Advanced Care Directives in Residential Aged Care for Residents with Major Neuro-Cognitive Disorders (Dementia): A Scoping Review
Analysing data in qualitative research
Common qualitative methods
Critically searching and reviewing the research literature
Data collection and sampling in qualitative research
Exploring drivers of women's well-being in hospitals: mapping the landscape
Identifying research ideas, questions, statements and hypotheses
Mental Health and Religiosity in Older Latin American Immigrants Living in Australia
Mental Health of Older Latin-American Immigrants: an Integrative Review
Migration Experiences and Mental Health of Older Latin American Immigrants in Australia: Migration Experiences and Mental Health of Older Latin American Immigrants in Australia: R. Hormazábal-Salgado et al
Mixed-methods research
Person-Centred Decision-Making in Mental Health: A Scoping Review
Predictors of Life Satisfaction: A Nationwide Investigation in Iran
The Pathway Building Technique in Implementation Research Using Mixed Methods Design
The significance of nursing and midwifery research and evidence-based practice
Voice of persons with a life-limiting illness in conversation with healthcare professionals: systematic review and meta-synthesis
Writing and presenting research findings
Behavioural indicators of compassionate nursing care of individuals with complex needs: A naturalistic inquiry
Implementation strategies to promote compassionate nursing care of complex patients: An exploratory sequential mixed methods study
Multidisciplinary simulation training for Australian perioperative teams: A qualitative descriptive exploratory study
Evaluation of the prescribing practice of guideline-directed medical therapy among ambulatory chronic heart failure patients
Multidisciplinary simulation training for perioperative teams: An integrative review
Nurses’ knowledge, skills and personal attributes for competent health education practice: An instrument development and psychometric validation study
Preventative health improvement in orthopaedic and trauma practice: 20 years on - Are we there yet?
The effectiveness of the role of advanced nurse practitioners compared to physician-led or usual care: A systematic review
Young women living in Iran: gendered drivers influencing social participation and wellbeing
mHealth Interventions to Reduce Alcohol Use in Young People: A Systematic Review of the Literature
Young Iranian women as agents of social change: A qualitative study
Effectiveness of the Pharmacist-Involved Multidisciplinary Management of Heart Failure to Improve Hospitalizations and Mortality Rates in 4630 Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Experiences of overseas nurse educators teaching in New Zealand
Health education: A Rogerian concept analysis
Nurses’ Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Adult Patients With Cancer in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia: A Qualitative Study
Can positive faith-based encounters influence Australian young people’s drinking behaviours?
Exploring adolescent-parent interaction strategies for accessing alcohol at home
The experiences of New Zealand-based children in consuming fruits and vegetables
Australian rural, remote and urban community nurses' health promotion role and function
Oncology nurses’ perception of cancer pain: A qualitative exploratory study
Spirituality and spiritual care in Iran: Nurses' perceptions and barriers
Preoperative indicators of length of stay following total hip replacement: A New Zealand-based retrospective, observational study
Children's selection of fruit and vegetables in a 'dream versus healthy' lunch-box survey
Before the cradle and beyond the grave: A lifespan/settings-based framework for health promotion
Health promotion in nursing: A Derridean discourse analysis
Ottawa 25+ - 'All aboard the Dazzling Bandwagon' - Developing personal skills: What remains for the future?
Reconciling the differences between health promotion in nursing and 'general' health promotion
The behavioral ecological model as a framework for school-based anti-bullying health promotion interventions
What are New Zealand children eating at school? A content analysis of 'consumed versus unconsumed' food groups in a lunch-box survey
An international Delphi study examining health promotion and health education in nursing practice, education and policy
Commentary on Schofield I, Kerr S & Tolson D (2007) 'An exploration of the smoking-related health beliefs of older people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease'. Journal of Clinical Nursing 16, 1726-1735
Health promotion and health education practice: Nurses' perceptions
The use of CAM in a New Zealand-based general practice: A multiple case-study
Reviewing health promotion in nursing education
What's the difference between health promotion and health education?
