Professor Ibrahim Sultan is an expert in mechanical engineering, and is coordinator of these programs at Federation University Australia. Dr Sultan’s research projects at Federation University have resulted in the development of new fluid processing machines.
Ibrahim’s research interests include fluid positive displacement machines, vibration and dynamics of mechanical systems, gas pipeline vibration, and robot kinematics and calibration. His current research involves the development of rotary positive displacement machines. Ibrahim is widely published in top-ranking journals and is a member of Engineers Australia, Advanced Materials Sciences and Engineering, and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Ibrahim obtained his Masters and PhD in Robot Kinematics from Cairo University and the University of Western Australia respectively.
A Literature Review of the Design, Modeling, Optimization, and Control of Electro-Mechanical Inlet Valves for Gas Expanders
An Optimized Artificial Neural Network Model of a Limacon-to-Circular Gas Expander with an Inlet Valve
An Optimum Design for a Fast-Response Solenoid Valve: Application to a Limaçon Gas Expander
Guideline for the Decommissioning/Abandonment of Subsea Pipelines
MissII: Missing Information Imputation for Traffic Data
Performance Improvement of a Limaçon Gas Expander Using an Inlet Control Valve: Two Case Studies
Roadmap for Recommended Guidelines of Leak Detection of Subsea Pipelines
Strain Concentration Factor at Field Joints for Offshore Concrete Coated Pipelines - Literature Review
The design, optimisation, and control strategy of a micro-chip system employing a two-phase power cycle
A comparative study of two embodiments of the limaon rotary compressor based on theoretical modelling of apex seal dynamics and leakage Etude comparative de deux variantes du compresseur rotatif limaon basee sur la modelisation theorique de la dynamique et des fuites du joint d'etancheite de l'apex
A Direct Drive Rotary Valve for Efficient Power Generation in Gas Expander Based Small Scale Power Plants
A Literature Review of the Positive Displacement Compressor: Current Challenges and Future Opportunities
An expert system for life cycle assessment of casting process
Design and Optimisation of PE-ORC Power Production Systems
Machine Learning Based Coordination for IDMT Overcurrent and Earth Fault Relays
State-of-the-art review of composite marine risers for floating and fixed platforms in deep seas
Biosorption of heavy metals from aqueous solution by various chemically modified agricultural wastes: A review
Fitness-for-service analysis for corrosion resistant alloy clad pipeline damaged due to lodged intelligent pig
Incident Case Study of Baseline Pigging During In-Line Inspections for Corrosion Resistant Alloy Clad Pipelines
Mathematical modeling and parametric study of the limaçon rotary compressor Modélisation mathématique et étude paramétrique du compresseur rotatif limaçon
Modified articulated padding for subsea cables’ crossing
Necessity and suitability of in-line inspection for corrosion resistant alloy (CRA) clad pipelines
A study on the use of machine learning methods to improve reciprocating compressor reliability via torque tailoring
Design of subsea cables/umbilicals for in-service abrasion - Part 1: Case studies
Submarine cables play a vital role in a myriad of industries around the globe, including power...
Design of subsea cables/umbilicals for in-service abrasion - Part 2: Mechanisms
This paper is the second of two companion papers about the design of subsea cables/umbilicals for...
Designs and Applications of the Rotary Limaçon Compressors and Expanders - A Review
Failure analysis of articulated paddings at crossing interface between crossing cable and crossed pipeline
Geometric Design of the Limacon Rotary Compressor Using Bayesian Optimization
Geometric design of the limaçon-to-circular fluid processing machine
A limaçon machine is a rotary positive displacement device, in which the housing and rotor are...
On the design of a class of rotary compressors using bayesian optimization
Guidelines for safe cable crossing over a pipeline
High voltage submarine cables are increasingly being installed in existing and new offshore oil...
Information and computational modeling for sustainability evaluation and improvement of manufacturing processes
A computer-aided unit process sustainable modelling for manufacturing processes: case for extrusion process
Sustainable manufacturing assessment is meant to ensure that products are manufactured such that...
Geometric design of the limaçon machines
Improving torque performance in reciprocating compressors via asymmetric stroke characteristics
Reciprocating compressors enjoy a considerable popularity in industry due to their ability to...
Introduction - Positive Displacement Machines: Modern Design Innovations and Tools
Positive Displacement Machines: Modern Design Innovations and Tools explains the design and...
Parameters optimization for sustainable machining by using taguchi method
Sustainability has crucial importance in the field of machining processes where great amount of...
Pipeline slug flow dynamic load characterization
Flow of gas in pipelines is subject to thermodynamic conditions which produces twophase bulks...
Positive Displacement Machines: Modern Design Innovations and Tools
Positive Displacement Machines: Modern Design Innovations and Tools explains the design and...
Sustainable Manufacturing Modelling: A Case for Milling Process
n manufacturing industries, metal machining is very important process due to the competitiveness....
When is a subsea anchor required for a short pipeline/SCR system?
Connection of floating production vessels to subsea pipelines requires careful consideration of...
A Computer-Aided Sustainable Modelling and Optimization Analysis of CNC Milling and Turning Processes
The sustainability of a manufacturing process can be measured by three main factors which impact...
