The application of digital tools for knowledge sharing in agriculture: A longitudinal case study from four Australian grower groups
The integral role of incubator managers in supporting tenants positive psychological wellbeing
Use of digital technology for research data and information transfer within the Australian grains sector: A case study using Online Farm Trials
Yarrowee River History: Peel to Prest project
Development and Governance of FAIR Thresholds for a Data Federation
Increasing the digital literacy skills of regional SMEs through high-speed broadband access
Universal challenges exist for small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) in regional and rural areas to...
Implementing FAIR in the Agricultural Research Federation
Online Farm Trials (OFT) – the past, present and future
Online Farm Trials (OFT) ( is a free web-based resource and trial discovery...
Opportunities for intra-university collaborations in the new research environment
New opportunities for research collaborations within universities are explored through reflection...
The role of interoperable data standards in precision livestock farming in extensive livestock systems: A review
Livestock industries are increasingly embracing precision farming and decision support tools. As...
Online Farm Trials: a national web-based information source for Australian grains research, development and extension
An increased use of on-farm trials to conduct research in the Australian grains industry has led...
An overview of geospatial methods used in unintentional injury epidemiology.
Background: Injuries are a leading cause of death and disability around the world. Injury...
No Abstract
Historic urban landscapes and visualising Ballarat: Citizen participation for sustainable urban planning and design
Making the invisible visible: the impact of federating groundwater data in Victoria, Australia
The Visualising Victoria's Groundwater (VVG) web portal federates groundwater data for the State...
Spatial epidemiology: A new approach for understanding and preventing sport injuries
Visualising Ballarat - past, present, future. A collaborative research proposal to develop online tools to support Ballarat's Historic Urban Landscape program.
Aweb-gis and landslide database for south west Victoria and its application to landslide zonation
The Australian Geomechanics Society's (AGS) guidelines on Landslide Risk Management emphasise...
GippsLink Project. Strategic plan for Gippsland regional geographical information systems (GIS)
Spatial Infrastructure, Information Access and Knowledge Building
Most decisions involve a spatial component, though few people realise its significance...
Cluster governance: The nexus between local conditions and policy intervention
A case study of clustering in regional Australia: Public policies and private action
Ballarat ICT cluster: Phase 1 - organisational plan
Ballarat ICT cluster profile study
New learnings in place-based employment programs - Reflections on research and practice
New options and opportunities for spatial informatics: Communicating environmental conditions and intervention impacts via the web
Rhetoric and reality: Reflections on experience in the diffusion of ICT-based community projects in disadvantaged communities
A role for universities in sustaining regional ICT inititiatives? Exploring the case of the University of Ballarat
Building local capacity via scaleable web-based services
Communities and Technology Project (CAT) First Progress Report
Fostering community engagement and participation through local skills audits
Hidden treasure: Unearthing aspirations and mobilising skills in a neighbourhood renewal context
Moorabool Shire Communities and Technology Project (CAT)
Onlines services and regional web portals: Exploring the social and economic impacts
University engagement and the role of ICT in building communities and social capital
Using cluster theory as the lens through which the results of government funded online service initiatives can be examined
A role for universities in sustaining regional ICT initiatives? Exploring the case of the University of Ballarat
Creating and sustaining online communities: Web-based services meeting the diverse needs of regional and rural Australia
Getting online for a good yarn: Achieving E-governance strength through the active participation of citizens
Community building via online communities and regional web-portals
Connecting communities: Connectivity is not enough
E-commerce exhibition project final report, Pyrenees Hay Processors Co-Operative Ltd: Online crop profile and shipment tracking system
Growing exports via online communities and regional web-portals: A case from the Central Highlands region of Victoria
Growing exports via online communities and web-portals: A case from the Central Highlands region of Victoria
Strengthening regional communities through ICT and online capabilities - Getting beyond the regional development rhetoric
Achieving a strategic approach to community informatics through university-region engagement
A strategic approach to community informatics: The role of local government
Conference letters from the 5th global competitiveness institute conference: Connecting clusters
Delivering functionality through 'local' community portals
Growth and decline: Rejuvenating and sustaining regional and rural communities A performance evaluation
Research forum program conference letters
The use of electronic commerce by SMEs in Victoria
[No abstract available]