Development of an online skills training platform for autistics adults: A participatory approach
Differences in Anxiety, Insomnia, and Trauma Symptoms in Wildfire Survivors from Australia, Canada, and the United States of America
Feasibility and preliminary efficacy of iConquerFear: a self-guided digital intervention for fear of cancer recurrence
Lifestyle management of hypertension: International Society of Hypertension position paper endorsed by the World Hypertension League and European Society of Hypertension
Pre-existing depression, anxiety and trauma as risk factors for the development of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms following wildfires
Speech based detection of Alzheimer’s disease: a survey of AI techniques, datasets and challenges
Suicide Risk among Older Adults: The Moderating Role of Hope
A Fully Automated Self-help Biopsychosocial Transdiagnostic Digital Intervention to Reduce Anxiety and/or Depression and Improve Emotional Regulation and Well-being: Pre-Follow-up Single-Arm Feasibility Trial
Efficacy of a Digital Mental Health Biopsychosocial Transdiagnostic Intervention With or Without Therapist Assistance for Adults With Anxiety and Depression: Adaptive Randomized Controlled Trial
Evaluation of Various Support Intensities of Digital Mental Health Treatment for Reducing Anxiety and Depression in Adults: Protocol for a Mixed Methods, Adaptive, Randomized Clinical Trial
Exploration of the preliminary effectiveness and acceptability of a self-help digital intervention to support benzodiazepine cessation and improve mental health and wellbeing: A one-group pilot trial
Older adults' preferences for Internet-based services: Type and content
Prevalence and Predictors of Sleep and Trauma Symptoms in Wildfire Survivors
Suicidality among older Australian adults
Therapist training in video chat technology for use in an adaptive digital mental health intervention: Challenges, facilitators and implications for training models
Transforming global approaches to chronic disease prevention and management across the lifespan: integrating genomics, behavior change, and digital health solutions
Video Chat Therapist Assistance in an Adaptive Digital Intervention for Anxiety and Depression: Reflections From Participants and Therapists
Community expectations and anticipated outcomes for crisis support services - Lifeline Australia
Consumer Perspectives on the Use of Artificial Intelligence Technology and Automation in Crisis Support Services: Mixed Methods Study
Help-seeker expectations and outcomes of a crisis support service: Comparison of suicide-related and non-suicide-related contacts to lifeline Australia
Cognitive behaviour therapy for insomnia and depression: qualitative reflections from older adults who participated in a randomised controlled trial
Objectives: To explore the experiences of older adults who participated in a randomised...
Development and usability evaluation of an online self-management intervention for fear of cancer recurrence (iConquerFear)
Objective: To develop and evaluate the usability of iConquerFear, an online self-management...
Impairments in episodic future thinking for positive events and anticipatory pleasure in major depression
Background: Characteristic of the cardinal symptom of anhedonia, people with clinical depression...
Bayes, time perception, and relativity: The central role of hopelessness
Time judgement and time experience are distinct elements of time perception. It is known that...
Lessons learned from delivering an internet intervention for insomnia in an Australian public hospital outpatient setting
Objectives: This study examined the feasibility of delivering an online cognitive behavioural...
Systema Temporis: A time-based dimensional framework for consciousness and cognition
This study uses a combined categorical-dimensional approach to depict a hierarchical framework...
Time dilation and acceleration in depression
Background: A recent meta-analysis left open a significant question regarding altered time...
Towards Machine Learning approach for Digital-Health intervention program
Digital-Health intervention (DHI) are used by health care providers to promote engagement...
Advancing cognitive behaviour therapy for older adults with comorbid insomnia and depression
Insomnia and depression are two of the most common mental health problems that negatively impact...
A mobile app-based intervention for depression: End-user and expert usability testing study
Background: Despite the growing number of mental health apps available for smartphones, the...
Cognitive behavior therapy for older adults with insomnia and depression: A randomized controlled trial in community mental health services
Study Objectives: To investigate whether cognitive behavior therapy was effective for older...
Modeling neurocognitive reaction time with Gamma distribution
As a broader effort to build a holistic biopsychosocial health metric, reaction time data...
Preventing elder abuse by providing safe & quality aged care for senior Australians (Supporting aged care nursing staff to manage behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia: iSeeBehaviour).
Managing challenging behaviours that are exhibited by aged care facility residents involves...
Relevance of Frequency of Heart-Rate Peaks as Indicator of 'Biological' Stress Level
The biopsychosocial (BPS) model proposes that health is best understood as a combination of...
