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Dr. Dan Tout

Lecturer, History and Sociology

Head of Social Sciences and Humanities


Academic Operations - IEAC


Berwick Campus, Online


Dr Dan Tout is a Lecturer in history and sociology at Federation University Australia and an Arena Publications Editor. He co-edited the book Cold War to Hot Planet: Fifty Years of Arena (Arena, 2016) and has published a number of refereed articles in journals including Journal of Australian Studies, Australian Journal of Politics & History, Settler Colonial Studies, Agora, and Cultural Studies Review.

Dan currently teaches in Federation University’s history, sociology and Indigenous studies programs, having previously taught at the University of Melbourne, Victoria University and Swinburne University of Technology, where he obtained his PhD in 2018.

Dr Tout’s areas of interest and expertise include the history of settler–Indigenous relations in Australia, settler colonial studies, critical Indigenous studies, the sociology of nationalism and national identity, and Australian cultural and political history. His research focuses on settler colonialism and nationalism in Australia and their impacts on and implications for First Nations peoples.

‘Australia’ as competing projects of settler nationalism

Dreaming of an Indigenised Australia

The negative Commonwealth: Australia as ‘laboratory’, then and now

Aboriginal Use of Fire as a Weapon in Colonial Victoria: A Preliminary Analysis

Not Invisible, Not Silent, Not Nameless: Dja Dja Wurrung Contributions to Nineteenth-Century Goldfields Society in Central Victoria, Australia

Aboriginal fire-management practices in colonial Victoria

  • Journals

Rex Ingamells and Ted Strehlow: Correspondences and Contradictions in Australian Settler Nationalism

The standard story of Australian national cultural development revolves around a fundamental...

"All that appears possible now is to mitigate as much as possible the trials of their closing years"1: Alfred deakin's attitudes to aboriginal affairs

This article examines Alfred Deakin’s attitudes towards, and impacts upon, Aboriginal people...

Encountering indigeneity: Xavier Herbert, 'Inky' Stephensen and the problems of settler nationalism

The 1930s in Australia was a period marked by rising awareness of and attention to Australia’s...

Neither Nationalists nor Universalists: Rex Ingamells and the Jindyworobaks


  • Journals

Reconsidering the Origins of the Australian Legend

  • Journals

Reframing "Inky" Stephensen's Place in Australian Cultural History

This article examines the existing literature surrounding Percy Reginald Stephensen...

The Janus faces of indigenous politics

  • Journals

Student mentors in physical and virtual learning spaces

This chapter explores the human element in the learning space through the notion that once a...

Using mobile peer mentors for student engagement: Student Rovers in the Learning Commons

This paper presents findings from a 2010 evaluation of Victoria University's Student Rover...

Only Planet: Unsettling Travel, Culture and Climate Change in Settler Australia

Dorothea Mackellar’s infamous flooding rains were absent from the Victorian environment for...

  • Journals

Unsettling conceptions of wilderness and nature

Prior to the currently emerging popular awareness of anthropogenic climate change, there existed...

  • Journals

Being Dumped From Facebook: Negotiating Issues of Boundaries and Identity in an Online Social Networking Space

While Facebook, the world’s most popular Social Networking Site (SNS), has been warmly welcomed...

  • Journals

Student mentors in physical and virtual learning spaces

International Journal of Training Research

Victoria University, like many other educational institutions, has recently nominated...