Large-scale and long-term wildlife research and monitoring using camera traps: a continental synthesis
Megapode mound-builders (malleefowl, Leipoa ocellata) enhance soil function through altered bacterial community composition
Incubation mound building by the Australian megapode (malleefowl, Leipoa ocellata) creates novel, resource-rich patches in a semi-arid woodland
Potential and pitfalls of citizen science with children: Reflections on Pollinators in the Playground project
Potential drivers of common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) decline on a Murray River floodplain
Converting rangelands to reserves: Small mammal and reptile responses 24 years after domestic livestock grazing removal
Ants drive invertebrate community response to cattle grazing
'Branching' with complex coarse woody debris reduces herbivory on recovering erosion scalds
G'day mate! Aussie bush birds’ spectacular greeting
The impact of cattle grazing regimes on tropical savanna bird assemblages
Arboreality increases reptile community resistance to disturbance from livestock grazing
Heavy livestock grazing negatively impacts a marsupial ecosystem engineer
Profitable and Sustainable Cattle Grazing Strategies Support Reptiles in Tropical Savanna Rangeland
The response of an arboreal mammal to livestock grazing is habitat dependant
Balancing Biodiversity and Food Production: A Better Understanding of Wildlife Response to Grazing Will Inform Off-Reserve Conservation on Rangelands
Interactions between a top order predator and exotic mesopredators in the Australian rangelands