Dr Gour C. Karmakar is a Senior Lecturer at Federation University Australia, specialising in multimedia signal processing, big data analytics, Internet of Things (IoT), and cybersecurity, including trustworthiness measures.
Dr Karmakar is currently undertaking a number of industry-funded projects with partners. These include looking at spam email categorisation with Oceania Cyber Security Centre and Westpac Bank, investigating numerical control algorithms for the truck of the future with APRINTERN and MaxiTRANS, and a research grant scheme exploring water quality monitoring through the IoT.
Gour is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, has published over 153 peer-reviewed research papers, and in 2011 received a prestigious ARC linkage grant. He has successfully supervised 14 PhD and four Masters by research projects. In 2007, Gour was nominated for the best researcher at Monash University’s Gippsland Campus (now Federation University), from which he obtained his PhD in information technology in 2003.
Enhancing IoT security: Assessing instantaneous communication trust to detect man-in-the-middle attacks
Assessment of IIoT Sensor Security Vulnerabilities in Digital Wine Manufacturing Leveraging the CVSS
Energy Conservation in Passive Optical Networks: A Tutorial and Survey
Sensor Self-Declaration of Numeric Data Reliability in Internet of Things
Trustworthiness of IoT Images Leveraging with Other Modal Sensor's Data
An Evidence Theoretic Approach for Traffic Signal Intrusion Detection
A Robust Local Texture Descriptor in the Parametric Space of the Weibull Distribution
Blended Ensemble Learning for Robust MITM Attack Detection and Classification in Smart Grid
Critical Data Detection for Dynamically Adjustable Product Quality in IIoT-Enabled Manufacturing
Decentralized content sharing in mobile ad-hoc networks: A survey
Deep learning: survey of environmental and camera impacts on internet of things images
Detecting Fake News of Evolving Events using Machine Learning: Case of Russia-Ukraine War
Detecting Fake News of Evolving Events using Machine Learning: Case of Russia-Ukraine War
Dynamic Trust Boundary Identification for the Secure Communications of the Entities via 6G
Impact of Traditional and Embedded Image Denoising on CNN-Based Deep Learning
Maintenance and asset management practices of industrial assets: importance of tribological practices and digital tools
Obfuscated Memory Malware Detection in Resource-Constrained IoT Devices for Smart City Applications
Software-Defined Access Control in Smart Grids
Whose Data are Reliable: Sensor Declared Data Reliability
A Reliable Image Quality Assessment Metric: Evaluation Using Camera Impacts
Exploring Human Mobility for Multi-Pattern Passenger Prediction: A Graph Learning Framework
Green Demand Aware Fog Computing: A Prediction-Based Dynamic Resource Provisioning Approach
Identification of Fake News: A Semantic Driven Technique for Transfer Domain
Image Quality Assessment Metric Fusing Traditional and Dempster-Shafer Theory
Security of Internet of Things Devices: Ethical Hacking a Drone and its Mitigation Strategies
A Smart Priority-Based Traffic Control System for Emergency Vehicles
Unwanted events on roads, such as incidents and increased traffic jams, can cause human lives and...
Assessing Trust Level of a Driverless Car Using Deep Learning
The increasing adoption of driverless cars already providing a shift to move away from...
How Much i Can Rely on You: Measuring Trustworthiness of a Twitter User
Trustworthiness in an online environment is essential because individuals and organizations can...
Trustworthiness of Self-Driving Vehicles for Intelligent Transportation Systems in Industry Applications
To enhance industrial production and automation, rapid and faster transportation of raw materials...
An Enhanced Local Texture Descriptor for Image Segmentation
Texture is an indispensable property to develop many vision based autonomous applications....
A robust forgery detection method for copy–move and splicing attacks in images
Internet of Things (IoT) image sensors, social media, and smartphones generate huge volumes of...
A survey on context awareness in big data analytics for business applications
The concept of context awareness has been in existence since the 1990s. Though initially applied...
Attacks on self-driving cars and their countermeasures: A survey
Intelligent Traffic Systems (ITS) are currently evolving in the form of a cooperative ITS or...
IoT Sensor Numerical Data Trust Model Using Temporal Correlation
Internet of Things (IoT) applications are increasingly being adopted for innovative and...
Low-Power Wide-Area Networks: Design Goals, Architecture, Suitability to Use Cases and Research Challenges
Previous survey articles on Low-Powered Wide-Area Networks (LPWANs) lack a systematic analysis of...
Pre-trained Language Models with Limited Data for Intent Classification
Intent analysis is capturing the attention of both the industry and academia due to its...
A dynamic content distribution scheme for decentralized sharing in tourist hotspots
Decentralized content sharing (DCS) is emerging as a suitable platform for smart mobile device...
