simulation Techniques...

Developing advanced rural nursing practice: A whole new scope of responsibility

Rural registered nurses' experiences of advanced clinical nursing practice were explored whilst...

Development of an undergraduate nursing Clinical Evaluation Form (CEF)

Copyright A 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.A clinical placement evaluation form for...

Factors that make the health care professions an attractive career option in East Malaysia

  • Journals

Managing deteriorating patients: registered nurses' performance in a simulated setting

AIM: To examine, in a simulated environment, rural nurses' ability to assess and manage patient...

Mixed methods research: a design for emergency care research?

This paper follows previous publications on generic qualitative approaches, qualitative designs...

Nursing in remote or isolated areas of Queensland: role, resources and readiness for practice

Introduction: Examining the role of the nurses working in remote and isolated areas of Queensland...

  • Book Chapters

Rating medical emergency teamwork performance: Development of the Team Emergency Assessment Measure (TEAM)

Aim: To develop a valid, reliable and feasible teamwork assessment measure for emergency...

Supporting the evolution of a research culture among nurses in Malaysia

  • Journals