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Professor Colette Browning

Professor, Healthcare

Professor, Healthcare


Professor, Healthcare


Mt Helen Campus, Online

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Distinguished Professor Colette Browning is an international leader in health psychology, and public health and ageing.

Dr Browning’s primary research areas are healthy ageing, chronic illness management in older people, mental health and ageing, and social determinants of health. Colette’s research expertise includes longitudinal and mixed methods, systematic review, program evaluation, and randomised controlled trials.

Colette contributes to the Medical Research Future Fund, National Health and Medical Research Council and Australia Research Council as an expert assessor. Her research publications include over 270 journal articles, book chapters and books. She is an experienced supervisor of over 40 higher degree by research students and has mentored a number of early career and mid-career fellows in her various research leadership roles.

Colette is a Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society and holds Honorary professorial positions at Peking University, China and the Research School of Population Health at the Australian National University.

Common Mental health issues among non-refugee migrants in Australia: a scoping review

Protocol for a Field Trial of a Hearing and Vision Support Intervention for People Living in Long-Term Care in Australia

Lifestyle management of hypertension: International Society of Hypertension position paper endorsed by the World Hypertension League and European Society of Hypertension

Being treated like an actual person: attitudinal accessibility on the bus

Economic and Social Factors Affecting the Health of Older Adults

Editorial: Economic and social factors affecting the health of older adults

Editorial: Women in science: aging and public health 2022

Identifying Public Healthcare Priorities in Virtual Care for Older Adults: A Participatory Research Study

Transforming global approaches to chronic disease prevention and management across the lifespan: integrating genomics, behavior change, and digital health solutions

Virtual Care Initiatives for Older Adults in Australia: Scoping Review

Boundary Crossers: How Providers Facilitate Ethnic Minority Families' Access to Dementia Services

Practice nurses' communication with people living with type 2 diabetes: A scoping review

The experience of structural burden for culturally and linguistically diverse family carers of people living with dementia in Australia

The relationship between diabetes distress, medication taking, glycaemic control and self-management

Background Diabetes distress (DD) has broad-ranging effects on type 2 diabetes (T2DM) management...

Use of medical services by older Australian women with dementia: a longitudinal cohort study

Beyond crisis: Enacted sense-making among ethnic minority carers of people with dementia in Australia

The ‘family crisis’ narrative is frequently used in dementia studies to explain ethnic minority...

Challenges of providing collaborative care for comorbid depression and hypertension in low resource settings in China

[No abstract available]

Diversity training evaluation for community aged care: Tool development

Diversity characteristics such as culture, sexual orientation, and social situation potentially...

Editorial: Chronic Illness and Ageing in China

[No abstract available]

Older women in australia: Facing the challenges of dual sensory loss

With the increase in longevity, the number of women living into old age is rising and higher than...

Self-assessed impact of oral health on the psychological well-being and depressive symptoms of older adults living in Melbourne

Objectives: This study aimed to investigate oral health-related factors affecting the...

The Development of a Competency Assessment Standard for General Practitioners in China

This paper describes the development of a competency assessment standard for General...

The inter-relationship of diversity principles for the enhanced participation of older people in their care: A qualitative study

Background: The health and aged care workforce must understand and support the diverse needs of...

Cross-cultural conceptualizations of ageing in Australia

In this paper, the framework of Cultural Linguistics is employed to examine how older people from...

Dual sensory loss, mental health and wellbeing of older adults living in China

Introduction: Deterioration in vision and hearing commonly occurs as adults age. Existing...

Factors associated with self-reported dental visits among older melbournians. The MELSHA study 2008 data collection(

Objective: To describe self-reported oral health-care visits and associated factors in older...

Food, eating, and happy aging: The perceptions of older Chinese people

China's government and its people have for a long time focused on food security for its...

Non-communicable Diseases and Cognitive Impairment: Pathways and Shared Behavioral Risk Factors Among Older Chinese

Population aging has brought about a number of challenges to public health and primary health...

Perspectives on the training of chinese primary health care physicians to reduce chronic illnesses and their burden

This paper is a commentary on the training of Chinese Primary Health Care Doctors to reduce...

Professor Hal Kendig's Legacy: A fierce advocate for the rights and contributions of older people

Sensory loss in China: Prevalence, use of aids, and impacts on social participation

The number of older adults with vision and/or hearing loss is growing world-wide, including in...

Design of an evidence-based diversity workshop to support participation of older people in their community care

Diversity is what makes a person unique, with the intersection of diversity characteristics...

