Dr George Van Doorn is a Senior Lecturer in psychology at Federation University Australia. Dr Van Doorn has expertise in perception (e.g. the influence of colour on taste perception) and hegemonic masculinity (popularised as toxic masculinity).
George maintains a strong research program in the areas of perception, personality, and other areas of psychology. He collaborates with several national and international researchers, and has more than 60 research articles. George has given several presentations at national and international conferences, primary and secondary schools, and in the media. His work has been featured in the Distortions of Perception chapter of the eighth edition of the Victorian Certificate of Education Units 1 and 2 Psychology book for Year 11.
George is Academic Editor of the peer-reviewed scientific journal PLoS ONE. He has supervised over 20 research projects to completion.
Adverse childhood experiences and infidelity: The mediating roles of anxious and avoidant attachment styles
Childhood abuse and prodromal psychosis: the mediating roles of grandiose and vulnerable narcissism
Development of an online skills training platform for autistics adults: A participatory approach
From Successful Ageing to Ageing Well: A narrative review
High (in)fidelity: gender, the Dark Tetrad, and infidelity
The influence of Adverse and Positive Childhood Experiences on facets of empathy
Playing Dead: The Depiction and Mistreatment of Animals in Video Games
Prospective associations between traditional masculinity and cannabis, hard drug, and alcohol use in Australian emerging adult men
Victims of Hate Crime in Rural Communities
Vulnerable dark traits mediate the association between childhood adversity and suicidal ideation
Visual communication via the design of food and beverage packaging
A preliminary investigation of the effect of ethical labeling and moral self-image on the expected and perceived flavor and aroma of beer
Ethical labelling has been shown to influence taste/flavour perception. Across two experiments,...
Daddy issues: Friends rather than fathers influence adult men's hegemonic masculinity
Hegemonic masculinity often refers to negative and socially aversive traits and behaviours...
Dark Triad traits as predictors of adherence to traditional masculine norms in men
Hegemonic masculinity, gender, and social distance: the mediating role of perceived dangerousness
Given the aggressive behaviours and negative attitudes associated with hegemonic masculinity, and...
Prospective associations between hegemonic masculinity and incident depression/depressive symptoms: Results from a national sample of Australian emerging adult men
Emerging adulthood is associated with several freedoms and opportunities, but is also a period of...
Dominance or deceit: The role of the Dark Triad and hegemonic masculinity in emotional manipulation
People may emotionally manipulate others in an attempt to control them and achieve personally...
Happy Hour? A Preliminary Study of the Effect of Induced Joviality and Sadness on Beer Perception
Our emotions influence our perception. In order to determine whether emotion influences the...
Modes of Delivering Psychotherapy: Investigating Technology
The influence of training and expertise on the multisensory perception of beer: A review
This review critically evaluates the literature documenting the impact of training on people's...
Bayes, time perception, and relativity: The central role of hopelessness
Time judgement and time experience are distinct elements of time perception. It is known that...
Emotional Awareness and Decision-Making in the Context of Computer-Mediated Psychotherapy
Emotional awareness has been previously investigated among clinicians. In this work, we bring to...
Longitudinal association between social anxiety disorder and incident alcohol use disorder: results from two national samples of US adults
This study assessed the association between subclinical social fears and a 12-month diagnosis of...
Masculinity might be more toxic than we think: The influence of gender roles on trait emotional manipulation
Previous research has established sex differences in emotional manipulation; specifically, men...
Systema Temporis: A time-based dimensional framework for consciousness and cognition
This study uses a combined categorical-dimensional approach to depict a hierarchical framework...
The visual appearance of beer: A review concerning visually-determined expectations and their consequences for perception
This review critically evaluates the literature concerning the impact of visual appearance cues...
Time dilation and acceleration in depression
Background: A recent meta-analysis left open a significant question regarding altered time...
Down the rabbit hole: assessing the influence of schizotypy on the experience of the Barbie Doll Illusion
Introduction: “Body swapping� illusions have been used to explore factors contributing to the...
Factor Structure of Teacher Ratings of the ODD Symptoms in Children
This study used confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to determine the best model for Oppositional...
Netflix and Chill? What Sex Differences Can Tell Us About Mate Preferences in (Hypothetical) Booty-Call Relationships
The booty-call relationship is defined by both sexual characteristics and emotional involvement....
The effect of schizotypy on the relationship between women's red clothing and perceived sexual interest
Objective: Red may increase perceptions of sexual intent and the sexual attractiveness of women....
The Pepsi Paradox: A review
The Pepsi Paradox refers to the observation that Pepsi is preferred to Coke in blind taste tests,...
