Birgit Loch is the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Learning & Teaching and the Executive Dean, Institute of Education, Arts and Community at Federation University Australia. She is a Principal Fellow of AdvanceHE (PFHEA) and Fellow of the Australian Mathematical Society.
Birgit joined Federation from the University of New England in 2024 where she was Executive Dean of the Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business and Law and oversaw a culture transformation including the implementation of values and staff support programs. She brings extensive experience leading learning and teaching innovation programs and bringing academics along. As an expert in educational technologies she has widely published on open educational resources, blended and online learning, pen-enabled technologies, mathematics education and mathematics support, students as partners as well as building teaching focused academic models and communities of practice. She is very passionate about improving the student and staff experience, and about achieving excellence in all that we do.
Birgit is a co-founder of the WATTLE women’s leadership development program and has served on the In2Science Advisory Board, the Council of the Australian Mathematical Society and the Executive of the Australian Council of Deans of Science.
Building the Status of Teaching-Focused Positions as Prestigious Roles to Improve Teaching Quality
Could flipping professional development engage teaching academics? Perceptions of authenticity and relevance
Making the Student Experience Everybodys Business: Cultivating Collaboration in the Exosphere
Reducing statistics anxiety for psychology students during the global pandemic: a methodology approach
Reliability and Validity of a Novel Instrument to Quantify Psychology Students' Perception of Statistics Learning
Takeaways from Teaching through a Pandemic: Practical Examples of Lasting Value in Tertiary Mathematics Education
All things are ready, if our mind be so: Attitudes to STEM assessment redesign in the age of genAI
A multidisciplinary STEM and liberal arts students-as-partners project promoted the development of employability skills and embodied partnership values
From Knowledge Curator to Knowledge Creator: Academic Libraries and Open Access Textbook Publishing
Teacher perspectives on adoption of student-made screencasts as a peer learning approach in secondary school mathematics
The impact of an innovators group on the development of a culture of innovation in the use of educational technologies
Who wants to be a teaching innovator?
Are we failing the repeating students? Characteristics associated with students who repeat first-year university mathematics
Takeaways from teaching through a global pandemic–practical examples of lasting value in tertiary mathematics education
'Theres a pandemic coming, get yourselves some tablets': Lessons from the pandemic on a community of practice approach to learning technology diffusion
Back to what? What STEM and Health teaching academics learnt from COVID
Building a culture of innovation in learning and teaching technologies through an innovators group
Building belonging: A grassroots peer-support network for academic women
Survey on Research in University Mathematics Education at ICME 14
Implementing blended learning in tertiary mathematics teaching
Diverse students and lecture recording technology: can lecture recording replace lectures?
Human Physiology Students’ Perceptions of etextbooks: Towards Open Access as an Alternative to Traditional Textbooks
The effectiveness of resources created by students as partners in explaining the relevance of mathematics in engineering education
Games and simulation in higher education
How useful are closed captions for learning mathematics via online video?
Peer tutoring using student-made screencasts
A preliminary analysis of the effectiveness of student produced videos on the relevance of mathematics in engineering
Building cognitive bridges in mathematics: Exploring the role of screencasting in scaffolding flexible learning and engagement
How to engage students in blended learning in a mathematics course: The students’ views
How to make mathematics relevant to first-year engineering students: perceptions of students on student-produced resources
A preliminary categorization of what mathematics undergraduate students include on exam “crib sheets”
Conceptualising, Implementing and Evaluating the use of Digital Technologies to Enhance Mathematical Understanding: Reflections on an Innovation-Development Cycle
Here’s how to get more women promoted to top jobs in universities
Implementing blended learning at faculty level: Supporting staff, and the 'ripple effect'
Master's students' perceptions of Microsoft Word for mathematical typesetting
StatsCasts: screencasts for complementing lectures in statistics classes
Student perceptions of screencast feedback on mathematics assessment
Academics’ Perceptions on the Quality of MOOCs: An Empirical Study
A preliminary investigation of student collaboration to create resources that motivate the relevance of mathematics to first year engineers
A roadmap for forming successful interdisciplinary education research collaborations: a reflective approach
Do screencasts help to revise prerequisite mathematics? An investigation of student performance and perception
The transition from traditional face-to-face teaching to blended learning – implications and challenges from a mathematics discipline perspective
Closing the feedback loop: engaging students in large first-year mathematics test revision sessions using pen-enabled screens
Demonstrating the relevance of mathematics to first year students in engineering courses: what are the critical elements for a successful project?
Enablers and barriers to academic’s acceptance of technology: Can “individual differences” make a difference?
Improving retention in first-year mathematics using learning analytics
'I'm worried about the correctness': Undergraduate students as producers of screencasts of mathematical explanations for their peers - lecturer and student perceptions
Perceptions of feedback in mathematics – results from a preliminary investigation at three Australian universities
Scaffolding conceptual learning in mathematics with technology enhanced pedagogy - A preliminary evaluation of student engagement with screencasts
StatsCasts: supporting student learning of introductory statistics
Do short screencasts improve student learning of mathematics?
Dynamic and Interactive Teaching with Technology
Engaging students in cognitive and metacognitive processes using screencasts
Maths Jam: playing with maths in pubs: an international movement
Prototype of an intervention strategy with a focus on mathematics support for first year civil engineering students "at risk"
Tablet Technology to Facilitate Improved Interaction and Communication with Students Studying Mathematics at a Distance
Teaching threshold concepts in engineering mathematics using MathsCasts
An instructional design model for screencasting: Engaging students in self-regulated learning
Building lectures and building bridges with socio-economically disadvantaged students
Complementing mathematics support with online MathsCasts
Learner-centred mathematics and statistics education using netbook tablet PCs
Professional development for teaching in higher education
Screencasting for mathematics online learning: A case study of a first year operations research course at a dual delivery mode Australian University
Adopting synchronous audiographic web conferencing: A tale from two regional universities in Australia
Building academic numeracy in a first year nursing course using an evaluative model of program development
Facilitating change: Tablet PC trials across two distance education focused universities
Go WEST - Supporting women in engineering, science and technology: An Australian higher education case study
Preparedness for flexible access to learning materials: How ready are university students and staff?
The use of tablet and related technologies in mathematics teaching
Adjusting the community of inquiry approach to a synchronous mathematical context
Conducting a trial of web conferencing software: Why, how, and perceptions from the coalface
Reframing e-assessment: Building professional nursing and academic attributes in a first year nursing course
The practice of web conferencing: Where are we now?
A hybrid Clough-Tocher radial basis function method for modelling leaf surfaces
An innovative learning model for computation in first year mathematics
Application of surface fitting techniques for the representation of leaf surfaces
Boundary treatment for virtual leaf surfaces
Spectral schemes on triangular elements