Coaches' attitudes of sport science professions in community-level Australian football
Australian Football Coaches Perceptions of Sport Science
Hospital-Treated Snow Sport Injury in Victoria, Australia: A Summary of 2003-2012
Introduction: To determine the incidence rate and changes over time for ice and snow sports...
Sports Injury Prevention: The Role of the Strength and Conditioning Coach
Prevention of sports injuries is a priority for sport stakeholders across the spectrum of...
Weekly training and competitive load of community level junior cricket players
A systematic review of the factors which are most influential in children's decisions to drop out of organised sport
Factors that are most influential in children's continued and discontinued participation in organised sport: The role of injury and injury risk perceptions
Measuring children's self-reported sport participation, risk perception and injury history: Development and validation of a survey instrument
Despite the health benefits associated with children's sport participation, the occurrence of...
The educative role of a regional newspaper: Learning to be drier
Throughout the world, people have to deal with the issues of global warming and other more direct...
Understanding perceptions of injury risk associated with playing junior cricket
Preventing sports injuries in children is important, but there is limited information about...
The role of sport injury and injury risk perceptions on children's continued participation in organised sport
A Comparison of Rope Throw Rescue Techniques in a Children's Learn to Swim Program
A Comparison of Rope Throw Techniques in a Children's Learn to Swim Program