Garry Falloon is Research Professor of Education in the Institute of Education, Arts and Community at Federation University (Mt. Helen) and Honorary Professor in the School of Education at Macquarie University (Sydney). Before joining Federation in March 2023, he was Professor of Education and Director of International Engagement in the Macquarie University School of Education in Sydney, NSW (2017-2023) and Associate Professor and Professor of Digital Learning in the Faculty of Education at Waikato University in Hamilton, New Zealand (2010-2017). His background includes 22 years teaching and leadership of primary and secondary schools in New Zealand, Education Foundation Manager at Telecom New Zealand, working with Microsoft in the Partners in Learning and Digital Learning Object projects, and as project lead for the New Zealand Government’s $10m Digital Opportunities Project. His research interests are STEM-focused and include mobile learning, digital learning in primary and middle schools, online and blended learning, curriculum design, pedagogy and assessment in digitally-supported innovative learning environments, learning in primary science and technology, and educational research methods. Currently he is CI for the ARC Discovery Project: Coding Animated Narratives as Contemporary Multimodal Authorship in Schools, and was previously the NSW lead for the Commonwealth Government’s Principals as STEM Leaders (PASL) project. Garry has served on numerous advisory and writing panels for eLearning policy and curriculum development, industry and sector advisory boards, and the NZ Prime Minister's Panel of Experts for Digital Learning.
Learning contexts and visions for STEM in schools
Advancing young students' computational thinking: An investigation of structured curriculum in early years primary schooling
An exploration of online technoliteracy capability teaching and learning in early years classrooms
A self-determination theory approach to teacher digital competence development
Imagined Communities of Chinese International Graduates in Australia and New Zealand
Integrating coding across the curriculum: a scoping review
Investigating Pedagogical, Technological And School Factors Underpinning Effective ‘Critical Thinking Curricular’ In K-6 Education
Moving beyond the rhetoric: integrating coding into the English curriculum in Australian primary schools
Using Learning Analytics to Understand K–12 Learner Behavior in Online Video-Based Learning
An analysis of the nature of young students' STEM learning in 3D technology-enhanced makerspaces
Coding across the curriculum: challenges for non-specialist teachers
Educational leaders' perceptions of STEM education revealed by their drawings and texts
How can STEM education be visualised?
The Search for Computer Science Concepts in Coding Animated Narratives: Tensions and Opportunities
Twelve years of iPads and apps in schools: What conditions support effective practices in K-6 classrooms?
Understanding the translingual practices among international students in multilingual cities
Principal Leadership and Proximal Processes in Creating STEM Ecosystems: An Australian Case Study
Problem solved, but how? An exploratory study into students’ problem solving processes in creative coding tasks
Shaping science, technology, engineering and mathematics curriculum in Australian schools: An ecological systems analysis
STEM in the Making? Investigating STEM Learning in Junior School Makerspaces
Teaching the history and philosophy of early childhood education with virtual reality
The Influence of Grouping on Young Students’ Learning While Coding: An Analysis of Talk in Different Pair Arrangements
What is the nature of STEM learning in junior school Makerspaces? a cross-case analysis
An Analysis of the Nature of Young Students' STEM Learning in 3D Technology-Enhanced Makerspaces
Building STEM in Schools: An Australian Cross-case Analysis
Enacting a Vision: One School's Transition to Becoming an ILE
What are languages worth? Community languages for the future of New South Wales 2021, 2nd edition
Young children's design thinking skills in makerspaces
Children’s views on making and designing
From digital literacy to digital competence: the teacher digital competency (TDC) framework
From simulations to real: Investigating young students’ learning and transfer from simulations to real tasks
Makerspaces pedagogy–supports and constraints during 3D design and 3D printing activities in primary schools
New Zealand’s ICT-In-Education Development (1990–2018)
The Problem of Perception: Challenging Students’ Views of Science and Scientists through School-Scientist Partnerships
Understanding K-12 STEM Education: a Framework for Developing STEM Literacy
Using Animated Simulations to Support Young Students’ Science Learning
By design: Professional learning ecologies to develop primary school teachers’ makerspaces pedagogical capabilities
The pros and cons of using display capture technology for data collection with young children
The Routledge International Handbook of Learning with Technology in Early Childhood
Using simulations to teach young students science concepts: An Experiential Learning theoretical analysis
What are languages worth? Community languages for the future of New South Wales
Assessing the impact of educational technology (ICT) in the classroom- Broadening our view
Exploring the Potential: What works and what doesn't with digital learning objects
High impact learning and teaching using 3D design and 3D printing in primary school makerspaces
iPad apps and visual methodologies: Empirical and ethical issues in achieving authentic data
Makerspaces in Primary School Settings: advancing 21st century and STEM capabilities using 3D Design and 3D Printing
Researching students across spaces and places: capturing digital data ‘on the go’
Seven Years of Research: What We've Learned About Young Children and Mobile Devices at Schools
Apps, technology and younger learners : international evidence for teaching
Exploring student thinking, problem solving, and collaboration in iPad-supported learning environments
iPads, apps and student thinking skill development
Mobile Devices and Apps as Scaffolds to Science Learning in the Primary Classroom
Teacher Transition Between Year Levels: An argument for professional learning
Using apps as digital scaffolds for science learning in the primary school
Using qualitative data analysis tools ‘fit for purpose’ for making sense of teacher educators’ use of digital technologies in their pedagogical practices
An analysis of young students' thinking when completing basic coding tasks using Scratch Jnr. On the iPad
iPad mediated talk in young children’s learning and exploration of interests
Planning and implementing coding in the junior classroom for competency and thinking-skill development
Building computational thinking through programming in K-6 education: a New Zealand experience
Digital Learning Objects and the Development of Students’ Thinking Skills
The Science-for-Life Partnerships: Does size really matter, and can ICT help?
