Thank you for attention: A survey on attention-based artificial neural networks for automatic speech recognition
Anti-aliasing deep image classifiers using novel depth adaptive blurring and activation function
Bidirectional Mapping Coupled GAN for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
Few-Shot Image Classification: Current Status and Research Trends
Integrated generalized zero-shot learning for fine-grained classification
Adaptive weights learning in CNN feature fusion for crime scene investigation image classification
The combination of features from the convolutional layer and the fully connected layer of a...
Adversarial Network with Multiple Classifiers for Open Set Domain Adaptation
A novel fusion approach in the extraction of kernel descriptor with improved effectiveness and efficiency
Image representation using feature descriptors is crucial. A number of histogram-based...
Detection of Malleefowl Mounds from Point Cloud Data
Integrating Line Weber Local Descriptor and Deep Feature for Tire Indentation Mark Image Classification
Online dual dictionary learning for visual object tracking
Sparse representation method has been widely applied to visual tracking. Most of existing...
Robust Image Classification Using a Low-Pass Activation Function and DCT Augmentation
An Enhancement to the Spatial Pyramid Matching for Image Classification and Retrieval
Spatial pyramid matching (SPM) is one of the widely used methods to incorporate spatial...
A pupil-positioning method based on the starburst model
Human eye detection has become an area of interest in the field of computer vision with an...
A Rotation Invariant HOG Descriptor for Tire Pattern Image Classification
Texture feature is important in describing tire pattern image which provides useful clue in...
BackNet: An Enhanced Backbone Network for Accurate Detection of Objects with Large Scale Variations
Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have induced significant progress in the field of...
Distortion Robust Image Classification Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network with Discrete Cosine Transform
Convolutional Neural Networks are highly effective for image classification. However, it is still...
Enhanced Transfer Learning with ImageNet Trained Classification Layer
Parameter fine tuning is a transfer learning approach whereby learned parameters from pre-trained...
Reversible data hiding in encrypted images based on image partition and spatial correlation
Recently, more and more attention is paid to reversible data hiding (RDH) in encrypted images...
Voxel-based extraction of individual pylons and wires from LiDAR point cloud data
Extraction of individual pylons and wires is important for modelling of 3D objects in a power...
A detector of structural similarity for multi-modal microscopic image registration
This paper presents a Detector of Structural Similarity (DSS) to minimize the visual differences...
A Kernel-Based Approach for Content-Based Image Retrieval
Content-based image retrieval (CBIR)is a popular approach to retrieve images based on a query. In...
An Attention-Based Approach for Single Image Super Resolution
The main challenge of single image super resolution (SISR) is the recovery of high frequency...
A Novel Perceptual Dissimilarity Measure for Image Retrieval
Similarity measure is an important research topic in image classification and retrieval. Given a...
Classifier-Free Extraction of Power Line Wires from Point Cloud Data
This paper proposes a classifier-free method for extraction of power line wires from aerial point...
COREG: a corner based registration technique for multimodal images
This paper presents a COrner based REGistration technique for multimodal images (referred to as...
Enhanced Colour Image Retrieval with Cuboid Segmentation
In this paper, we further investigate our recently proposed cuboid image segmentation algorithm...
Enhancing image registration performance by incorporating distribution and spatial distance of local descriptors
A data dependency similarity measure called mp-dissimilarity has been recently proposed. Unlike...
Enhancing the Effectiveness of Local Descriptor Based Image Matching
Image registration has received great attention from researchers over the last few decades. SIFT...
Image Clustering Using a Similarity Measure Incorporating Human Perception
Clustering similar images is an important task in image processing and computer vision. It...
Segmentation of airborne point cloud data for automatic building roof extraction
Roof plane segmentation is a complex task since point cloud data carry no connection information...
A Hybrid Data Dependent Dissimilarity Measure for Image Retrieval
In image retrieval, an effective dissimilarity (or similarity) measure is required to retrieve...
Cuboid Segmentation for Effective Image Retrieval
Region-based image retrieval has been proven to be effective in finding relevant images. In this...
Improved Kernel Descriptors for Effective and Efficient Image Classification
Kernel descriptors have been proven to outperform existing histogram based local descriptors as...
Improved Tamura Features for Image Classification Using Kernel Based Descriptors
Tamura features are based on human visual perception and have huge potential in image...
Reversible data hiding based on directional prediction and multiple histograms modification
The reversible data hiding is an emerging technology that uses the redundancy of the carrier...
An Automatic Building Extraction and Regularisation Technique Using LiDAR Point Cloud Data and Orthoimage dagger
The development of robust and accurate methods for automatic building detection and...