Characterization of limacon gas expanders with consideration to the dynamics of apex seals and inlet control valve
Limacon machine, of which the relative motion between the rotor and housing follows the limacon...
Modelling and Evaluation of KPIs for the Assessment of Sustainable Manufacturing: An Extrusion process case study
Manufacturing industries today are focusing on controlling negative environmental impacts,...
On the apex seal analysis of limacon positive displacement machines
Rotary machines, and limaçon machines in particular, offer a better power to weight ratio...
Pipeline walking and anchoring considerations in the presence of riser motion and inclined seabed
Steel Catenary Risers (SCRs), are increasingly becoming an attractive option for many deepwater...
Apex seal vibration analysis of limacon positive displacement machines
Rotary machines, and limaçon machines in particular, offer a better power to weight ratio...
Design and installation of subsea cable, pipeline and umbilical crossing interfaces
Deterioration of subsea cable, pipeline and umbilical crossings often occur due to relative...
Framework for Sustainability Performance Assessment for Manufacturing Processes- A Review
Manufacturing industries are facing tough competition due to increasing raw material cost and...
Compression limit state of HVAC submarine cables
An industry accepted standard does not currently exist for determination of compression limits in...
Design of limaçon gas expanders
Limaçon is a simple and yet reliable technology, which can be employed to manufacture gas...
Improving Process Efficiency by Waste Heat Recuperation: An Application of the Limaçon Technology
A hybrid wrapper-filter approach to detect the source(s) of out-of-control signals in multivariate manufacturing process
With modern data-acquisition equipment and on-line computers used during production, it is now...
Evaluation of Slug Flow-Induced Flexural Loading in Pipelines Using a Surrogate Model
A surrogate model for evaluation of maximum normalized dynamic load factor in moving load model for pipeline spanning due to slug flow
Calibration of an articulated CMM using stochastic approximations
A coordinate measuring machine (CMM) is meant to digitise the spatial locations of points and...
Characterization of dynamic slug flow induced loads in pipelines
Optimum design of limacon gas expanders based on thermodynamic performance
Positive displacement expanders are acquiring popularity due to the current push to harvest...
Characterisation of slug flow conditions in pipelines for fatigue analysis
Improving reciprocating compressor performance using a hybrid two-level optimisation approach
Purpose - This paper seeks to describe a design approach which can be used to manufacture...
On the kinematics and synthesis of a geared five-bar slider-crank mechanism
The geared five-bar mechanism possesses kinematic abilities that qualify its utility in various...
Optimization of a quarter-car suspension model coupled with the driver biomechanical effects
In this paper a Human-Vehicle-Road (HVR) model, comprising a quarter-car and a biomechanical...
Optimization of improved suspension system with inerter device of the quarter-car model in vibration analysis
In this paper, we analyze an improved suspension system with the incorporated inerter device of...
Optimum Positioning of Ports in the Limacon Gas Expanders
Positive displacement expanders are quickly gaining popularity in the fields of micropower...
Simplifying the solution of linear equations for engineering students using vector techniques
A procedure is proposed for the solution of a set of n linear equations in n unknowns. The...
Vibration analysis: optimization of parameters of the two mass model based on Kelvin elements
In this paper we consider the problem of finding optimal parameters of the two mass model that...
Analytical Kinematics framework for the control of a parallel manipulator: A generalized kinematics framework for parallel manipulators
Forward and inverse kinematics operations are important in the operational space control of...
A Novel In-Vehicle Real-Time Brake Monitoring System
The design of vehicle brake systems involves optimizing a large number of competing parameters....
Introducing differential kinematics to mechanical engineering students
A Geometric Design Model for the Circolimacon Positive Displacement Machine
A circolimaçon positive displacement machine is driven by a limaçon mechanism, but the profiles...
Inverse geometric design for a class of rotary positive displacement machines
Model-free Subspace Based Dynamic Control of Mechanical Manipulators
A surrogate model for interference prevention in the limacon-to-limacon machines
Purpose - This paper aims to replace the complicated iterative procedure used to prevent...
Feasibility of subspace identification for bipeds: An innovative approach for kino-dynamic systems
Different approaches have been briefly overviewed which have been used in stability of biped...
Inverse position procedure for manipulators with rotary joints
Position sensing of industrial robots - A survey
This study offers a comprehensive coverage for many methods, systems and applications employed...
Profiling rotors for limacon-to-limacon compression-expansion machines
Limaçon-to-limaçon compression-expansion machines have housings and rotors whose profiles are...
The limacon of Pascal: Mechanical generation and utilization for fluid processing
The limaçon of Pascal is a plane curve that possesses some characteristics which qualify it for...
A numerical solution for determinantal polynomials with application to robot kinematics
Kinematic modelling of a new gear: Coupled mechanism
Simplified theodolite calibration for robot metrology
Theodolites represent a well-established three-dimensional-point-measuring technology. However,...
A phi-model solution for the inverse position problem of calibrated robots using virtual elementary motions
A technique for the independent-axis calibration of robot manipulators with experimental verification