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Dr. Carolyn Johnstone

Senior Lecturer, Social Sciences

Head of Social Sciences and Humanities


Academic Operations - IEAC


Mt Helen Campus, Online


Dr Carolyn Johnstone has over 25 years’ experience as an education and training specialist with the British Army. Dr Johnstone also worked in defence and strategic policy in the UK’s Ministry of Defence and as part of the multinational planning staff during deployments to Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan.

As a researcher, Carolyn is interested in adult education as a policy lever to address challenges of conflict, sustainable development and human security, focusing on adult education and work-based learning, refugees and vulnerable groups, and the professional identities of teachers as change agents in society.

Carolyn has been teaching international studies and teacher education programs at Federation University Australia for almost seven years. She sits on the University’s Higher Education Curriculum Committee. Carolyn is also a member of the Asia-South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education and co-ordinator for the Australian Coalition for Education and Development.

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  • Conference Proceedings

Governing adult education during crises: pointers for policymakers and practitioners

  • Conference Proceedings