Assessing transformer oil quality using deep convolutional networks
Electrical power grids comprise a significantly large number of transformers that interconnect...
Hierarchical Colour Image Segmentation by Leveraging RGB Channels Independently
In this paper, we introduce a hierarchical colour image segmentation based on cuboid partitioning...
Measuring trustworthiness of IoT image sensor data using other sensors' complementary multimodal data
Trust of image sensor data is becoming increasingly important as the Internet of Things (IoT)...
Opinion Formation in Online Social Networks: Exploiting Predisposition, Interaction, and Credibility
The challenging but intriguing problem of modeling opinion formation dynamics in online social...
Reverse engineering genetic networks using nonlinear saturation kinetics
A gene regulatory network (GRN) represents a set of genes along with their regulatory...
The Co-Evolution of Cloud and IoT Applications: Recent and Future Trends
Internet of things (IoT) is developed to enhance easy communication by creating a large network...
Trusted autonomous vehicle: Measuring trust using on-board unit data
Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) play an essential role in ensuring safe, reliable and faster...
Acoustic sensor networks in the Internet of Things applications
Recent advancements in acoustic sensing and electronics technologies offer enormous opportunities...
An efficient data delivery mechanism for AUV-based Ad hoc UASNs
Existing 3D Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (UASNs) are either fixed having nodes anchored...
Cuboid Colour Image Segmentation using Intuitive Distance Measure
In this paper, an improved algorithm for cuboid image segmentation is proposed. To address the...
Detecting intrusion in the traffic signals of an intelligent traffic system
Traffic systems and signals are used to improve traffic flow, reduce congestion, increase travel...
Detecting Splicing and Copy-Move Attacks in Color Images
Image sensors are generating limitless digital images every day. Image forgery like splicing and...
Influence of clustering on the opinion formation dynamics in online social networks
With the advent of Online Social Networks (OSNs), opinion formation dynamics continuously...
Integrated Trauma Management System
Trauma has a huge impact on the society and the economy. Large distances between the various...
Large scale modeling of genetic networks using gene knockout data
Gene regulatory network (GRN) represents a set of genes and their regulatory interactions. The...
Modelling majority and expert influences on opinion formation in online social networks
Two most important social influences that shape the opinion formation process are: (i) the...
Passive detection of splicing and copy-move attacks in image forgery
Internet of Things (IoT) image sensors for surveillance and monitoring, digital cameras, smart...
PCA based population generation for genetic network optimization
A gene regulatory network (GRN) represents a set of genes and its regulatory interactions. The...
Significance level of a big data query by exploiting business processes and strategies
Querying data is one of the most frequent activities in business organisations. The tasks...
A rule based inference model to establish strategy-process relationship
An effective relationship between business processes and their relevant strategies helps...
Decentralized content sharing among tourists in visiting hotspots
Content sharing with smart mobile devices using decentralized approach enables users to share...
Dynamically controlling exterior and interior window coverings through IoT for environmental friendly smart homes
Energy saving using smart home is of paramount importance to reduce heating and cooling energy...
Dynamic content distribution for decentralized sharing in tourist spots using demand and supply
Decentralized content sharing (DCS) is emerging as an important platform for sharing contents...
Exclusive Use Spectrum Access Trading Models in Cognitive Radio Networks: A Survey
Spectrum frequency is a valuable resource for wireless communication but very limited in its...
Exploiting Evolving Trust Relationships in the Modelling of Opinion Formation Dynamics in Online Social Networks
Mass participation of the members of a society in discussions to resolve issues related to a...
Significance level of a query for enterprise data
To operate enterprise activities, a large number of queries need to be processed every day...
Survey of recent cyber security attacks on robotic systems and their mitigation approaches
With the rapid expansion of digital media and the advancement of the artificial intelligence,...
Carry me if you can: A utility based forwarding scheme for content sharing in tourist destinations
Message forwarding is an integral part of the decentralized content sharing process as the...
Exploiting temporal genetic correlations for enhancing regulatory network optimization
PRADD: A path reliability-aware data delivery protocol for underwater acoustic sensor networks
Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (UASNs) are becoming increasingly promising to monitor...
Who are convincing? An experience based opinion formation dynamics in online social networks
Online social network (OSN) is one of the major platforms where our opinions are formed...
A comprehensive spectrum trading scheme based on market competition, reputation and buyer specific requirements
In the exclusive-use model of spectrum trading, cognitive radio devices or secondary users can...
Business context in big data analytics
Consistency driven opinion formation modelling in presence of external sources
Content exchange among mobile tourists using users' interest and place-centric activities
Content sharing among visitors with irregular movement patterns in visiting hotspots
Decoupled modeling of gene regulatory networks using Michaelis-Menten kinetics
Gene regulatory network inference using Michaelis-Menten kinetics
MPDF: Movement predicted data forwarding protocol for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks
Opinion formation dynamics under the combined influences of majority and experts
An adaptive approach to opportunistic data forwarding in underwater acoustic sensor networks
Dynamic adjustment of sensing range for event coverage in wireless sensor networks
One primary goal of sensor networks is to guarantee robust and accurate event detection while...