A New Building Mask Using the Gradient of Heights for Automatic Building Extraction
A number of building detection methods have been proposed in the literature. However, they are...
A Robust Gradient Based Method for Building Extraction from LiDAR and Photogrammetric Imagery
Existing automatic building extraction methods are not effective in extracting buildings which...
A triangulation-based technique for building boundary identification from point cloud data
Building boundary identification is an essential prerequisite in building outline generation from...
Combining Pyramid Match Kernel and Spatial Pyramid for Image Classification
This paper proposes a new approach for image classification by combining pyramid match...
Enhancing SIFT-based image registration performance by building and selecting highly discriminating descriptors
In this paper we will investigate the gradient utilization in building SIFT ( Scale Invariant...
Extracting road centrelines from binary road images by optimizing geodesic lines
Binary road images can be obtained from remotely sensed images with the aid of classification and...
Robust building roof segmentation using airborne point cloud data
Approximation of the geometric features is an essential step in point cloud segmentation and...
A novel multi-modal image registration method based on corners
Automatic building footprint extraction and regularisation from LIDAR point cloud data
Building Change Detection From Lidar Point Cloud Data Based on Connected Component
Effective and efficient contour-based corner detectors
Corner detection is an essential operation in many computer vision applications. Among the...
Fusion of LiDAR data and multispectral imagery for effective building detection based on graph and connected component analysis
Multimodal image registration technique based on improved local feature descriptors
Multimodal image registration has received significant research attention over the past decade,...
Rotation Invariant Spatial Pyramid Matching for Image Classification
Automatic building extraction from LIDAR data covering complex urban scenes
Automatic extraction of buildings in an urban region
Automatic segmentation of LiDAR point cloud data at different height levels for 3D building extraction
LiDAR segmentation using suitable seed points for 3D building extraction
An improved building detection in complex sites using the LIDAR height variation and point density
A performance review of recent corner detectors
Building roof plane extraction from LIDAR data
Detection of structural similarity for multimodal microscopic image registration
Efficient nonlinear classification via low-rank regularised least squares
We revisit the classical technique of regularised least squares (RLS) for nonlinear...
High quality Region-of-Interest coding for video conferencing based remote general practitioner training
Integration of LIDAR data and orthoimage for automatic 3D building roof plane extraction
Learning Sparse Kernel Classifiers for Multi-Instance Classification
We propose a direct approach to learning sparse kernel classifiers for multi-instance (MI)...
Maximizing structural similarity in multimodal biomedical microscopic images for effective registration
Optimizing cepstral features for audio classification
Structural image retrieval using automatic image annotation and region based inverted file
Image retrieval has lagged far behind text retrieval despite more than two decades of intensive...
The impact of global and local features on multiple sequence alignment clustering-based near-duplicate video retrieval
Achieving high multi-modal registration performance using simplified Hough-transform with improved symmetric-SIFT
A class centric feature and classifier ensemble selection approach for music genre classification
An effective method of estimating scale-invariant interest region for representing corner features
A review on automatic image annotation techniques
Nowadays, more and more images are available. However, to find a required image for an ordinary...
Comparison of curvelet and wavelet texture features for content based image retrieval
Learning sparse kernel classifiers in the primal
Performance Comparisons of Contour-Based Corner Detectors
Corner detectors have many applications in computer vision and image identification and...
Rotation Invariant Curvelet Features for Region Based Image Retrieval
There have been much interest and a large amount of research on content based image retrieval...
An effective and efficient contour-based corner detector using simple triangular theory
A Survey of Audio-Based Music Classification and Annotation
Music information retrieval (MIR) is an emerging research area that receives growing attention...
Building sparse support vector machines for multi-instance classification
We propose a direct approach to learning sparse Support Vector Machine (SVM) prediction models...
Improved spatial pyramid matching for image classification
Improved symmetric-SIFT for Multi-modal image registration
Improving SIFT's performance by incorporating appropriate gradient information
Music classification via the bag-of-features approach
A central problem in music information retrieval is audio-based music classification. Current...
On low-rank regularized least squares for scalable nonlinear classification
Texture classification using multimodal invariant Local binary pattern
A comparative study on contour-based corner detectors
Contour-based corner detectors directly or indirectly estimate a significance measure (e.g....
An enhancement to closed-form method for natural image matting
An enhancement to SIFT-based techniques for image registration
Connectivity-based shape descriptors
In this paper, we propose a method for indexing and retrieval of images based on shapes of...
Data-driven MAC for efficient transmission of spatially correlated data in WSNs
In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), nodes closer to an event are able to detect the event earlier...
GrowMatting: A GPU-based real-time interactive method for image matting
Image registration using modified local ternary pattern
Learning naive Bayes classifiers for music classification and retrieval
In this paper, we explore the use of naive Bayes classifiers for music classification and...
