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Professor Bindi Bennett

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Professorial Research Fellow

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Professorial Research




Mt Helen Campus, Online


Dr Bindi Bennett (she/her) is a K/Gamilaroi woman, mother, and social worker and is a Professorial Research Fellow at Federation University living, playing and working on Jinibara lands. She is a social justice scholar, a compassionate radical and activist requesting transformational change who is committed to improving and growing cultural responsiveness; re-Indigenising Western spaces; understanding and exploring Indigenous Knowledge Systems in research; and exploring the human-animal bond.

Attachment styles, continuing bonds, and grief following companion animal death

Caring for Country: Social Workers Standing in Solidarity with Indigenous Disaster Practices

Decolonization and trauma-informed truth-telling about Indigenous Australia in a social work diversity course: a cultural safety approach

Drunk in China? The Imperative for Effective Interventions Against Alcohol Abuse

Enhancing Equity in Clinical Social Work Education: Supporting Indigenous Queer and Gender Diverse Students and Researchers'

Indigenous food sovereignty assessment—A systematic literature review

Introduction to Section One: Social Work and Disaster Practice

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/gender diverse, queer, and intersex+ inclusion in Asia-Pacific social work education: a scoping review

Privileging Indigenous Knowledge and Wisdom as Feminist Social Work Practitioners

Rankings, Ruling and Reproducing Inequities: Critiquing the Knowledge Production of Social Work's "Top 100 Scholars"

The Routledge International Handbook of Social Work and Disaster Practice

Transformational learning and agency for professional identity development: first-year social work student retention and wellbeing

Workforce strategies to address children's mental health and behavioural needs in rural, regional and remote areas: A scoping review

Acting with Intentional Dissent as Minorities: Opportunities and Challenges in the Higher

A new table to determine our future

  • Journals

Australian Universities, Indigenization, Whiteness, and Settler Colonial Epistemic Violence

Cyberbullying, Mental Health, and Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth with Disabilities: Intersectionalities and Environmental Risks

Emotional wellbeing as a matter of relationships and love: insights for social work from mental health peer mentor trainees, carers and practitioners

Inclusion of animals in allied health practice in Australia: a beginning exploration

Strengthening critical allyship in social work education: opportunities in the context of #BlackLivesMatter and COVID-19

The Continuous Improvement Cultural Responsiveness Tools (CICRT): Creating More Culturally Responsive Social Workers

The Non-Indigenous Educator Teaching Australian Aboriginal Content in Social Work Education

The problem with cooperative action problems: Conceptions of agency and the understanding of environmental crises

There is No Such Thing as a Blank Slate: Accountability in decolonising universities

Understanding camp dogs: the relationship between Aboriginal culture and western welfare

Workplace friendships while teleworking during COVID-19: Experiences of social workers in Australia

Workplace Heterosexism and Well-being: Education, Social Class, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, and Human Rights

Aboriginal Social Work Academics: Failure to Thrive due to Having to Fight to Survive?

Adult Learning as Metamorphosis and Popular Education for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/Gender Diverse, and Queer+ Equality: The Story of Leonard Matlovich

A Mixed-Methods Assessment of Human Well-Being Related to A Mixed-Methods Assessment of Human Well-Being Related to the Presence of Companion Animals During the COVID-19 Pandemic

  • Journals

An intercultural critical reflection model

Australian Social Work: Proposed Guidelines for Articles by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Authors and About Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Issues

Creating spatial, relational and cultural safety in online social work education during COVID-19

Doing anti-oppressive social work: rethinking theory and practice, Fourth edition

  • Book

Gender inequality and health disparity amid COVID-19

'Getting Used to the First Nations Person in the Room': A Discussion on Field Practice in Australia

ICIRAS: Research and reconciliation with indigenous peoples in rural health journals

Indigenous cultural identity of research authors standard: Research and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples in rural health journals

Indigenous Cultural Identity of Research Authors Standard: research and reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples in rural health journals

Indigenous Ideas Benefit Collaborative Research Partnerships

Position statement: Research and reconciliation with Indigenous People in rural health journals

Position statement: Research and reconciliation with indigenous people in rural health journals; [Énoncé de position: Recherche et réconciliation avec les peuples autochtones dans les revues de médecine rurale]

Position statement: research and reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples in rural health journals

Position statement: Research and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples in rural health journals

Psychoneuroimmunology concerns of the Olympic boycotts

Teaching and learning cultural humility: lessons in knowing, being and doing

  • Book Chapters

Teaching Mental Health and Well-Being Online in a Crisis: Fostering Love and Self-compassion in Clinical Social Work Education

Aboriginal Fields of Practice

  • Book

Could assistance dogs improve well-being for aboriginal peoples living with disability?

  • Book Chapters

Covid-19 vaccine donations - vaccine empathy or vaccine diplomacy? A narrative literature review

Making #blacklivesmatter in universities: a viewpoint on social policy education

Mistakes and Misunderstandings: Why Are Social Workers Still Not Getting It Right?

  • Book Chapters

The impact of teaching culture online during COVID-19

Towards a Critical Posthumanist Social Work: Trans-Species Ethics of Ecological Justice, Nonviolence and Love

  • Book Chapters

Working towards cultural responsiveness and inclusion in Australia: The re-Indigenization of social work education

  • Journals

What to bring when you are told not to bring a thing: The need for protocols in acknowledging Indigenous knowledges and participants in Australian research

Acknowledgements in Aboriginal social work research: How to counteract neo-colonial academic complacency

Creating a Culturally Safe Space When Teaching Aboriginal Content in Social Work: A Scoping Review

Ownership and protection of Aboriginal knowledge: academic response and responsibility

  • Book Chapters

Teaching cultural humility for social workers serving LGBTQI Aboriginal communities in Australia

The Potential of Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy for Treating Trauma in Australian Aboriginal Peoples

Cultural Responsiveness in Action: Co-Constructing Social Work Curriculum Resources with Aboriginal Communities

Incorporating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Curriculum Frameworks into Practice and Implications for Employment,

  • Journals

Social Work and Indigenous Australians: Ngurambang Yanhambulanha (Walking Country)

  • Book Chapters

Wayanha: A Decolonised Social Work

Cultural Responsiveness and Social Work – a Discussion

  • Journals

Is community development equity or justice?

"Stop Deploying Your White Privilege on Me!" Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Engagement with the Australian Association of Social Workers

How do light-skinned aboriginal Australians experience racism?: Implications for social work

Our voices: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social work

  • Book

The importance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history for social work students and graduates

  • Book Chapters

Walking the journey: the student experience

  • Book Chapters

What Do We Know? The Experiences of Social Workers Working Alongside Aboriginal People

A model for consultation with Aboriginal stakeholders about young people's mental health and wellbeing: The NSW School-Link Training Program

Aboriginal Australians

  • Book Chapters

Hearing the stories of Australian aboriginal and torres strait islander social workers: Challenging and educating the system