Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation, and Resilience: Challenges and Opportunities for the Control Systems Community
Community Microgrids
Multi-agreements in social networks based on LaSalle invariance principle and positive definiteness
Nonlinear integral sliding mode control design for singularly perturbed systems under matched and unmatched uncertainties
On the benefit of overparameterisation in state reconstruction: An empirical study of the nonlinear case
Revisiting Seizure Prediction with Path Signatures: the Limitations of System Identification
Sensor Self-Declaration of Numeric Data Reliability in Internet of Things
Universal Access to Technology: Central Role of Internet in Education, Our Reflections and Perspectives
A Multi-Modal AI-Driven Cohort Selection Tool to Predict Suboptimal Non-Responders to Aflibercept Loading-Phase for Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration: PRECISE Study Report 1
Artificial intelligence-enhanced epileptic seizure detection by wearables
Autoregressive models for biomedical signal processing
Control for Societal-scale Challenges: Road Map 2030
Data Industry
Obfuscated Memory Malware Detection in Resource-Constrained IoT Devices for Smart City Applications
Special section: Smart water systems
Weak Monotonicity With Trend Analysis for Unsupervised Feature Evaluation
Whose Data are Reliable: Sensor Declared Data Reliability
Limiting Behavior of Hybrid Time-Varying Systems
Robustness of Vibrational Control in the Presence of Additive Disturbances
Evaluating Rehabilitation Progress Using Motion Features Identified by Machine Learning
Invariance principles and observability in switched systems with an application in consensus
A Probabilistic Reverse Power Flows Scenario Analysis Framework
Controlling DC microgrids in communities, buildings and data centers
Detectability and Uniform Global Asymptotic Stability in Switched Nonlinear Time-Varying Systems
Effective Assessments of a Short-Duration Poor Posture on Upper Limb Muscle Fatigue Before Physical Exercise
Extremum seeking control with sporadic packet transmission for networked control systems
Industry engagement with control research: Perspective and messages
Integral sliding mode control design for systems with fast sensor dynamics
Reinforcement learning for adaptive optimal control of continuous-time linear periodic systems
Stabilising influence of a synchronous condenser in low inertia networks
Stability and bifurcations in low inertia PV rich power networks
Linear system security—Detection and correction of adversarial sensor attacks in the noise-free case
Policy Options to Regulate PV in Low Voltage Grids-Australian Case with International Implications
Temporal Model of the Drivers of Household PV Purchase in Australia
Dual-loop iterative optimal control for the finite horizon LQR problem with unknown dynamics
Feedback-Based Iterative Learning Design and Synthesis with Output Constraints for Robotic Manipulators
Input and output constraints in iterative learning control design for robotic manipulators
Model-guided data-driven decentralized control for magnetic levitation systems
On robustness analysis of linear vibrational control systems
Stability and active power sharing in droop controlled inverter interfaced microgrids: Effect of clock mismatches
Upper Limb Deweighting Using Underactuated End-Effector-Based Backdrivable Manipulanda
Analyzing the Stability of Switched Systems Using Common Zeroing-Output Systems
Decentralized PID Control Design for Magnetic Levitation Systems Using Extremum Seeking
Design of double-sided linear permanent magnet eddy current braking system
Modeling of Endpoint Feedback Learning Implemented Through Point-to-Point Learning Control
Power sharing in angle droop controlled microgrids
Towards a smart automated surface irrigation management in rice-growing areas in Italy
Traffic Reduction in Packet Switched Networked Control Systems Using Deadband Error Modulation
A Market Mechanism for Electric Vehicle Charging under Network Constraints
Improving the time efficiency of the Fourier synthesis method for slice selection in magnetic resonance imaging
Learning control in robot-assisted rehabilitation of motor skills-a review
A comparative testing study of commercial 18650-format lithium-ion battery cells
Comment on "a comparative testing study of commercial 18650-format lithium-ion battery cells" [J. Electrochem. Soc., 162, A1592 (2015)]
Effect of sensory experience on motor learning strategy
Fourier Tract Sampling (FouTS): A framework for improved inference of white matter tracts from diffusion MRI by explicitly modelling tract volume
Local measurements and virtual pricing signals for residential demand side management
Optimal charging of electric vehicles taking distribution network constraints into account
Personalized Public Transportation: A Mobility Model and its Application to Melbourne
Solving the bloch equation with periodic excitation using harmonic balancing: Application to Rabi modulated excitation
The importance of spatial distribution when analysing the impact of electric vehicles on voltage stability in distribution networks
Long memory processes are revealed in the dynamics of the epileptic brain
Modelling extracellular electrical stimulation: Part 3. Derivation and interpretation of neural tissue equations
