Jess Reeves is a place-based sustainability science researcher. With a background in geology, she is passionate about the interplay between humans and their environment through time – including recent industrial pollution and long-term human modification of landscapes. She is particularly interested in elevating community voices around environmental stewardship, incorporating multiple ways of knowing place. She teaches and conducts research at the Gippsland Campus of Federation University Australia.
Collaborative planning for people navigating mine land transition: progress in Australia's Latrobe Valley
Embedding a Circular Economy through Local Government in Gippsland: A Case Study, Utilising Smart Specialisation Methodology
Regional development aspirations for the Latrobe Valley and Gippsland: Setting the context for postmine land use planning.
Implementing a participatory model of place-based stewardship for inclusive wetland management: A community case study
Navigating Local Pathways to Sustainability Through Environmental Stewardship: A Case Study in East Gippsland, Australia
Community capacity to envisage a post-mine future: rehabilitation options for Latrobe Valley brown coal mines
Expanding collaborative autoethnography into the world of natural science for transdisciplinary teams
Final Mine Void Forms and Future Land and Water Uses: Researching the Community Perspective
Healthy waterways and ecologically sustainable cities in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration (northern China): Challenges and future directions
The cities across the northern dry region of China are exposed to multiple sustainability...
Trace metal biomonitoring in the east Gippsland Lakes estuary using the barnacle Amphibalanus variegatus and mussel Mytilus edulis
© 2019, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature. The Gippsland Lakes estuary, a...
Watery places: Stories of environmental and community renewal
Not only is water essential to life, it also has the ability to heal; connecting ecosystems with...
Evaluation of PMIP2 and PMIP3 simulations of mid-Holocene climate in the Indo-Pacific, Australasian and Southern Ocean regions
This study uses the <q>simplified patterns of temperature and effective precipitation</q>...
First Holocene cryptotephras in mainland Australia reported from sediments at Lake Keilambete, Victoria, Australia
We report the first observations of Holocene cryptotephra deposits in lacustrine sediments from...
Evidence for extreme floods in arid subtropical northwest Australia during the Little Ice Age chronozone (CE 1400-1850)
Here we report a similar to 2000-year sediment sequence from the Fortescue Marsh (Martuyitha) in...
Industrial past, urban future: Using palaeo-studies to determine the industrial legacy of the Barwon Estuary, Victoria, Australia
Around the globe, heavy industry has often been associated with estuaries, which provide water...
Ostracods as recorders of palaeoenvironmental change in estuaries
A continental narrative: Human settlement patterns and Australian climate change over the last 35,000 years
Drawing on the recent synthesis of Australian palaeoclimate by the OZ-INTIMATE group (Reeves et...
Hydrological Change in the Coorong Estuary, Australia, Past and Present: Evidence from Fossil Invertebrate and Algal Assemblages
Estuaries are defined by change; both on a diurnal basis, balancing tidal inflow with riverine...
Climate variability over the last 35,000 years recorded in marine and terrestrial archives in the Australian region: an OZ-INTIMATE compilation
The Australian region spans some 600 of latitude and 500 of longitude and displays considerable...
Climatic records over the past 30ka from temperate Australia - a synthesis from the Oz-INTIMATE workgroup
Temperate Australia sits between the heat engine of the tropics and the cold Southern Ocean,...
Palaeoenvironmental change in tropical Australasia over the last 30,000 years - a synthesis by the OZ-INTIMATE group
The tropics are the major source of heat and moisture for the Australasian region. Determining...
The AUSTRALASIAN-INTIMATE project special volume
The Urban Sanctuary
Some insights into how barnacles survive as sessile organisms.
The sedimentary record of palaeoenvironments and sea-level change in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia, through the last glacial cycle.