Novel spectral descriptor for object shape
In this paper, we propose a novel descriptor for shapes. The proposed descriptor is obtained from...
On feature combination for music classification
Region based color image retrieval using curvelet transform
Region based image retrieval has received significant attention from recent researches because it...
Spectral shape descriptor using spherical harmonics
In this paper, we discuss the problems associated with the present contention resolution...
A fast corner detector based on the chord-to-point distance accumulation technique
The previously proposed contour-based multi-scale corner detector based on the chord-to-point...
Enhanced polyphonic music genre classification using high level features
Rotation invariant curvelet features for texture image retrieval
Effective texture feature is an essential component in any content based image retrieval system....
Semantic image retrieval using region based inverted file
Image data is as common as textual data in this digital world. There is an urgent demand of image...
Spherical harmonics and distance transform for image representation and retrieval
In this paper, we have proposed a method for 2D image retrieval based on object shapes. The...
Techniques for efficient and effective transformed image identification
A geometric method to compute directionality features for texture images
An improved curvature scale-space corner detector and a robust corner matching approach for transformed image identification
There are many applications, such as image copyright protection, where transformed images of a...
A robust content-based watermarking technique
Automatic categorization of image regions using dominant color based vector quantization
This paper proposes a dominant color based vector quantization algorithm that automatically...
Complementing a region descriptor for shape retrieval
Content based image retrieval using curvelet transform
Feature extraction is a key issue in content-based image retrieval (CBIR). In the past, a number...
Corners-based composite descriptor for shapes
In this paper, a composite descriptor for shape retrieval is proposed. The composite descriptor...
Efficient and effective transformed image identification
The SIFT (scale invariant feature transform) has demonstrated its superior performance in...
Image retrieval based on semantics of intra-region color properties
Traditional image retrieval systems are content based image retrieval systems which rely on...
Music emotion annotation by machine learning
Music emotion annotation is a task of attaching emotional terms to musical works. As volume of...
Region-based image retrieval with high-level semantics using decision tree learning
Robust image corner detection based on the chord-to-point distance accumulation technique
A composite descriptor for shape retrieval
In this paper, a composite descriptor for shape retrieval has been proposed. The proposed...
An affine resilient curvature scale-space corner detector
Curvature scale-space (CSS) corner detectors look for curvature maxima or inflection points on...
A robust corner matching technique
In contour-based corner detectors, absolute curvature values of many corners either remain...
Comparison of retrieval effectiveness of different region based image representations
The choice for low level representation of images makes a significant difference in image...
Effective corner matching for transformed image identification
There are many applications, for example image copyright protection, where transformed images of...
Image indexing and retrieval based on vector quantization
To effectively utilize information stored in a digital image library, effective image indexing...
SIEVE - Search images effectively through visual elimination
Existing Web image search engines index images by textual descriptions including filename, image...
A new approach to texture retrieval
The texture retrieval approach based on Gabor filters has been shown to be very useful for...
Browsing texture image databases
Determination of Perceptual Tempo of music
Perceptual Tempo refers to listener's tempo perception as fast, moderate or slow, when he listens...
Improved perceptual tempo detection of music
Perceptual tempo refers to listener's tempo perception how fast the music goes, when he listens...
Multiresolution analysis of connectivity
Multiresolution histograms have been used for indexing and retrieval of images. Multiresolution...
Performance study of gabor filters and rotation invariant gabor filters
Gabor filters have been proven to be very useful for texture retrieval and are widely adopted (1,...
Spherical harmonics descriptor for 2D-image retrieval
In this paper, spherical harmonics are proposed as shape descriptors for 2d images. We introduce...
An efficient texture feature extraction algorithm for arbitrary-shaped regions
Effects of different Gabor Filter parameters on image retrieval by texture
Multi-scale analysis of connectivity for image retrieval
Review of shape representation and description techniques
A comparative study of curvature scale space and Fourier descriptors for shape-based image retrieval
Comparison of retrieval effectiveness of colour-based techniques on MPEG-7 common colour dataset
Evaluation of similarity measurement for image retrieval
Spatial statistics for content based image retrieval
Effects of codebook sizes, codeword dimensions, and colour spaces on retrieval performance of image retrieval using vector quantization
Shape-based image retrieval using generic Fourier descriptor
Techniques and data structures for efficient multimedia retrieval based on similarity
A comparison of shape retrieval using fourier descriptors and short-time fourier descriptors
An effective World Wide Web image search engine
An evaluation of the robustness of image retrieval based on vector quantization
Fractal-based image and video compression
Issues and technologies for supporting multimedia communications over the Internet