What's the difference? Learning collaboratively using iPads in conventional classrooms
What's the difference? Learning collaboratively using iPads in conventional classrooms
Exploring young students' talk in iPad-supported collaborative learning environments
iPads in the primary school: emerging findings from research
Remember your swipy finger? understanding iPad mediated talk in young children’s learning and exploration
What's going on behind the screens? Researching young students' learning pathways using iPads
Creating content: Building literacy skills in year 1 students using open format apps
Developing School-Scientist Partnerships: Lessons for Scientists from Forests-of-Life
e-Science Partnerships: Towards a Sustainable Framework for School-Scientist Engagement
Forging School-Scientist Partnerships: A Case of Easier Said than Done?
Young students using iPads: App design and content influences on their learning pathways
Challenges to establishing school-scientist partnerships in the 21st century: case studies from New Zealand
Inside the virtual classroom: Student perspectives on affordances and limitations
Key competency development and students’ use of digital learning objects
Science in the New Zealand Curriculum e-in-science
Using videoconferencing in a school-scientist partnership: Students' perceptions and scientists' challenges
Adoption of innovative e-learning support for teaching: A multiple case study at the University of Waikato
Developing social presence in the virtual classroom
Exploring the Virtual Classroom: What Students Need to Know (and Teachers Should Consider)
He ara hou ka t? mai: NZ institutions of higher learning unpacking demands and facilitating change
Making the connection: Moore's theory of transactional distance and its relevance to the use of a virtual classroom in postgraduate online teacher education
Student Engagement with Technology: So, What’s it Got to Do with Learning?
The Science-for-Life Partnerships: Does size really matter, and can ICT help?
A study of a Crown Research Institute (CRI) - school interaction: The Newstead experience
Deliberate acts of virtual communication: cellphones as a tool to enhance student learning and engagement
Establishing a school-scientist partnership in the primary school: Findings from the Lynmore SSP: SCION Technical report #48294
International partnerships in science-education: potential for Chilean-New Zealand interactions
Learning objects and the development of students' key competencies: A New Zealand school experience
Looking to the future: M-learning with the iPad
Pursuing possibilities through digital opportunities
Science-for-Life - Fulfilling potential: Programme description document
Using avatars and virtual environments in learning: What do they have to offer?
Digital Learning Objects: A Need for Educational Leadership
A review of literature for the Science-for-Life project
Digital learning objects: Towards an understanding of their value in supporting key competencies within the New Zealand Curriculum framework. ACT on ICT
Towards effective business-education partnerships in ICT: The Partners in Learning (N.Z.) Innovative Teacher Scholarships Project
An evaluation/impact study of the second phase of the Microsoft digital learning object project
Microsoft New Zealand's partners in learning: Impact Study. Project MiLO2
An evaluation of the first phase of the Microsoft Digital Learning Object Project
An evaluation of the Microsoft Innovative Teacher Scholarship Project: Cycle 1
An evaluation of the Microsoft Partners in Learning (PiL) New Zealand initiative
An evaluation of the Microsoft Partners in Learning (PiL) New Zealand Initiative: Project Baseline Report
Exploring the potential: What works and what doesn't with Digital Learning Objects (DLOs) - The Microsoft Partners in Learning (N.Z.) - Project MiLO
“Learning digitally” - E-classrooms: Computers looking for a problem to solve?
MInTS cycle two: Participant profile report
The Microsoft Innovative Teacher Scholarship Project: Cycle two evaluation research
Towards effective business-education partnerships in ICT: The Partners in Learning (N.Z.) Innovative Teacher Scholarship Project (Project MiNTS)
Expanding our thinking about ICT: the digital opportunities projects
Getting the balance right: The Community Technicians’ Project
Improving Educational Opportunities through ICT Partnerships
The Digital Classroom: Key findings from a study into teacher and student work practices in a digitally-dominated environment
Cooperative groupings as an organisational system for classroom computer use
When ICT meets the technology curriculum: A case study of multimedia development in preservice teacher education