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Professor Chyrisse Heine

Professor and Head of Speech Pathology

Speech Pathology


IHW - Operations


Mt Helen Campus, Online

Protocol for a Field Trial of a Hearing and Vision Support Intervention for People Living in Long-Term Care in Australia

The cost of privatisation to the profession: Media representation of audiology in Australia

Technology and Older Women: Considerations Regarding Their Use and Misuse

Older women in australia: Facing the challenges of dual sensory loss

With the increase in longevity, the number of women living into old age is rising and higher than...

Dual sensory loss, mental health and wellbeing of older adults living in China

Introduction: Deterioration in vision and hearing commonly occurs as adults age. Existing...

Sensory loss in China: Prevalence, use of aids, and impacts on social participation

The number of older adults with vision and/or hearing loss is growing world-wide, including in...

Educators as Referrers for Central Auditory Processing Assessments: Who Else Refers and Why?

Central Auditory Processing Disorder: A systematic search and evaluation of clinical practice guidelines

Dual sensory loss and its mental health impacts: Where to now?

Dual sensory loss in older adults: A systematic review

Purpose of the Study: Combined vision and hearing loss [dual sensory loss (DSL)] is commonly...

Sexuality and older adults

  • Book Chapters

Mental health and dual sensory loss in older adults: A systematic review

Mental health is a core component of quality of life in old age. Dual Sensory Loss (DSL; combined...

Preparatory teachers' perceptions of school readiness: A survey of Victorian teachers

Trajectories of older adults' hearing difficulties: Examining the influence of health behaviors and social activity over 10 years

Aim: The aims of the present study were to describe the trajectories of self-reported hearing...

Promoting ageing well: Psychological contributions.

  • Book Chapters

The chaps, sifter, and taps-r as predictors of (C)ap skills and (C)apd

Speech Pathology Australia National Conference, Adelaide, April 2009.

The impact of mild central auditory processing disorder on school performance during adolescence

The communication and psychosocial perceptions of older adults with sensory loss: A qualitative study

Communication and psychosocial consequences of sensory loss in older adults: Overview and rehabilitation directions

Communication perceptions of older adults with sensory loss and their communication partners: Implications for intervention