Closing the employment gap: Estimations of Indigenous employment in Indigenous- and non-Indigenous-owned businesses in Australia
Indigenous workplace policies: the crucial role of Indigenous management
"It's Self-Determination. Blackfullas Making Right Decisions for Blackfullas": Why Indigenous-owned businesses create better Indigenous employment outcomes
The importance of understanding Indigenous employment in the Indigenous business sector
Indigenous Social Enterprises and Health and Wellbeing: A Scoping Review and Conceptual Framework
Towards a real social inclusion for indigenous Australians
The dichotomy of commissioning Indigenous health and wellbeing program evaluations: What the Funder wants vs what the Community needs
Aboriginal entrepreneurship: Is it a career or a lifestyle change?
Expanding australian indigenous entrepreneurship education ecosystems
Indigenous research: Ontologies, axiologies, epistemologies and methodologies
Case study: John Ward
Entrepreneurial activity among Irish Traveller women: An insight into the complexity of survival
Entrepreneurship, enterprise and Irish Travellers
Perspectives on indigenous entrepreneurship, innovation and enterprise
The dark side of responsible business management
Social Capital and the Networking Practices of Indigenous Entrepreneurs
Networking and culture in entrepreneurship
An Australian voice
From traditional carving to plastic Tiki: Mori struggles to balance commerce and culture within the global tourism marketplace, 1860-2010
Can We Educate and Train Aboriginal Leaders with our Tertiary Education Systems?
The role of Indigenous studies journals in the discipline of Indigenous studies
Does culture and social capital impact on the networking attributes of indigenous entrepreneurs?
Indigenous (Australian) entrepreneurship?
What Determines the Bottom Line for Maori Tourism SMEs?
Indigenous Research, Differing Value Systems