Supporting regional aged care nursing staff to manage residents' behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia, in real time, using the nurses' behavioural assistant (NBA): A pilot site ?eEnd-user attitudes' trial
Background: This regional pilot site ‘end-user attitudes’ study explored nurses’...
An online psychological intervention can improve the sexual satisfaction of men following treatment for localized prostate cancer: outcomes of a Randomised Controlled Trial evaluating My Road Ahead
Background: Prostate cancer treatment often results in significant psycho-sexual challenges for...
Development of a Suicidal Ideation Detection Tool for Primary Healthcare Settings: Using Open Access Online Psychosocial Data
Background: Suicidal patients often visit healthcare professionals in their last month before...
e-TC: Development and pilot testing of a web-based intervention to reduce anxiety and depression in survivors of testicular cancer
e-TC is an online intervention designed to address common psychosocial concerns of testicular...
The first 30 months of the MindSpot Clinic: Evaluation of a national e-mental health service against project objectives
Objective: The MindSpot Clinic provides online mental health services to Australian adults with...
ICBT for Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia: From the Computer at Home to Real-Life 'In Vivo' Exposure
A randomized head to head trial of An internet based self-help program for bipolar disorder
Background: Adjunctive psychosocial interventions are efficacious in bipolar disorder, but their...
Clinical and Cost-Effectiveness of Therapist-Guided Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Older Adults With Symptoms of Anxiety: A Randomized Controlled Trial
There is preliminary support for internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy (iCBT) as a way...
Clinical and Cost-Effectiveness of Therapist-Guided Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Older Adults With Symptoms of Depression: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Depression is a common and significant health problem among older adults. Unfortunately, while...
Cognitive behaviour therapy for older adults experiencing insomnia and depression in a community mental health setting: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Background: Cognitive behaviour therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is a well-established treatment;...
Examining self-guided internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for older adults with symptoms of anxiety and depression: Two feasibility open trials
MindSpot Clinic: An Accessible, Efficient, and Effective Online Treatment Service for Anxiety and Depression
Objective: The main objective of this study was to report the feasibility of delivering online...
Multiple comorbidities of 21 psychological disorders and relationships with psychosocial variables: a study of the online assessment and diagnostic system within a web-based population
BACKGROUND: While research in the area of e-mental health has received considerable attention...
Preliminary Results of a Randomised Controlled Trial of an Online Psychological Intervention to Reduce Distress in Men Treated for Localised Prostate Cancer
Background: Prostate cancer (PCa) poses many emotional and physical challenges for men following...
The Diagnostic Validity and Reliability of an Internet-Based Clinical Assessment Program for Mental Disorders
Background: Internet-based assessment has the potential to assist with the diagnosis of mental...
The effects of playing Nintendo Wii on depression, sense of belonging and social support in Australian aged care residents: a protocol study of a mixed methods intervention trial
Background: The proportion of people aged 65 or older is the fastest growing age group worldwide....
A Case Study Illustrating Therapist-Assisted Internet Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depression
Randomized controlled trials show that therapist-assisted Internet cognitive behavior therapy...
Comorbidity Structure of Psychological Disorders in the Online e-PASS Data as Predictors of Psychosocial Adjustment Measures: Psychological Distress, Adequate Social Support, Self-Confidence, Quality of Life, and Suicidal Ideation
Background: A relative newcomer to the field of psychology, e-mental health has been gaining...
Development, feasibility and usability of an online psychological intervention for men with prostate cancer: My Road Ahead
My Road Ahead study protocol: a randomised controlled trial of an online psychological intervention for men following treatment for localised prostate cancer
Background: There is a need for psychosocial interventions for men with prostate cancer to...
Optimizing prediction of binge eating episodes: a comparison approach to test alternative conceptualizations of the affect regulation model
Background: Although a wealth of studies have tested the link between negative mood states and...
Out & Online; effectiveness of a tailored online multi-symptom mental health and wellbeing program for same-sex attracted young adults: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Background: Same-sex attracted young adults have been found to experience higher rates of mental...
Posttreatment Attrition and Its Predictors, Attrition Bias, and Treatment Efficacy of the Anxiety Online Programs
Background: Although relatively new, the field of e-mental health is becoming more popular with...
Pretreatment attrition and formal withdrawal during treatment and their predictors: an exploratory study of the anxiety online data
BACKGROUND: Although in its infancy, the field of e-mental health interventions has been gaining...
Psychosocial interventions to support partners of men with prostate cancer: a systematic and critical review of the literature
Purpose Prostate cancer poses many challenges for both the man and his partner. Partners have...
Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of internet-based cognitive-behavioural therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder
Background: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a common chronic psychiatric disorder that...
The impact of prostate cancer on partners: a qualitative exploration
ObjectiveProstate cancer and its treatment can result in numerous physical and psychological...
Therapist-assisted Internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for depression and anxiety: Translating evidence into clinical practice
This dissemination study examined the effectiveness of therapist-assisted Internet-delivered...
An Internet-Based Guided Self-Help Intervention for Panic Symptoms: Randomized Controlled Trial
Background: Internet-based guided self-help is efficacious for panic disorder, but it is not...
Development of an online intervention for bipolar disorder.
We describe the development process and completed structure, of a self-help online intervention...
Improving mental health of adolescents with Type 1 diabetes: protocol for a randomized controlled trial of the Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained online adolescent and parenting support intervention
Background: Management of Type 1 diabetes comes with substantial personal and psychological...
Dissemination of Therapist-Assisted Internet Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: Development and Open Pilot Study of a Workshop
There is considerable research suggesting that therapist-assisted Internet cognitive behaviour...
The First Two Years of Anxiety Online: an international e-mental health service for the anxiety disorders.
Anxiety Online-A Virtual Clinic: Preliminary Outcomes Following Completion of Five Fully Automated Treatment Programs for Anxiety Disorders and Symptoms
Background: The development of e-mental health interventions to treat or prevent mental illness...
Assessment of function and clinical utility of alcohol and other drug web sites: An observational, qualitative study
Background: The increasing popularity and use of the internet makes it an attractive option for...
Considerations in the Development of a Therapist-Assisted Internet Cognitive Behavior Therapy Service
There is mounting evidence in clinical trials that therapist-assisted Internet cognitive behavior...
The field of Internet interventions is growing rapidly. New programs are continually being...
Training Postgraduate Psychology Students to Deliver Psychological Services Online
Information and communication technologies are increasingly being used to remotely deliver...
An evaluation of 'Reach Out Central': an online gaming program for supporting the mental health of young people
The objective of this study was to conduct an evaluation of Reach Out Central (ROC), an online...
A therapist-assisted cognitive behavior therapy internet intervention for posttraumatic stress disorder: Pre-, post- and 3-month follow-up results from an open trial
This study was an open trial evaluation of a 10-week therapist-assisted cognitive behavior...
Content and functionality of alcohol and other drug websites: Results of an online survey
Background: There is a growing trend for individuals to seek health information from online...
E-Interventions and Psychology: Time to log on
Guided CBT internet interventions: specific issues in supporting clients with depression, anxiety and comorbid conditions
Online Alcohol Interventions: A Systematic Review
Background: There has been a significant increase in the availability of online programs for...
Positive psychology and the internet: A mental health opportunity
Preferences for e-mental health services amongst an online Australian sample
Training Clinicians online to be e-therapists: the 'Anxiety Online' model
A Cluster Randomised Trial of an Internet-Based Intervention Program for Tinnitus Distress in an Industrial Setting
After hours palliative care planning in rural and urban Australia
A randomised controlled trial of a self-guided internet intervention promoting well-being
A Therapist-Assisted Internet-Based CBT Intervention for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Preliminary Results
Defining Internet-Supported Therapeutic Interviews
GP and nurses' perceptions of how after hours care for people receiving palliative care at home could be improved: a mixed methods study
Internet-Based Treatment for Panic Disorder: Does Frequency of Therapist Contact Make a Difference?
Internet-based interventions with therapist support have proven effective for treating a range of...
The impact of online resilience training for sales managers on wellbeing and work performance
A controlled trial of internet-based cognitive-behavioural therapy for panic disorder with face-to-face support from a general practitioner or email support from a psychologist
A Pilot trial of Panic Online as a self-guided treatment for panic disorder
Best Practices in Online Therapy. .
Is Internet-based CBT for panic disorder and agoraphobia as effective as face-to-face CBT?
Social anxiety and the internet: Positive and negative effects
The players' perspective of Reach Out Central: A therapeutic interactive online game
Therapist-Assisted, Internet-Based Treatment for Panic Disorder: Can General Practitioners Achieve Comparable Patient Outcomes to Psychologists?
Efficacy of internet therapy for panic disorder
Fifty-five people with panic disorder (PD) were randomised to internet-based cognitive...
Internet-based treatment for panic disorder
Increasingly, the internet is being used as a source of mental health information as well as...
A brief internet-based treatment for panic disorder