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Dr. Greg You

Senior Lecturer, Mining Engineering

Engineering 02


Engineering 01


Mt Helen Campus, Online


Dr Greg You specialises in geotechnical engineering and is internationally well-known in the areas of land subsidence and earth fissures due to groundwater extraction, slope stability in open cut mines, and waste containment technology for landfill.

Dr You has 20 years’ experience in engineering research and industry engagement, and is committed to providing technical services and collaboration with industry, government and the community. He has published 67 research papers and has spoken at more than 60 seminars and workshops in 13 countries since 2001. He also serves as an Editorial Board Member for Insights of Mining Science & Technology.

Before joining Federation University Australia in 2006, first as Senior Lecturer and then as Program Coordinator of Mining Engineering, Greg was Technical Manager of the Asia/Pacific Region at GSE Lining Technology Co. Ltd. He received his PhD in geotechnical engineering from the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand in 2003.

Field of Research

  • Geomechanics and resources geotechnical engineering
  • Mining engineering

Effect of Blended Online and Digital Learning and Teaching on Students Academic Performance

  • Journals

Mining Project Value Optimization

Slope stability analysis considering fully saturated poro-elasto-plasticity by an image-based scaled boundary finite element approach

Adaptive phase-field modelling of fracture propagation in poroelastic media using the scaled boundary finite element method

Brown Coal in Victoria, Australia and Maddingley Brown Coal Open Cut Mine Batter Stability

Image based probabilistic slope stability analysis of soil layer interface fluctuations with Brownian bridges

Development of the scaled boundary finite element method for image-based slope stability analysis

Simultaneous slope design optimisation and stability assessment using a genetic algorithm and a fully automatic image-based analysis

Spatially Variable Coal Slope Stability Analysis using Image-Based Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method


Characterising and Structural Review of the Rock Mass and Its Geological Structures at Open Pit Mine in Queensland-Australia

Rock characterisation is important to the feasibility of the Handlebar Hill open cut mine at Mt...

Rainfall affected stability analysis of Maddingley Brown Coal eastern batter using Plaxis 3D

Rainfall is a common factor that triggers the instability of Victorian Brown Coal (VBC) open pits...

Statistical analysis the characteristics of extraordinarily severe coal mine accidents (ESCMAs) in China from 1950 to 2018

Extraordinarily severe coal mine accidents (ESCMAs) are characteristized by thirty fatalities or...

Study on the stability of brown coal batter with opened cracks on Maddingley brown coal mine

After a 26-mm precipitation in February 2014, noticeable ground movements were recorded on the...

Analysis of a Combined Circular–Toppling Slope Failure in an Open–Pit

Most studies of rock slope failures on open–pit mines have considered either toppling or circular...

Causation Analysis of Risk Coupling of Gas Explosion Accident in Chinese Underground Coal Mines

The coal mine production industry is a complex sociotechnical system with interactive...

Effect of Cross-sectional Shape on Pillar Strength

Pillars of different cross-sectional shapes are widely used in civil and mining engineering. Are...

  • Conference Proceedings

Effect of faults on stability of partially saturated rock slope

The effect of three faults on the slope stability was studied for the Stage 1 open pit in an open...

  • Conference Proceedings

Modelling and Analyses of Rock Bridge Fracture and Step-Path Failure in Open-Pit Mine Rock Slope

Rock Bridge fracturing and coalescence with pre-existing discontinuities in rock mass due to the...

Rainfall induced deformation behavior of cracks on brown coal open pit batter in Australia

After a 26mm rainfall in 24 hours, noticeable ground movements were observed on the north batter...

  • Conference Proceedings

Sensitivity Analysis, Determination and Optimization of Granite RHT Parameters

The RHT model has 34 parameters, among which 19 parameters can be obtained by experiments or...

Cracking Mechanism Along the North Batter of Maddingley Brown Coal Open Pit Mine, Victoria, Australia

Cracks manifested on the north batter at Maddingley Brown Coal Open Pit Mine, Victoria, Australia...

Finite element analysis of rock slope stability using shear strength reduction method

Finite element analysis incorporating the shear strength reduction method was applied to study...

