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Mr. Grant Meredith

Partner Academic Lead, Information Technology

Information Technology - GPS


Information Technology 01


Mt Helen Campus, Online


Dr Grant Meredith’s passion for helping people in need led him to launch and establish the Technologies for Empowering People for Participation in Society (TEPPS) research program.

TEPPS is a highly applied and socially engaged research team that envisages, creates, trials and implements assertive technologies designed to encourage self-directed and proactive positive life changes. Through TEPPS, Dr Meredith has developed a number of free software systems for people with special needs, including the online social simulator Scenari-Aid, which enables people to desensitise themselves to commonly feared social settings and practise different forms of speech therapy.

Grant’s research interests in information technology encompass assertive technologies, technology accessibility, disability, emerging technologies and educational inclusion. He holds a PhD from Federation University Australia, where he has been Lecturer of Multimedia & Computer Games since 2008.

Children's Perceived Ease of Use of a Projected Augmented Reality Game Designed for Balance and Coordination Training

DeepCSS: severity classification for code smell based on deep learning

Move method refactoring recommendation based on deep learning and LLM-generated information

Agile Backward Design: A Framework for planning higher education curriculum

Consistency Checking for Refactoring from Coarse-grained locks to Fine-grained locks

Is Doctor Google our Best Choice for Healthcare Information Recommendations? A Duty of Care to Improve Processes

Research Partners with Lived Experience: Stories from Patients and Survivors

To Be, or Not to Be, that Is the Question: Stuttering Into Academia

The Use of an Interactive Social Simulation Tool for Adults Who Stutter: A Pilot Study

Academic and Video Game Industry "Divide"

  • Dictionary/Encyclopaedia

Understanding the gap between academics and game developers: An analysis of gamasutra blogs

  • Conference Proceedings

Motivational Factors of Australian Mobile Gamers

Mobile games are a fast growing industry, overtaking all other video game platforms with year on...

Coming Together in Collaboration: Elephants, Canyons and Umbrellas in the Stammering Community

  • Book Chapters

Fostering a culture of pride.

A popular saying exists with many variations which states that “Pride goes before a fall�....

  • Conference Proceedings

A World that Understands

The purpose of this paper is to outline the challenges that the Speech and Language profession...

  • Conference Proceedings

The experiences of university students who stutter: A quantitative and qualitative study

Traversing the undulating experience of a university degree can be an emotional journey for many...

The perceived benefits of video-based simulation for people who stutter

Use of Scenari-Aid to aid maintenance of stuttering therapy outcomes

Acceptance and the rise of pride

  • Conference Proceedings

Rhetoric and reality: Critical perspectives on education in a 3D virtual world

Digital possibilities and ethical considerations: Speech-language pathologists and the web

  • Journals

Virtual worlds in Australian and New Zealand higher education: Remembering the past, Understanding the present and imagining the future

  • Conference Proceedings

Customer decision making in web services with an integrated P6 model

Stuttering, disability and the higher education sector in Australia

The aim of this study was to ascertain the extent to which Australian public universities and...

Stuttering Support and Nursing Education: Two Case Studies in Second Life

  • Book Chapters

Sustaining the future through virtual worlds

  • Conference Proceedings

Taming the Devil: A game based approach to teaching immunology

  • Conference Proceedings

TEA: A generic framework for decision making in web services

  • Journals

Understanding novice programmers: Their perceptions and motivations

  • Conference Proceedings

Virtual worlds: Not the final frontier for games-based nursing education

  • Conference Proceedings

Enhancing tertiary healthcare education through 3D MUVE-based simulations

This chapter focuses specifically on the use of three-dimensional multi-user virtual environments...

How are Australian higher education institutions contributing to change through innovative teaching and learning in virtual worlds?

  • Conference Proceedings


Copyright 2011. Published by Elsevier Inc.UNLABELLED: The World Wide Web (WWW) was 20 years old...

Technology and the evolution of clinical methods for stuttering

The World Wide Web (WWW) was 20 years old last year. Enormous amounts of information about...

C6: A holistic model for decision making in web services

  • Conference Proceedings

Are Universities Stammering Over Stuttering?

  • Conference Proceedings

To Video Conference or Not to Video conference

  • Conference Proceedings