Commentary on Fok MSM & Tsang WYW (2005) development of an instrument measuring Chinese adolescent beliefs and attitudes towards substance abuse. Journal of Clinical Nursing 14, 986-994
Commentary on Irvine F (2005) Exploring district nursing competencies in health promotion: The use of the Delphi technique. Journal of Clinical Nursing 14, 965-975
Commentary on McSherry W, Cash K & Ross L (2004) Meaning of spirituality: Implications for nursing practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing 13, 934-941
Commentary on Naumanen P (2006) The health promotion model as assessed by ageing workers. Journal of Clinical Nursing 15, 219-266
Commentary on Whitehead D (2004) Health-promoting hospitals: The role and function of nursing. Journal of Clinical Nursing 14, 20-27
Health promotion in the practice setting: Findings from a review of clinical issues
The health promoting prison (HPP) and its imperative for nursing
The health-promoting school: What role for nursing?
Workplace health promotion: The role and responsibility of health care managers
A response to D. Von Ah, S. Ebert, A. Ngamvitroj, N. Park & D.-H. Kang Predictors of health behaviours in college students. Journal of Advanced Nursing 48(5), 463-474
Commentary on Hopia H, Tomlinson PS, Paavilainen e & Astedt-Kurki P (2005) Child in hospital: Family experiences and expectations of how nurses can promote family health. Journal of Clinical Nursing 14, 212-222
Commentary on Lohne V & Severinsson E (2005) Patients' experiences of hope and suffering during the first year following acute spinal cord injury. Journal of Clinical Nursing 14, 285-293
Commentary on Walsgrove H and Fulbrook P (2005) Advancing the clinical perspective: A practice development project to develop the nurse practitioner role in an acute hospital trust. Journal of Clinical Nursing 14, 444-455
Guest editorial: Empirical or tacit knowledge as a basis for theory development?
Health promoting hospitals: The role and function of nursing
In pursuit of pleasure: Health education as a means of facilitating the "health journey" of young people
I write with regard to an article entitled "Test of the Health Promotion Model as a Causal Model of Commitment to a plan for Exercise Among Korean Adults With Chronic Disease".
Letter to the Editor (multiple letters)
Nurse education in the future: Will one size fit all?
Project management and action research: Two sides of the same coin?
A multidisciplinary osteoporosis service-based action research study
A preventative health education programme for osteoporosis
Health promotion and health education: Advancing the concepts
How effective are health education programmes - Resistance, reactance, rationality and risk? Recommendations for effective practice
The European Health Promoting Hospitals (HPH) project. How far on?
The Health Promoting University (HPU): The role and function of nursing
Action research in health promotion
Beyond the metaphysical: Health-promoting existential mechanisms and their impact on the health status of clients
Evaluating health promotion: A model for nursing practice
Health promotion and health education viewed as symbiotic paradigms: Bridging the theory and practice gap between them
Incorporating socio-political health promotion activities in clinical practice
The health-promoting nurse as a health policy career expert and entrepreneur
The academic writing experiences of a group of student nurses: A phenomenological study
The 'health promotional' role of a pre-registration student cohort in the UK: A grounded-theory study
Applying collaborative practice to health promotion.
A social cognitive model for health education/health promotion practice
A stage planning programme model for health education/health promotion practice
Health education, behavioural change and social psychology: Nursing's contribution to health promotion?
The case for researching the history of community nursing practice.
The issue of medical dominance (hegemony)
Academic writing.
Is there a place for epidemiology in nursing?
Naturalistic vs reductionistic approaches to health-related practice: Opposing dichotomy or symbiotic partnership?
The role of community-based nurses in health promotion.
The role of epidemiology in orthopaedic practice
Using mass media within health-promoting practice: A nursing perspective
What is the role of health promotion in nursing?