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Associate Professor Blake Peck

Associate Professor, Nursing

Nursing - Mt Helen


IHW - Operations


Mt Helen Campus, Online


Dr Blake Peck’s key focus is on finding ever better ways to understand and improve the lives of children and their families.

Dr Peck is currently involved in a number of projects in the area of childhood injury and safety awareness, asthma management and decision making amongst rural children, and improving the management of incontinence in children. Blake is also working with a number of international collaborators on a series of projects that seek to better understand how much young children understand about their long-term illness and how to manage it.

Blake is supervising higher degree students undertaking projects in paediatric health and wellbeing.

Blake came to academia from a background in paediatric clinical nursing practice.  Through his PhD, he focused on developing a new theoretical model for qualitative research termed Hermeneutic Constructivism, a theoretical position that is well suited to understanding the nuanced lives of children.

Field of Research

  • Nursing not elsewhere classified
  • Nursing workforce
  • Injury prevention

Barriers, Benefits, and Enablers of Acute Home-Based Care (Hospital In The Home) in Australia for Older People: A Systematic Review

Student success strategies: Approaches to navigating and understanding the determinants of health outside the classroom

Understanding developmental progress in young children: Exploring demographic and dietary influences through a cross-sectional study

"I Don't Really Wanna Go Back. I Know What Ive Got in Front of Me". Lived Experiences of Emergency Nurses 2 Years Into the Global COVID-19 Pandemic

'It's only a matter of time' - Lessons learnt and recommendations from COVID-19 to inform emergency nursing for future pandemics: An integrated literature review

Mapping Hospital in the Home Models of Care: A Systematic Review

Self-efficacy, grit, and rural career aspirations among early career nurses: a repeated cross-sectional study

The experience of methamphetamine use disorder and the negative consequences of relapse–a qualitative study

The mechanisms of student grit at the height of a major crisis: Identifying key predictors when times get really tough

The threshold of rural placement frequency and duration: A repeated cross-sectional study examining rural career aspirations among student nurses

This Bloke Who Helps Me With My Tractor, He's Been the Best Psychologist: The Experience of Seeking Mental Health Support in Rural Australia

Understanding rural pharmacists' perspectives: lived experiences and insights associated with rural recruitment and retention

Yoga as a Contemplative Practice and Its Contribution to Participatory Self-Knowledge and Student Retention: A Scoping Review of the First-Year Undergraduate Student Transition

Yoga in schools that contributes to a positive classroom atmosphere for young children and educators: a PRISMA scoping review

Changes in grit and psychological capital at the time of major crisis: Nursing students' perseverance, resources, and resilience

Developing rights-based standards for children having tests, treatments, examinations and interventions: using a collaborative, multi-phased, multi-method and multi-stakeholder approach to build consensus

Enhancing Students' Cultural Competency in Tertiary Health Education Using Internationalization at Home: A Literature Review

Health literacy among children living with a long-term condition: 'What I know and who I tell'

Hermeneutic Constructivism: One ontology for authentic understanding

"If I Can't Do It, Who Will?" Lived Experiences of Australian Emergency Nurses During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Paediatric Emergency Asthma Presentations: Temporal Trends and Representations in Rural Australia

Sustaining rural pharmacy workforce understanding key attributes for enhanced retention and recruitment

The Use of an Interactive Social Simulation Tool for Adults Who Stutter: A Pilot Study

Totally devoted to you: A qualitative study examining the experiences of sacrifice among pharmacists in rural and regional areas

Young Children’s Experiences with Yoga after School

Empowerment as an alternative to traditional patient advocacy roles

Group-urotherapy for children with complex elimination disorder: An Australian study

Learning on the periphery: a modified Delphi study of a nursing student communities of practice model

Outcomes of a pilot evaluation of a group urotherapy programme for children with complex elimination disorders: An Australian experience

Evidence-based interventions have continued to show positive effects on both reducing symptoms...

Pediatric emergency asthma presentations in Southwest Victoria: a retrospective cross-sectional study 2017 to 2020

Professionalising care into compliance: The challenge for personalised care models

Student Engagement Amongst Regional Australian Undergraduate Students

The influence of probiotics on gastrointestinal tract infections among children attending childcare: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Current literature related to the impact of probiotics on the incidence of gastrointestinal tract...

The Pharmacy Community Apgar Questionnaire: a modified Delphi technique to develop a rural pharmacist recruitment and retention tool

Factors contributing to the recruitment and retention of rural pharmacist workforce: a systematic review

Nursing Men

  • Book Chapters

Self-efficacy, grit and perceptions of rural employment: What changes occur after graduation?

Self-regulation for and of learning: Student insights for online success in a bachelor of nursing program in regional australia

The Historic to Contemporary Challenges among International Medical Graduates Seeking to Practise in Australia

The Kids Are Alright: Outcome of a Safety Programme for Addressing Childhood Injury in Australia

The rural nursing workforce hierarchy of needs: Decision-making concerning future rural healthcare employment

Addressing nursing shortages in rural areas remains essential, and attracting nursing graduates...