Focusing on the patterns and characteristics of extraordinarily severe gas explosion accidents in Chinese coal mines

Extraordinarily severe gas explosion accidents (ESGEAs) (thirty fatalities or more in one...

Reliability analysis of shear strength parameters of rock mass derived using the Hoek-Brown criterion

Determining the mechanical parameters of a rock mass is a difficult but crucial matter in studies...

  • Journals

Shallow Seismic Investigation of Yangtze River Fault at Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, China

Debates on the Yangtze River Fault at Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, China have lasted for a long...

Stability study on the northern batter of MBC Open Pit using Plaxis 3D

Cracks appeared on the northern batter at Maddingley Brown Coal Open Pit Mine, Victoria,...

Land rebound after banning deep groundwater extraction in Changzhou, China

More than 30 years groundwater overdraft had resulted in hydraulic head declined from near the...

Earth Fissures in Su-Xi-Chang Region, Jiangsu, China

The earth fissures in the Su-Xi-Chang area are caused by differential land subsidence due to...

Earth Fissuring Due to Groundwater Extraction in Henglin, Changzhou, China

  • Conference Proceedings

Investigations of Changjing earth fissures, Jiangyin, Jiangsu, China

Fissuring of the earth began at Changjing, Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province, in 1995. The earth...

Kinematic assessment of slopes at handlebar hill open cut mine, Mt. Isa, Queensland, Australia

A complete kinematic analysis was conducted for the west slope at the Handlebar Hill mine using...

  • Journals

Mining and the environment

  • Book Chapters

Optimization of the catch bench design using a genetic algorithm

Rockfalls are one of the hazards that may be associated with open pit mining. The majority of...

Probabilistic slope stability analysis of open pit mine using Slide 6.0

  • Conference Proceedings

Experimental study on the time-dependent dynamic mechanical behaviour of C60 concrete under high-temperatures

Slope stability and rockfall Hazard analysis in open pit zinc mine

Rockfalls are a major safety hazard in open cut mines, particularly in large-scale deep pits. The...

  • Journals

Earth fissures in Jiangsu Province, China and geological investigation of Hetang earth fissure

Earth fissures are a geohazard in Jiangsu Province, China. They can be caused by earthquakes and...

Large differential land subsidence and earth fissures in Jiangyin, China

The harnessing of peptide-monolith constructs for single step plasmid DNA purification

The availability of synthetic peptides has paved the way for their use in tailor-made...

Earth fissures triggered by groundwater withdrawal and coupled by geological structures in Jiangsu Province, China

Long-term land subsidence and strata compression in Changzhou, China

Investigation on the Nanjing Gypsum Mine flooding

Nanjing Gypsum Mine, or NGM, is encountering some engineering challenges in deep underground...

  • Conference Proceedings

Linear Low Density Polyethylene Geomembrane for Landfills

  • Book

Behaviour of micropile foundations under inclined loads in laboratory tests

  • Journals

Advantages of the spray-on textured high density polyethylene geomembrane in a sanitary landfill

  • Conference Proceedings

Density polyethylene geomembrane for landfills

  • Book

Mechanism of bearing capacity of spread footings reinforced with micropiles

  • Journals

HDPE geomembrane: A cost-effective liner for shrimp farms

  • Conference Proceedings

Application of HDPE geomembranes in landfills around Three Gorges Reservoir in China

  • Conference Proceedings

Design of the impervious barrier system of hazardous waste landfill

  • Journals

Landfill lining practices in Thailand

  • Conference Proceedings

The lining system design for hazardous wast landfills

  • Conference Proceedings

Aquaculture lining system of HDPE geomembranes

  • Conference Proceedings

Floating cover for manure ponds

  • Journals

Geomembrane liner system in waste containments

  • Conference Proceedings

Polyethylene geomembrane liners in containment applications

  • Conference Proceedings

Some problems in the applications of geosynthetics in landfills

  • Conference Proceedings

Anisotropic mechanical characteristics of soft rock subjected to folding action

  • Conference Proceedings

Field loading tests on the footing reinforced with prestressed micropiles

  • Conference Proceedings

Model loading tests on the footing reinforced with prestressed micropiles

  • Conference Proceedings