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Dr. Hongming Ma


Head of Primary & Early Childhood Teacher Education


Academic Operations - IEAC


Berwick Campus, Online


Dr Hongming Ma’s key research expertise is science education and science teacher education in both primary and secondary schools.

Dr Ma’s current research focus includes cultural studies in science education (including cross cultural understanding and comparative studies); the nature of science in science education; the affective dimension of science teaching and learning; and relevant teacher knowledge (including cognitive and socio-cultural influences). Hongming’s recent research explores the impact and implications of conducting science education through university-school partnerships and how learner emotional experience in learning science is influenced by the interplay of learner personal interest and the classroom learning environment.

Hongming was formerly a lecturer at Monash University for five years. She studied engineering at Southwest Jiaotong University and used to work as a secondary vocational schoolteacher in China. She completed her Masters and PhD study at Monash University in cross-cultural research in science education.

A longitudinal study on a place-based school-university partnership: Listening to the voices of in-service teachers

Chinese students' decisions to study in Australia after the COVID pandemic-based on the PESTLE factor analysis

Influence of the Interplay of Habitual Affective Attributes and Classroom Learning Environments on Learners' Situational Affective Experiences in Learning Science: The Narratives of Primary Pre-Service Teachers

Science education researchers have found that instructional design focusing more on learners’...

Learning to Teach in Place: Transforming Pre-service Teacher Perceptions of Science Teaching through Place Pedagogies

Although teaching science outdoors is well established in global circles, its pedagogical value...

The Affordance of Place in Developing Place-Responsive Science Teaching Pedagogy: Reflections from Pre-Service Teachers

Despite being increasingly popular within broader educational discourse, place-responsive...

From Northern China to Hazelwood Wetlands: Navigating Place and Identity Through Science Education

This chapter highlights an emergent self-study or professional inquiry that sits within wider...

Transforming teacher education science through an Australian university-school partnership

  • Book Chapters

Chinese secondary school science teachers' perceptions of the nature of science and chinese native knowledge

Science teachers’ professional knowledge

  • Dictionary/Encyclopaedia

Science teachers' understanding of the college entrance examination in a climate of national curriculum reform in China

In China, the College Entrance Examination (CEE) is often likened to a conductor's baton in that...

The Images of Science Through Cultural Lenses: A Chinese Study on the Nature of Science

Are the images of science held by learners the same across cultures? What are the implications...

Chinese teachers' views of teaching culturally related knowledge in school science

This chapter reports a study of a group of Chinese secondary school science teachers' views of...

Chinese secondary school science teachers' understanding of the nature of science - Emerging from their views of nature

The findings reported in this paper report on an investigation of Chinese people's understanding...