Professor Claire McLachlan is Dean of the School of Education at Federation University Australia. Dr McLachlan’s research in early childhood education focuses on early literacy, physical activity, curriculum, pedagogy, assessment and evaluation.
Previously, Claire was a Professor at the University of Waikato and Massey University in New Zealand, where she taught courses on languages, literacies, cognition, pedagogy, assessment, evaluation, research methods and academic writing. She has supervised over 60 higher degree research students, including 10 doctoral completions. Claire has published nine books, has over 200 research outputs, and has received over $4m in research and consultancy funding.
Claire has undertaken evaluation for New Zealand’s Ministries for Education, Health, and Social Development, as well as other government agencies including the Alcohol Advisory Council and Sport New Zealand. Internationally, she has provided consultancy for the Semarang State University in Indonesia and New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Education in Tokelau.
Moving Towards a Sustainable Future for Women in Afghanistan Through Increased Tertiary Education Participation: Challenges and Possibilities
Curriculum and democracy: building understandings of democracy through early childhood practice
Fundamental movement skills and physical activity of 3-4-year-old children within early childhood centers in New Zealand
The effect of a 10-week physical activity programme on fundamental movement skills in 3–4-year-old children within early childhood education centres
Building a data culture to enhance quality teaching and learning
Data and the use of data for teaching and learning can be a powerful tool. However, data can also...
New kindergarten teachers’ career development trajectories in China: A problem-solving perspective
Since the 1960s, concerns for beginning teachers have attracted extensive attention. High...
Aotearoa/ New Zealand early childhood education: Moving forward with intention.
Efficacy of a compulsory homework programme for increasing physical activity and improving nutrition in children: A cluster randomised controlled trial
Background: Most physical activity interventions in children focus on the school setting;...
Partnership with families in early childhood education: New Zealand’s policy and professional context
Effective, authentic and meaningful relationships between early childhood teachers, parents,...
The Early Reading Curriculum: International Policy and Practice
Claire McLachlan makes a case for a comprehensive approach to early-grade reading instruction...
The Effect of Physical Activity Classes on Motor Skill in 12 - 24-Month-Old Children
Background: Children with enhanced fundamental movement skills may benefit from improved...
The Promise of Te Whariki (2017): Insights into Teachers' and Leaders' Perspectives on Teaching, Learning, and Assessment of Literacy in the Revised Curriculum
This article explores early childhood teachers’ and leaders’ early responses to the release of...
Assessment of, as and for learning: The challenges of assessment terminology
Assessment, teaching and learning are intertwined concepts and are at the heart of quality...
Children's learning and development: Contemporary assessment in the early years
Children's Learning and Development: Contemporary assessment in the early years is an...
Defining quality in a divided sector: Areviewof policy and practice in early childhood settings in New Zealandfrom 2008to 2018
This review examines major changes in the early childhood sector during the National-led...
Early childhood education and care in Aotearoa/New Zealand: History and features
There has been significant reform of early childhood education and care within Australia in the...
Learning Stories: Making Mathematics Learning Visible
In early childhood settings narratives that capture children’s learning as they go about...
Maori Children's Biliteracy Experiences Moving from a Kohanga Reo Setting to a Kura Kaupapa Maori, Bilingual, and Mainstream Education Setting: An Exploratory Study
This research explored the biliteracy experiences of three k�hanga reo children as they started...
Te Whariki revisited: How approaches to assessment can make valued learning visible
In 2016, Te Wh�riki: He Wh�riki M�tauranga m� ng� Mokopuna o Aotearoa: Early Childhood...
A complex act - Teacher educators share their perspectives of practicum assessment.
Practicum visiting and the assessment of students’ practicum form a significant component of...
Assessment in Early Childhood Education
Conceptualising Literacy in the Early Childhood Setting
This chapter will provide a brief introduction to literacy research with children in the early...
Development of Teachers' Knowledge and Skills in Implementing a Physical Education Curriculum: A New Zealand Early Childhood Intervention Study
In order to support children’s physical health and well-being in early childhood education...
Literacy in the early years: reflections on international research and practice
This edited collection provides an in-depth exploration of different aspects of contemporary...
Literature Review on Motor Skill and Physical Activity in Preschool Children in New Zealand
Children’s physical activity levels have decreased significantly over the past 20 - 30 years,...
Preface of International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Development Vol 7
[No abstract available]
Promoting the Predictors of Literacy in Early Childhood Settings: An Analysis of Two Studies in Low SES Settings
Research suggests that professional learning can enhance the effectiveness of teachers’...
The Future of Literacy Research in the Early Childhood Context
This chapter concludes the volume and identifies the nature of research methods used, the key...
Assessment in ECE is overwhelming at times: Uncovering the challenges of assessing four-year-old children's learning.
Fostering peer learning during the transition to school
New entrants encounter many new routines and different approaches to learning when they start...
How do teachers build strong relationships? A study of teaching practices to support child learning and social–emotional competence
Relationships lie at the heart of early childhood education principles, curriculum, and pedagogy....
Literacy and the Early Education Curriculum in New Zealand
New Zealand was considered a leader in the field of early childhood education when it developed...
Narrative assessment: making mathematics learning visible in early childhood settings
Narratives that capture children’s learning as they go about their day-to-day activities are...
Teacher Knowledge Needed for Differentiated Early Reading Instruction
Differentiated instruction in reading refers to teachers’ use of research-based assessment...
Young children's well being: Regulations, policies and directions for research
No Abstract
Promoting alphabet knowledge and phonological awareness in low socioeconomic child care settings: A quasi experimental study in five New Zealand centers
This study examined if professional development with teachers would increase children's literacy...
Starting school in New Zealand: Peer learning during the transition to school
Starting school is a time of change for children as they are required to engage with unfamiliar...
The development of phonological awareness and letter knowledge in young New Zealand children
The predictive nature of phonological awareness for the development of literacy skills has been...
Partnership in promoting literacy: An exploration of two studies in low-decile early childhood settings in New Zealand
No Abstract available
It's just part of being a professional: Looking back and looking forward at self-review..
Literacy in early childhood and primary education: Issues, challenges and solutions
Literacy in Early Childhood and Primary Education provides a comprehensive introduction to...
Promoting innovation and change in a 'traditional' university setting
[No abstract available]
An analysis of New Zealand's changing history, policies and approaches to early childhood education
New Zealand has an internationally unique approach to early childhood education, which includes...
Literacy in the Early Years in New Zealand: Policies, politics and pressing reasons for change
Although priding itself on high rates of literacy achievement, New Zealand's track record in the...
Early Childhood Curriculum addresses current approaches to curriculum for infants, toddlers and...