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Professor Elisa Zentveld

Professor, Social Justice

Future Regions Research Centre (FRRC) 01


Future Regions Research Centre (FRRC) 01


Mt Helen Campus, Online

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Elisa Zentveld, PhD is a Professor of Social Justice at Federation University. She was previously the Chair of Academic Board, Federation University Australia and prior to that, was an Associate Professor of Tourism and Management. Elisa is a TEQSA panel expert and has also been an Australian Research Council ERA reviewer and an Australian Awards for University Teaching winner and reviewer.

Elisa’s research is interdisciplinary, focused on the intersection of family tourism and family violence. She is ranked number 1 in the world for Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR) Travel research based on the volume of publications and citations. Her tourism research contributions have resulted in her being inducted into the International Urban Tourism Research Hall of Fame for her exceptional contributions to the field of urban tourism research. She has also received 14 awards to recognise her outstanding contribution to tourism research and education. Her main research interests are Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR) travel, family tourism, and family violence.

Are Tourist Interactions Good or Bad? Tourist-Tourist Interactions at 5-Star Hotels in Istanbul

Living with Family Violence and The Great Escape

An examination of tourists' pre-trip motivational model using push-pull theory: Melbourne as a case study

Control, Abuse, Bullying and Family Violence in Tourism Industries

VFR travel: Opportunities, trends, and issues

Does Destination, Relationship Type, or Migration Status of the Host Impact

Family tourism: a New Zealand COVID-19 perspective

Now is the time: VFR travel desperately seeking respect

Visiting friends and relatives (VFR) is a significant form of travel in most countries. However,...

Tourist behaviour in a COVID-19 world: a New Zealand perspective

VFR Travel in Turkey during and Post-COVID-19

Visiting Older Friends and Relatives: Opportunities for tourism cities

  • Book Chapters

Trans-border territories in tourism in 2020: New perspectives

  • Conference Proceedings

VFR travel interactions through the lens of the host

Visiting friends and relatives (VFR) travel is a substantial segment of tourism globally. In many...

A content analysis of cross-cultural motivational studies in tourism relating to nationalities

The importance of outbound markets to a host country has increased scholars' interest in...

An examination of the relationship between VFR Travel and Family Violence

  • Conference Proceedings

Push/pull factors in cross-cultural motivational studies: A content analysis

  • Conference Proceedings

Take me back…but to where? A content analysis of how country of origin impacts on the authenticity of souvenirs

Souvenirs are a popular commodity for purchase by tourists. Souvenirs can serve as an emotional...

  • Conference Proceedings

VFR travel: Do visits improve or reduce our quality of life?

Quality of Life (QOL) has started to emerge as an important component across numerous disciplines...

Australian Honours degrees: The last bastion of quality?

The first tourism Honours degree in Australia was offered almost three decades ago, and since...

Travel and quality of life: Where do socio-economically disadvantaged individuals fit in?

Recently, there has been increasing scholarly interest in the relationship between tourism and...

Do visits from friends and relatives improve quality of life or make us feel worse?

  • Conference Proceedings

Hosting Friends Versus Hosting Relatives: Is Blood Thicker Than Water?

Little research has been undertaken to examine visiting friends and relatives (VFR) travel from...

Understanding the Proclivity of Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR) Travel across Family Life Cycle Stages in Australia

The Family Life Cycle (FLC) model is frequently used for understanding travel patterns and...

VFR travel: A panacea for destination recovery?

  • Conference Proceedings

VFR Travel: A Viable Market for Tourism Crisis and Disaster Recovery?

Rebuilding tourist arrivals after crises/disasters is important. However, tourism may have...

VFR Travel: Is It Still Underestimated?

VFR traveller demographics: The social tourism dimension

The global phenomenon of visiting friends and relatives (VFR) travel is substantial, including in...

Visiting friends or relatives?

Visiting friends and relatives (VFR) contributes significantly to tourism activity and revenues,...

Whole tourism systems: an academic portrait of Neil Leiper

The propensity to engage in VFR travel across the family lifecycle stages

The Family Life Cycle (FLC) model is frequently used for understanding travel patterns...

  • Conference Proceedings

The relationship between VFR travel and Quality of Life

  • Conference Proceedings

A content analysis of Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR) travel research

Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR) travel is a significant form of tourism worldwide. Scholarly...

Implementing VFR travel strategies

  • Book Chapters

Local impacts, global prospects: The future of VFR travel

  • Book Chapters

The Evolution of Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR) Travel Research: A content analysis

Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR) travel is a significant form of tourism...

  • Conference Proceedings

The value and contributions of VFR to destinations and destination marketing

VFR travel: Its true dimensions

VFR travel: Progressing towards greater recognition

  • Book Chapters

VFR Travel Research: International Perspectives

This is the first book to explore research on visiting friends and relatives (VFR). In many...

  • Book

VFR Travel: Well-known but not known well

  • Conference Proceedings

An introduction to the future

  • Book Chapters

Industry perceptions of events futures

  • Book Chapters


  • Conference Proceedings

The future of events and festivals

  • Book

The future of events and festivals

The Relationship between VFR Travel and Social Tourism in Australia

  • Conference Proceedings

VFR travel in practice: Case studies from Victoria, Australia

  • Conference Proceedings

Empirical testing of the theory of partial industrialisation in tourism

Family Holidays - Vacation or Obli-cation?

The most common stated reason for taking a holiday has been found to be ‘to reduce stress’....

Introduction: Social media special issue

[No abstract available]

Burnt at the Student Evaluation Stake - the penalty for failing students

  • Journals

Family tourism: Multidisciplinary perspectives

  • Book

Investigating the 'family life cycle' model in tourism

  • Book Chapters

Partial Industrialisation in Tourism: Modelling Ballarat

  • Conference Proceedings

The stress of the family holiday

  • Book Chapters

VFR travel: It is underestimated

Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR) travel is a substantial form of tourism worldwide. In...

VFR travel: Why marketing to aunt betty matters

  • Book Chapters

VFR travelers: How long are they staying?

  • Journals

VFR Travel: It IS Underestimated

  • Conference Proceedings

VFR Travellers of the Future

  • Book Chapters

Opportunities for commercial accommodation in VFR travel

This research explores the extent to which VFR travellers utilise commercial accommodation in the...

The relationship of VFR travellers with tourism industries

  • Conference Proceedings

Using smartphones and Facebook in a major assessment: the student experience

  • Journals

VFR travellers: How long are they staying?

  • Conference Proceedings

Opportunties for Commercial Accommodation in VFR Travel

  • Journals

VFR Trilogy

  • Conference Proceedings

A Semester with a 'Dr Fox': The need to go beyond SETs

  • Journals

The relationship of VFR travellers with tourism industries

  • Conference Proceedings

VFR Travellers - Visiting the Destination or Visiting the Hosts?

  • Journals

Visiting the Destination or Visiting us? A look at VFR tourism

  • Conference Proceedings

VFR travel: An examination of the expenditure of VFR travellers and their hosts

  • Journals

VFR Tourism - The forgotten tourism phenomenon

  • Conference Proceedings