Modelling extracellular electrical stimulation: Part 4. Effect of the cellular composition of neural tissue on its spatio-temporal filtering properties
Observability limits for networked oscillators
On the finite time performance of model predictive control
Rabi resonance in spin systems: Theory and experiment
The dynamics of the epileptic brain reveal long memory processes
3D model-based approach to identification of laminar structures of the cerebral cortex: Application to Brodmann areas 17 and 18
Event triggered adaptive differential modulation: A new method for traffic reduction in networked control systems
Extremum seeking for constrained inputs
Information infrastructures for on-line measurement of non-productive greenhouse gas emissions in manufacturing: Case of the brewing industry
Modeling individual human motor behavior through model reference iterative learning control
Modelling and control for an EMS system with two inputs
Probability Steiner trees and maximum parsimony in phylogenetic analysis
Feedback and Control for Everyone
Maximum parsimony, substitution model, and probability phylogenetic trees
Nonlinear energy-based control method for aircraft automatic landing systems
Patient-specific bivariate-synchrony-based seizure prediction for short prediction horizons
A software tool to generate simulated white matter structures for the assessment of fibre-tracking algorithms
Computing Steiner Points and Probability Steiner Points in ?1 and ?2 Metric Spaces
Identifying Steiner Minimal Trees on Four Points in Space
On extremum seeking in bioprocesses with multivalued cost functions
On global extremum seeking in the presence of local extrema
Revisiting excitation pattern design for magnetic resonance imaging through optimisation of the signal contrast efficiency
Robustness analysis of leader-follower consensus
Seizure detection using seizure probability estimation: Comparison of features used to detect seizures
50GHz static frequency divider in 130nm CMOS
Decentralized control design of interconnected chains of integrators: A case study
Nonlinear estimation of the BOLD signal
Non-linear stable inversion-based output tracking control for a spherical inverted pendulum
Non-local stabilization of a spherical inverted pendulum
On the choice of dither in extremum seeking systems: A case study
The power of spectral density analysis for mapping endogenous BOLD signal fluctuations
A complete strategy for patient un-specific detection of epileptic seizures using crude estimations of entropy.
Complex stability radius for automatic design of gain-scheduled control Part II: Example on autopilot design
Complex stability radius for automatic design of gain-scheduled control Part I: Theoretical development
Control of large-scale irrigation networks
Adaptive repetitive learning control of robotic manipulators without the requirement for initial repositioning
Chronic airway disease: Deteriorating pulmonary function in sheep associated with repeated challenges of house dust mite
Enhanced detection-guided NLMS estimation of sparse FIR-modeled signal channels
New Trends in Nonlinear Control
On non-local stability properties of extremum seeking control
Stability and motor adaptation in human arm movements
A dual purpose principal and minor component flow
Systems engineering for irrigation systems: Successes and challenges
A rigorous solution of the infinite time interval LQ problem with constant state tracking
A unifying framework for global regulation via nonlinear output feedback: From ISS to iISS
Discussion on: "A reduced-order controller design for nonlinear systems with uncertainties and disturbances"
MaxNet: Faster flow control convergence
Reduced-complexity estimation for large-scale hidden Markov models
System identification and controller design for dual actuated hard disk drive
Topological feedback entropy and nonlinear stabilization
A generalized dynamical model for three-phase switch-mode converter circuits
Irrigation networks: A system engineering approach
Necessary conditions for stability and attractivity of continuous systems
The principle of critical simplification in chemical kinetics
A direct adaptive control strategy for managing diabetes mellitus
An analysis of the fast subspace tracking algorithm NOja
Iterative identification and two step control design for partially unknown unstable plants
Markovian framework for diabetes control
Markov modelling and adaptive control in management of type 1 diabetes mellitus
Nonlinear energy-based control method for aircraft dynamics
Open-loop discretization methods for control systems design
Putting energy back in control
Robust nonlinear integral control
Stability of a trajectory-based control law for an unknown nonlinear non-minimum phase system
Sufficient conditions for the existence of an unbounded solution
The virtual learning space: Teaching electrical engineering online
An efficient brute-force solution to the network reconfiguration problem
Managing type 1 diabetes mellitus in ambulatory patients
Overload prevention and loss minimization in managed distribution networks
Performance comparison of adaptive and robust predictors for long range dependent signals
Robust nonlinear integral control by partial-state and output feedback
Solutions to disturbance decoupling problem with constant measurement feedback for linear systems
The prospects for DC power distribution in buildings