Effect of a health coach intervention for the management of individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus in China: A pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial

Aim: To determine the effect of a health coach intervention for the management of glycemic...

Emergency demand, repeat and frequent presentations by older patients in metropolitan melbourne: A retrospective cohort study using routinely collected hospital data

Objective: To describe patterns for potentially avoidable general practice (PAGP)-type and...

Emergency department utilisation by older people in metropolitan Melbourne, 2008-12: Findings from the Reducing Older Patient's Avoidable Presentations for Emergency Care Treatment (REDIRECT) study

Objective Older patients are over-represented in emergency departments (ED), with many presenting...

General practice utilisation of Medicare Benefits Schedule items to support the care of older patients: Findings from the REDIRECT study

Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items designed to support the wellbeing of older people may...

HOspitals and patients WoRking in Unity (HOW R U?): Telephone peer support to improve older patients' quality of life after emergency department discharge in Melbourne, Australia - A multicentre prospective feasibility study

Objectives: To ascertain the feasibility and acceptability of the HOW R U? programme, a novel...

'One size does notfit all': Perspectives on diversity in community aged care

Objectives: Typically, older people are viewed via a single health condition, yet health outcomes...

Premature deaths of nursing home residents: An epidemiological analysis

[No abstract available]

Trajectories of ageing well among older Australians: A 16-year longitudinal study(

In this study we used individual differences concepts and analyses to examine whether older...

Ageing in Australia - Challenges and Opportunities

This stimulating volume examines the many faces of Australia’s ageing population, the social...

Burden of Disease and Aging

Burden of disease (BoD) is a population measure of the effects of a specific disease or health...

Challenges and opportunities for an ageing Australia.

Population ageing is a global phenomenon whose impact is only now being fully recognised and...

Cognitive distortions among older adult gamblers in an Asian context

Aims: The study aims to describe the construct of cognitive distortions based on the narratives...

Diversity training for community aged care workers: An interdisciplinary meta-narrative review

Population ageing signals the need for a responsive community aged care workforce respectful of...

Diversity training for the community aged care workers: A conceptual framework for evaluation

Older Australians are an increasingly diverse population, with variable characteristics such as...

Exercise interventions for the improvement of falls-related outcomes among older adults with diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analyses

Introduction Falls as a complication of diabetes mellitus (DM) can have a major impact on the...

Gambling and family: A two-way relationship

Background and aims: Families play an important role in the evolution of gambling and are also...

Healthy Aging

In the last 40 years, there have been many attempts to define healthy aging and its synonyms. The...

Living well with chronic disease for those older adults living in the community

Background: Definitions of successful aging that incorporate dimensions of physical capacity and...

Melbourne Longitudinal Studies on Health Ageing (MELSHA)

This entry describes an Australian longitudinal cohort study, the Melbourne Studies on Healthy...

Preferences and Predictors of Aging in Place: Longitudinal Evidence from Melbourne, Australia

This article reports older Australians' preferences for aging in place and predictors of their...

Primary Health Care and Older People

This chapter examines the role of primary health care in the health of older people. As...

Responsible gambling among older adults: A qualitative exploration

Background: Responsible gambling (RG) is defined as gambling for pleasure and entertainment but...

Time to question diabetes self-management support for Arabic-speaking migrants: exploring a new model of care

Aim: The objective of this study was to explore a new model for diabetes self-management support...

After-hours medical deputising services: Patterns of use by older people

Objectives: To examine how older people use an after-hours medical deputising service that...

An innovative model for second language learning and social inclusion

[No abstract available]

  • Book Chapters

Barriers and enablers to the delivery of psychological care in the management of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in China: A qualitative study using the theoretical domains framework

Background: China has the largest number of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) cases globally and...

Contemporary intergenerational relationships

[No abstract available]

  • Book Chapters

HOspitals and patients WoRking in Unity (HOW R U?): Protocol for a prospective feasibility study of telephone peer support to improve older patients' quality of life after emergency department discharge

Introduction: Older people presenting to an emergency department (ED) have a higher likelihood of...

'I feel very happy that I can contribute to society': Exploring the value of the project for older people

[No abstract available]

  • Book Chapters

Management of type 2 diabetes in China: The Happy Life Club, a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial using health coaches

Objective: To assess the effectiveness of a coach-led motivational interviewing (MI) intervention...

Patterns of social engagement in the transition to later life

As social roles in later life are shaped by significant life events and changes occurring in the...

Predictors of outcomes of psychological treatments for disordered gambling: A systematic review

This systematic review aimed to synthesise the evidence relating to pre-treatment predictors of...