Cloninger's personality dimensions and ADHD: A meta-analytic review
A meta-analysis of up to 20 datasets is reported that examined the relationships between...
Does the shape of a cup influence coffee taste expectations? A cross-cultural, online study
We report a study designed to investigate whether shape-taste crossmodal correspondences would...
Does the shape of the drinking receptacle influence taste/flavour perception? A review.
In this review, we summarize the latest evidence demonstrating that the shape and feel of the...
Emotionality in Computer-Mediated Environments: Analyzing the Emotional Content of Psychotherapeutic Communication
The present study aimed to investigate the ability of psychotherapists to decipher emotional...
Glass shape influences the flavour of beer
It is often said that our perception of wine varies as a function of the receptacle in which it...
Modes of Delivering Psychotherapy: Investigating Technology
The ubiquity of telecommunications technologies and the internet facilitates offering different...
Is J the new K? Initial letters and brand names
According to the marketing literature on sound symbolism, "K'' is overrepresented as the initial...
Attenuated self-tickle sensation even under trajectory perturbation
The efference copy account of the tickle effect (i.e., our inability to tickle ourselves)...
Decoupling of Haptic Components Suggests that Somatosensory Percepts are Differentially Processed in Working Memory
Latte Art Influences both the Expected and Rated Value of Milk-Based Coffee Drinks
The present study investigated whether consumers' expectations and perceptions concerning...
Stress Associated with Commencing University: A Comparison of Metropolitan and Rural and Regional Students
Can you tickle yourself if you swap bodies with someone else?
The effect of the body transfer illusion on the perceived strength of self- and...
Colour-Temperature Correspondences: When Reactions to Thermal Stimuli Are Influenced by Colour
In our daily lives, information concerning temperature is often provided by means of colour cues,...
Does the colour of the mug influence the taste of the coffee?
A reverse horizontal-vertical illusion? Auditory length perception and its relevance to virtual environments
Biases in visuo-haptic matching of curvature
Can we really talk to dead people? Comment on Ferreira (2013)
Face to facebook: social media and the learning and teaching potential of symmetrical, sychronous communication
Fitting a bionic eye to the body: How haptics can help
The function of any visual prosthetic will be to generate patterned stimulation of the visual...
Floating sensations prior to sleep and out-of-body experiences
Research suggests that a sensation of floating prior to sleep may be indicative of several...
Illusory Upward Self-Motion Results in a Decrease in Perceived Room Temperature
Purpose: Stationary observers often experience illusory self-motion (vection) when they are...
Touch Can Be as Accurate as Passively-Guided Kinaesthesis in Length Perception
Two experiments were designed to investigate the contribution of touch and kinaesthesis to haptic...
Using traditional horizontal-vertical illusion figures and single lines to directly compare haptics and vision
Auditory hallucinations predict likelihood of out-of-body experience
Capture of kinesthesis by a competing cutaneous input
In four experiments, blindfolded participants were presented with pairs of stimuli...
Cognitive load can explain differences in active and passive touch
Cognitive Load Can Explain Differences in Active and Passive Touch
Active touch is often described as yielding “better-quality” information than passive touch....
Cutaneous inputs yield judgments of line length that are equal to, or better than, those based on kinesthetic inputs
Direct comparison of the haptic and visual horizontal-vertical illusions using traditional figures and single lines
Research note: Induced out-of-body experiences are associated with a sensation of leaving the body
Individuals who have had an out-of-body experience (OBE) report that the centre of their...
Supraliminal vibrotactile stimulation does not facilitate visual vection
The inability of supraliminal tactile stimuli to influence illusory self-motion
The misperception of length in vision, haptics and audition
The more they move the less they know: Cutaneous capture of kinesthesis?
A precision-of-information explanation of sensory dominance
Subjects identified letters or judged the sizes of squares presented visually and/or haptically....
Red is no Warmer than Blue: A Challenge to the Semantic Coding Hypothesis
Haptics can 'lend a hand' to a bionic eye
Here we argue that haptics (touch and kinaesthesis) can play a key role in the development of a...
Visual and haptic influence on perception of stimulus size
In six experiments, subjects judged the sizes of squares that were presented visually and/or...
Adding thermal information to multisensory input in simulated environments
The importance of temperature information in virtual training environments
The effectiveness of an ecodrive course for heavy vehicle drivers
Active and Passive Movements Give Rise to Different Judgments of Coldness
Active versus passive touch in three dimensions
Haptic and visual size judgements in virtual and real environments
Looking through a fingertip
Modification of magnitude estimations in thermotactile perception during self-generated and externally generated movements
Fourteen participants felt a 'cold' stimulus move across a fingertip. When movement was...