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Associate Professor Dung Tran

Associate Professor, Education

Head of Secondary Teacher Education


Academic Operations - IEAC


Mt Helen Campus, Online

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Dr Dũng Trần is Associate Professor in Mathematics and STEM Education at the Institute of Education, Arts and Community. His research focuses on (a) designing and implementing curriculum to improve diverse students' mathematical literacy, and abilities to use mathematics and statistics to be functional and critical in the home, civic, and work-life; and (b) developing teacher competence to teach students mathematics, using holistic approaches. He has extensive experience in curriculum analysis and development at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. He also works with preservice and inservice teachers in several countries to develop their mathematics teaching competence. He has expertise in document analysis, design-based research, clinical (task-based) interviews, and using both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Associate Professor Trần is passionate about empowering Mathematics/STEM teachers to integrate ‘real-life’ problem solving and equity and social justice principles into Mathematics education. He maintains that teachers are the key agent in significantly improving student learning and that pedagogical content knowledge is foundational for these improvements. Associate Professor Trần’s research focuses on improving teacher competence to help shape their productive beliefs about Mathematics teaching and learning and building their subject matter knowledge and research-informed, student-oriented pedagogical strategies.

'I left the teaching profession...and this is what I am doing now': a national study of teacher attrition

Quantitative reasoning as a lens to examine changes in modelling competencies of secondary preservice teachers

Teacher curriculum competence: how teachers act in curriculum making

Changes in Lesson Plans as Teachers Participate in a Professional Development on Statistical Literacy

High school mathematics teachers' changes in beliefs and knowledge during lesson study

Readability and beyond - Health literacy and numeracy and COVID-19 communications in early childhood education: Are we communicating effectively?

Remote Australian primary school parents' attitudes towards their children's learning of mathematics and the role of technology

  • Conference Proceedings

Supporting regional and remote children’s participation in high quality early years services

Variation in children’s understanding of fractions: preliminary findings

  • Conference Proceedings

Learning research in a laboratory classroom: a reflection on complementarity and commensurability among multiple analytical accounts

Using a multidisciplinary, multi-method and collaborative research design to investigate the health communication power of the early childhood sector

Measuring agency in mathematics collaborative problem solving

  • Conference Proceedings

Presence in Online Mathematics Methods Courses: Design Principles Across Institutions

Bridging to mathematical modelling: Vietnamese students’ response to different levels of authenticity in contextualized tasks

Operationalize mathematical sophistication in a collaborative problem-solving: a conceptual paper

  • Conference Proceedings

Design and Impact of MOOCs for Mathematics Teachers

Examination of Bivariate Data Tasks in US High School Textbooks Through the Statistical Investigation and Cognitive Demands Frameworks

High school students’ covariational reasoning in interpreting dynamic situations

  • Conference Proceedings

Mathematical modelling competency of mathematics pre-service teachers in the technology environment

  • Conference Proceedings

Preparing preservice teachers to teach mathematical literacy: a reform in a teacher education program

  • Conference Proceedings

Examining mathematical sophistications in collaborative problem solving

  • Conference Proceedings

Examining non-traditional pathway preservice teachers’ attitudes towards mathematics

  • Conference Proceedings

Analysis of curriculum standards: An important research area

Designing massive open online courses for educators around the world: the case of teaching statistics

  • Conference Proceedings

Developing teachers’ reasoning about comparing distributions: a cross-institutional effort

  • Conference Proceedings

Statistical Association: Alignment of Current U.S. High School Textbooks with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics

The role of probability in developing learners' models of simulation approaches to inference

  • Journals

Children’s reasoning with fraction representation systems

  • Conference Proceedings

Common Core State Standards in the Middle Grades: What's New in the Geometry Domain and How Can Teachers Support Student Learning?

Improving teachers’ reasoning about sampling variability: a cross institutional effort

  • Conference Proceedings

Simulation approaches for informal inference: models to develop understanding

  • Conference Proceedings

Authenticity of mathematical modeling

Mathematical modeling in a problem-based setting

  • Journals

Meeting between association and function: Bridging data to the theoretical model

  • Journals

Conceptualizing CCSSM mathematical practices on tasks and empirical works

  • Conference Proceedings

State-Level Actions Following Adoption of Common Core State Standards for Mathematics

  • Journals

Stay or leave: what are the factors to persist in mathematics doctoral programs in the U.S.? Perspectives from international students

  • Journals