Social inclusion and the Fatosphere: the role of an online weblogging community in fostering social inclusion

Overweight and obesity are one of the most salient issues within society today, and the...

Social research and actions on ageing well

Why do researchers and advocates use the holistic term ‘ageing well’? The term encompasses...

The rhetoric and reality of nursing in aged care: views from the inside

Background: Aged care services and nursing roles are evolving in response to policy reform and...

Wellbeing and its improvability as a national goal

Wellbeing has long been a discussion point for national policy when considering the impact of...

Barriers and enablers to healthcare access and use among Arabic-speaking and Caucasian English-speaking patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A qualitative comparative study

Objective: The objective of this study was to explore the decision-making processes and...

Civic Socialising: A revealing new theory about older people's social relationships

The research reported in this article investigated the nature and the purpose of older people's...

Culture and age influences upon gambling and problem gambling

Objective: This study aimed to (i) examine the prevalence and types of gambling, (ii) establish...

Dual sensory loss in older adults: A systematic review

Purpose of the Study: Combined vision and hearing loss [dual sensory loss (DSL)] is commonly...

Effectiveness of personalized feedback alone or combined with peer support to improve physical activity in sedentary older Malays with type 2 diabetes: A randomized controlled trial

Introduction: Regular physical activity is an important aspect of self-management among older...

Examination of the association between mental health, morbidity, and mortality in late life: Findings from longitudinal community surveys

Background: Physical health has been demonstrated to mediate the mental health and mortality risk...

Examining the 16-year trajectories of mental health and wellbeing through the transition into widowhood

Background: Becoming widowed is a significant event. There is considerable evidence that...

Implementing a chronic disease self-management program into China: The Happy Life Club

China is experiencing population aging, increased prevalence of chronic diseases, and reductions...

Implementing chronic disease self-management approaches in Australia and the United Kingdom

[No abstract available]

Performance of screening tools in detecting major depressive disorder among patients with coronary heart disease: A systematic review

Background: Major depressive disorder (MDD) is common in patients with coronary heart disease...

Predictors of injurious falls and fear of falling differ: An 11-year longitudinal study of incident events in older people

Objective: The objective of the study is to identify the intrinsic, psychosocial and lifestyle...

Prevalence and determinants of gambling disorder among older adults: A systematic review

Aims: This paper aims to systematically review studies on the prevalence of gambling disorder...

Psychological interventions for the management of glycemic and psychological outcomes of type 2 diabetes mellitus in China: A systematic review and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials

Introduction:China has the largest number of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) cases globally, and...

Sexuality and older adults

  • Book Chapters

The health and service needs of older veterans: A qualitative analysis

Background: With substantial numbers of older people within the Australian veteran population...

The PROblem Gambling RESearch Study (PROGRESS) research protocol: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial of psychological interventions for problem gambling

INTRODUCTION: International prevalence rates for problem gambling are estimated at 2.3%. Problem...

The Reporting of MEdication use in Observational studies (ROMEO) statement

[No abstract available]

Health, lifestyle, and gender influences on aging well: An Australian longitudinal analysis to guide health promotion

A primary societal goal for aging is enabling older people to continue to live well as long as...

Mental health and dual sensory loss in older adults: A systematic review

Mental health is a core component of quality of life in old age. Dual Sensory Loss (DSL; combined...

Prevalence of depression in coronary heart disease in China: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Background Coronary heart diseases (CHD) have been identified as one of topmost diseases...

Prevalence of physical activity behaviour in older people: Findings from the Dynamic Analyses to Optimise Ageing (DYNOPTA) project and Australian national survey data

Aim: Many older people lead sedentary lives. National Health Survey physical activity prevalence...

Therapeutic effects of motivational interviewing on blood pressure control: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

[No abstract available]

Understanding diagnosis and management of dementia and guideline implementation in general practice: A qualitative study using the theoretical domains framework

Background: Dementia is a growing problem, causing substantial burden for patients, their...

Challenges in the provision of community aged care in China

Evidence-based care of older people with suspected cognitive impairment in general practice: Protocol for the IRIS cluster randomised trial

Background: Dementia is a common and complex condition. Evidence-based guidelines for the...


  • Book Chapters

Gender differences in the trajectories of late-life depressive symptomology and probable depression in the years prior to death(

ABSTRACT Background: Gender differences in depression are well established. Whether these...

Interventions to promote physical activity in older people with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review

Introduction: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) among people aged 60 years and above is a growing...