The socioeconomic characteristics of childhood injuries in regional victoria, australia: What the missing data tells us

Background: Injury is the leading cause of death among those between 1–16 years of age in...

Twice-daily moisturizer application for skin tear prevention among older adults in acute care

Academic and clinical performance among nursing students: What's grit go to do with it?

Background Nursing is both a science and an art and requires students to develop sound...

A narrative synthesis of childhood injury prevention programs for pre-school children

Childhood injury is the leading cause of death and ongoing disability worldwide. While a...

A review of Code Blue activations in a single Regional Australian Healthcare Service: A retrospective descriptive study of RISKMAN data

Background: In the case of life-threatening conditions such as respiratory or cardiac arrest, or...

Body-Worn Versus Bell-and-Pad Alarm Device for the Management of Monosymptomatic Nocturnal Enuresis in Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of bell-and-pad alarm therapy...

Communities of practice: A systematic review and meta-synthesis of what it means and how it really works among nursing students and novices

Aims and objectives To evaluate the enablers, barriers and impact that communities of practice...

Factors that impact measures of grit among nursing students: A journey emblematic of the koi fish

Grit is the capacity to persevere, to have passion, and be committed to achieve goals long-term...

Occupational self-efficacy and psychological capital amongst nursing students: A cross sectional study understanding the malleable attributes for success

With a predicted shortfall in the worldwide nursing workforce, efforts to understand attributes...

Pediatric emergency asthma presentations in Southwest Victoria: a retrospective cross-sectional study 2017 to 2020

Objectives: Australia has one of the highest prevalence of asthma globally, and accessible...

Supervision in Healthcare: A Critical Review of the Role, Function and Capacity for Training

This paper examines the notion of clinical supervision and takes a close look at what it means...

Television as a career motivator and education tool: A final-year nursing student cohort study

Fictional medical programs are often used for more than just their recreational enjoyment; they...

The academic experiences of transitioning to blended online and digital nursing curriculum

Background: The blended online digital (BOLD) approach to teaching is popular within many...

The data deficit for asthma emergency presentations might surprise you: How RAHDaR addresses the data chasm

Introduction: National and state-based minimum data sets remain inadequate in providing a...

Traversing the funambulist’s fine line between nursing and male identity: A systematic review of the factors that influence men as they seek to navigate the nursing profession

Nursing has seen a dominance of women within the profession, and today, the presence of men in...

Understanding childhood injuries in rural areas: Using Rural Acute Hospital Data Register to address previous data deficiencies

Objective: The state of childhood injury in rural areas of Victoria is poorly understood....

What Australian Nursing Students Value as Important in Undertaking Rural Practice

Background: Rural health services in Australia are continually challenged by both the recruitment...

Workplace based assessment program for international medical graduates: An evaluation of an Australian trial site

There is a need to understand Workplace Based Assessment programs in Australia to improve future...

Engaging Gadamer and qualia for the mot juste of individualised care

The cornerstone of contemporary nursing practice is the provision of individualised nursing care....

Is nursing student personality important for considering a rural career?

Purpose: Identifying and measuring personality traits assists to understanding professional...

Recovering the "individual" for qualitative research: An idiographic approach

Twinning with Tonga: The Experiences of Tongan Stakeholders with a Long-term Partnership with Regional Victoria, Australia

Twinning programs in health have gained increased recognition as a WHO preferred strategy for...

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Management: A Retrospective Study in Rural General Practice

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic, progressive metabolic disease that is...

Evaluating a Blended Online Learning Model among Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Quantitative Study

In Australia, the emerging use of technology in higher education has brought about significant...

Exploring young Australian adults' asthma management to develop an educational video

Objective: This study explored young university students’ (aged 18–24 years) health literacy,...

Hermeneutic Constructivism: An Ontology for Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is entirely an operation with language, in language, and occasionally on...

Attitude to the subject of chemistry in undergraduate nursing students at Fiji National University and Federation University, Australia

Attitude to the subject of chemistry was quantified in first-year undergraduate nursing students,...

The personal construct and language: Toward a rehabilitation of Kelly's "inner outlook"

The core consideration with which George Kelly is concerned is distilled in his suggestion that...

Enhancing tertiary healthcare education through 3D MUVE-based simulations

This chapter focuses specifically on the use of three-dimensional multi-user virtual environments...

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...I know I can Multi-user Virtual Environments (MUVEs) as a means of developing competence and confidence in undergraduate nursing students: An Australian perspective

The consideration of emerging technologies for use in higher education is critical. The...

The teacher as the 'digital perpetrator'': Implementing web 2.0 technology activity as assessment practice for higher education Innovation or Imposition?

The purpose of this paper is to present an evaluation of the use of 'YouTube' video broadcasting...

The Tin-Man and the TAM: A Journey Into M-Learning in the Land of Aus

  • Journals

Normalization behaviours of rural fathers living with chronically-ill children: An Australian experience

This article reports findings from a larger qualitative study conducted to gain insight into the...

Rural fathers' experiences of loss in day-to-day life with chronically ill children

The aim of this qualitative study was to gain insight into the experiences of fathers living with...

  • Journals