Reputation and User Requirement Based Price Modeling for Dynamic Spectrum Access
Secondary service providers can buy spectrum resources from primary service providers for a short...
An opportunistic message forwarding protocol for underwater acoustic sensor networks
Energy-Aware Thermal Comfort-Band Maintenance Scheduling under Peak Power Constraint
Peak energy consumption has impact on upfront capital costs and hence on energy tariffs. Reducing...
Object analysis with visual sensors and RFID
Object analysis using visual sensors is one of the most important and challenging issues in...
Delay-aware query routing tree for wireless sensor networks
Joint optimization of number and allocation of clusters for wireless sensor networks
Priority sensitive event detection in hybrid wireless sensor networks
Realistic pricing modeling for dynamic spectrum access network
Security and privacy in RFID systems
Sliding-Window Designs for Vertex-Based Shape Coding
Traditionally the sliding window (SW) has been employed in vertex-based operational rate...
Dynamic bandwidth access to cognitive radio ad hoc networks through pricing modeling
Dynamic event coverage in hybrid wireless sensor networks
Geometric Distortion Measurement for Shape Coding: A Contemporary Review
Geometric distortion measurement and the associated metrics involved are integral to the Rate...
Hybrid in-network query processing framework for wireless sensor networks
Maximizing the concurrent transmissions in cognitive radio ad hoc networks
Optimum clusters for reliable and energy efficient wireless sensor networks
QoS support in event detection in WSN through optimal k-coverage
Quality adjustable query processing framework for wireless sensor networks
A contender-aware backoff algorithm for CSMA based MAC protocol for wireless sensor network
Existing contention based nonpersistent medium access control protocols in Wireless Sensor...
An environment-aware mobility model for wireless ad hoc network
Simulation is a cost effective, fast and flexible alternative to test-beds or practical...
A trade-off between reliability and energy efficiency for inter-cluster communication in wireless sensor networks
Cluster heads (CHs) form the backbone of the crucial inter-cluster communication for wireless...
Bezier curve-based generic shape encoder
Detection and separation of generic-shaped objects by fuzzy clustering
Purpose – Existing shapebased fuzzy clustering algorithms are all designed to explicitly...
Optimal reliable and energy aware inter-cluster communication in wireless sensor networks
Inter-cluster communication technique is drawing immense research interest in recent wireless...
QoS-centric collision window shaping for CSMA-CA MAC protocol
Collision Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) has been preferred to Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)...
Reliable and energy efficient backup clustering scheme for wireless sensor networks
Hierarchical adaptive location service protocol for mobile ad hoc network
Predicting mobile tourists
Predicting protein protein interfaces as clusters of Optimal Docking Area points
Dynamic Bezier curves for variable rate-distortion
Fuzzy clustering for image segmentation using generic shape information
Geographic constraint mobility model for ad hoc network
Image-dependent spatial shape-error concealment
Introduction to mobile multimedia communications
Quasi-Bezier curves integrating localised information
Texture as pixel feature for video object segmentation
Video coding for mobile communications
Bezier curve-based character descriptor considering shape information
While a Bezier curve (BC)-based character descriptor calculates the control points (CPs), it does...
New dynamic enhancements to the vertex-based rate-distortion optimal shape coding framework
Existing vertex-based operational rate-distortion (ORD) optimal shape coding algorithms use a...
Accurate distortion measurement for generic shape coding
This paper addresses a fundamental limitation of the existing distortion measures embedded in...
Variable width admissible control point band for vertex based operational-rate-distortion optimal shape coding algorithms
Existing vertex-based operational-rate-distortion (ORD) optimal shape coding algorithms use a...
A dynamic bezier curve model
Bezier curves (BC) are fundamental to a wide range of applications from computer-aided design...
A generic shape descriptor using Bezier curves
Bezier curves are robust tool for a wide array of applications ranging from computer-aided design...
An improved shape descriptor using bezier curves
Existing shape description techniques using Bezier curves do not adequately consider the domain...
A novel half-way shifting Bezier curve model
Bezier curves can cause a considerable gap to occur between the approximation curve and its...
Enhanced bezier curve models incorporating local information
The Bezier curve is fundamental to many challenging and practical applications, ranging from...
Passive source localization using power spectral analysis and decision fusion in wireless distributed sensor networks
Source localization is a challenging issue for multisensor multitarget detection, tracking and...
A generic fuzzy rule based image segmentation algorithm
Image segmentation using modified extended fuzzy rules
Object based image ranking using neural networks