Motivational interviewing and its application in the management of coronary heart disease

Objective: This review paper explores the concept, spirit, principles, and core skills of...

Older adults' spirituality and life satisfaction: A longitudinal test of social support and sense of coherence as mediating mechanisms

Spirituality is proposed to be a component of successful ageing and has been shown to predict...

The changing responses to weight-related stigma in online social media

The ‘physical-mental’ treatment of cardiovascular disease co-morbid with mental disorders

A 47-year-old woman complained of sudden chest tightness, shortness of breath, palpitations and...

Trajectories of older adults' hearing difficulties: Examining the influence of health behaviors and social activity over 10 years

Aim: The aims of the present study were to describe the trajectories of self-reported hearing...

A simple measure with complex determinants: Investigation of the correlates of self-rated health in older men and women from three continents

Background: Self-rated health is commonly employed in research studies that seek to assess the...

Evaluating a dichotomized measure of self-reported hearing loss against gold standard audiometry: Prevalence estimates and age bias in a pooled national data set

Objectives: To evaluate a harmonized binary measure of self-reported hearing loss against gold...

Intergenerational and intercultural encounters: Connecting students and older people through language learning

[No abstract available]

Management of depression in older people: A role for physical activity

Depressive illness results in considerable functional disability and decreased quality of life....

  • Book Chapters

Promoting ageing well: Psychological contributions.

  • Book Chapters

Promoting physical activity in sedentary elderly Malays with type 2 diabetes: A protocol for randomised controlled trial

Introduction: Like many countries Malaysia is facing an increase in the number of people with...

The experience of ageing: Influences on mental health and well-being

[No abstract available]

'We want a peaceful life here and hereafter': Healthy ageing perspectives of older Malays in Malaysia

Healthy ageing concepts have been extensively studied in Western societies but few studies have...

Age-based testing for driver's license renewal: Potential implications for older Australians

Objectives: To investigate the effect of age-based testing (ABT) for driver's license renewal...

Bridging the gap in ageing: Translating policies into practice in Malaysian primary care

Population ageing is poised to become a major challenge to the health system as Malaysia...

Cardiovascular disease and death associated with depression and antidepressants in the Melbourne longitudinal studies on healthy ageing (MELSHA)

Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and death may be associated with depression and...

General practice and preventive health care: A view through the eyes of community members

Objective: To identify barriers to, and enablers of, the uptake of preventive care in general...

Older prisoners-A challenge for Australian corrections

[No abstract available]

  • Journals

The Happy Life Clubâ„¢ study protocol: A cluster randomised controlled trial of a type 2 diabetes health coach intervention

Background. The Happy Life Clubâ„¢ is an intervention that utilises health coaches trained in...

Understanding ageing in older Australians: The contribution of the Dynamic Analyses to Optimise Ageing (DYNOPTA) project to the evidence base and policy

Aim: To describe the Dynamic Analyses to Optimise Ageing (DYNOPTA) project and illustrate its...

Urinary incontinence in a community sample of older adults: Prevalence and impact on quality of life

Purpose. To measure the prevalence of urinary incontinence (UI) in a community-dwelling sample...

A social view on healthy ageing: Multi-disciplinary perspectives and Australian evidence

[No abstract available]

Body mass index and unintentional weight change associated with all-cause mortality in older Australians: The Melbourne Longitudinal Studies on Healthy Ageing (MELSHA)

[No abstract available]

Cohort profile: The dynamic analyses to optimize ageing (DYNOPTA) project(

[No abstract available]

Cohort profile: The Melbourne longitudinal studies on healthy ageing program

[No abstract available]

Diabetes incidence associated with depression and antidepressants in the Melbourne Longitudinal Studies on Healthy Ageing (MELSHA)

Objective: Diabetes may be associated with depression and antidepressant medication (ADM) use,...

Factors affecting walking activity of older people from culturally diverse groups: An Australian experience

This study sought to investigate the walking habits of older people from diverse cultural...

Health, social and lifestyle factors in entry to residential aged care: An Australian longitudinal analysis

Background: Strategies to enable older people to remain in their own homes require information on...

Self-reported medication side effects in an older cohort living independently in the community - The Melbourne Longitudinal Study on Healthy Ageing (MELSHA): Cross-sectional analysis of prevalence and risk factors

Background. Medication side effects are an important cause of morbidity, mortality and costs in...

To continue, modify or relinquish driving: Findings from a longitudinal study of healthy ageing

Background: The number and proportion of drivers among people entering later life continues to...