Using complex adaptive systems (CAS) framework to assess success factors that lead to successful organizational change: a new way to understand change implementation for success
Why women on corporate boards are more than just tokens: an Indian perspective
An examination of tourists' pre-trip motivational model using push-pull theory: Melbourne as a case study
Key issues of health and safety for workers in residential aged care: An expert study
Managing organizational transformation (OT) using complex adaptive system (CAS) framework: future lines of inquiry
The social justice issues of smoke im/mobilities
Final Mine Void Forms and Future Land and Water Uses: Researching the Community Perspective
A meta-review of 10 years of green human resource management: is Green HRM headed towards a roadblock or a revitalisation?
Over the past decade Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) has emerged as a growing field of...
Equitable sharing of benefits from tiger conservation: Beneficiaries' willingness to pay to offset the costs of tiger conservation
Costs of large predator conservation may not be equitably distributed among stakeholders; these...
Green Leadership Approaches and Motivations for Green Practice Implementation Among Marketing Firms in China
Review of Nepal's protected area laws in relation to human wildlife conflict
Laws and policies are critical in facilitating positive or negative outcomes where humans and...
Medical-attention injuries in community cricket: A systematic review
Objectives The aim was to identify and describe outcomes from original published studies that...
Prospective reporting of injury in community-level cricket: A systematic review to identify research priorities
Objectives: Cricket is a popular sport enjoyed worldwide. Injuries in cricket are not well...
A configural model of expert judgement as a preliminary epidemiological study of injury problems: An application to drowning
Robust epidemiological studies identifying determinants of negative health outcomes require...
Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility in Ecotourism: Entrepreneurial Motivation Enacted Through Sustainability Objectives
Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility (CSR) refers to organisational behaviours dedicated...
Development of a scale measure for green employee workplace practices
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify latent variables that explain green...
Implementing automated external defibrillators into community sports clubs/facilities: A cross-sectional survey of community club member preparedness for medical emergencies
Objective There is a growing focus on ensuring the availability of automated external...
Implementing organizational transformation in Auzee Engineering Services (AES)
"It Doesn't Make Sense for Us Not to Have One"-Understanding Reasons Why Community Sports Organizations Chose to Participate in a Funded Automated External Defibrillator Program
OBJECTIVE: Implementation of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in community sports...
Leadership: Untapping the secret to regional wellbeing, belonging and resilience
The importance of the lived, performed, felt and experienced modes of place and community made...
Managing human-tiger conflict: lessons from Bardia and Chitwan National Parks, Nepal
Successful conservation outcomes for the tiger (Panthera tigris) have been achieved in Nepalese...
An empirical study of 'green' workplace behaviours: ability, motivation and opportunity
Green human resource management contributes to an understanding of the role of human resource...
Surviving and Thriving in Turbulent Times: A Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) Based Approach to Organisational Transformation (OT)
This research study explored organisational factors that underpinned effective survival of a...
Why does the Psychological contract matter? Implications for leadership practice, workplace stress and anxiety
Counting Beach Visitors: Tools, Methods and Management Applications
Beach and coastal land managers have responsibility for the biophysical and human aspects...
Institutional isomorphism and whistle-blowing intentions in public sector institutions
Over the years the new institutionalism in public sector analysis has contributed significantly...
Adventure tourism
Development of a method to estimate and predict beach visitation
Beaches are important tourist attractions in many countries. To plan and manage coastal zones,...
Understanding Eco-preneurship: A conceptual model of the entrepreneurial process underpinning ecotourism business start-up
Ecotourism is a distinct sector of the tourism industry offering tourists ...
Who wants to be an eco-entrepreneur? identifying entrepreneurial types and practices in ecotourism businesses
Measurement of a drowning incidence rate combining direct observation of an exposed population with mortality statistics
Drowning risk factors may be identified by comparing drowning incidence rates for comparable...
Examining organizational transformation (OT) through the lens of complex adaptivesystems (CASs)
Development and trial of a water exposure measure of estimated drowning risk for surf bathers
To better address drowning issues, risk assessment at the group and sample levels would be...
Identification of observed factors that predict bather water-immersions at beaches
Coastal managers require accurate and relevant visitor information to manage visitor's leisure...
Surf Lifeguard Rescues
Objective. This study assessed the utility of lifeguard rescue data for providing information on...
Surf bather drowning risk and exposure-related factors identified by an expert panel
In the absence of an established literature, identifying and quantifying surf batherdrowning risk...
Estimates of drowning morbidity and mortality adjusted for exposure to risk
[No abstract available]
Direct observation measurement of drowning risk exposure for surf beach bathers
Self-reported water and drowning risk exposure at surf beaches
Descriptive epidemiology of drowning deaths in a surf beach swimmer and surfer population
Risk management for Australian commercial adventure tourism operations
[No abstract available]
A new pier for New Brighton: Resurrecting a community symbol
Assessment of a comfort indicator for natural tourist attractions: The case of visitors to hanging rock, victoria?