Associate Professor Andrew Stranieri is an AI researcher at Federation University Australia. Dr Stranieri’s expertise in health informatics spans data analytics in health, complementary and alternative medicine informatics, remote patient monitoring, telemedicine and intelligent decision support systems.
Andrew is the author of over 200 peer reviewed journal and conference articles and has published three books. In 2016, he co-founded Anidra Tech Ventures Pty Ltd, a company that performs remote vital signs monitoring in Indian hospitals. The technology processes data from sensors worn by patients to detect a deterioration and alert remotely-located doctors and nurses to view vital signs in real time.
Andrew is Associate Professor in Information Technology at Federation University and currently leads the Health Informatics Laboratory. Prior to commencing at the University of Ballarat (now Federation University), he completed his PhD at La Trobe University and was awarded an Australian Research Council Australian Postdoctoral Award (Industry).
From Dis-empowerment to empowerment: Crafting a healthcare cybersecurity self-assessment
How Lived Experience Mediated My Gold, Ribbons, Puzzles and Morals Research Motivations: A Reflective Introspection
Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS) Visualization and Pattern Matching Imputation in Remote Patient Monitoring
Research Partners with Lived Experience: Stories from Patients and Survivors
Social Media and Dialogues: Unpacking The Role Of Social Networking Sites In Individualised Care
The need for cybersecurity self-evaluation in healthcare
A Case for Causal Loop Diagrams to Model Electronic Health Records Ecosystems
A Study into the Impact of Data Breaches of Electronic Health Records
Classification of methods to reduce clinical alarm signals for remote patient monitoring: A critical review
Clinically Prioritized Data Visualization in Remote Patient Monitoring
Decoding Employee ambidexterity: Understanding drivers, constraints, and performance implications for thriving in the evolving work landscapes - A scoping review
Device Agent Assisted Blockchain Leveraged Framework for Internet of Things
Effects of Business Simulation Games on IS students' Resilience: Instructors' Perspectives
ERPsim's Effects on Students' Problem-Solving Skills in the Context of Supply Chain Management: A Qualitative Study
ERPsim's Effects on Students' Problem-Solving Skills in the Context of Supply Chain Management: A Qualitative Study
Missing Health Data Pattern Matching Technique for Continuous Remote Patient Monitoring
A Process-Oriented Framework for Regulating Artificial Intelligence Systems
A study plan for investigating Smart brush for better oral hygiene in frail elderly
A Systematic Literature Review on the Evaluation of Business Simulation Games Using PRISMA
Business Simulation Games in Higher Education: A Systematic Review of Empirical Research
Deep learning model to empower student engagement in online synchronous learning environment
Deep Reinforcement-Based Conversational AI Agent in Healthcare System
Effects of Simulation Games on IS students' Work-readiness: Instructors' Perspectives
Emerging point of care devices and artificial intelligence: Prospects and challenges for public health
Instructors’ Perceptions of the Development of Work-readiness through Simulations
Remote Patient Monitoring for Healthcare: A Big Challenge for Big Data
Revisiting Social Media in Health Care: A Bakhtinian Carnival Perspective
Third Party Data Service Providers Can Enhance Patient-Provider Interactions: Insights from a Delphi Study
An Exploratory Study on the Employers' Perceptions of ICT Graduate work-readiness
A Secured Real-Time IoMT Application for Monitoring Isolated COVID-19 Patients using Edge Computing
A survey on the adoption of blockchain in IoT: challenges and solutions
Melanoma classification using EfficientNets and Ensemble of models with different input resolution
Early and accurate detection of melanoma with data analytics can make treatment more effective....
Non-invasive Smartphone Use Monitoring to Assess Cognitive Impairment
Background: There are many tests for the early detection of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) to...
Only Can AI Understand Me?: Big Data Analytics, Decision Making, and Reasoning
On the Value of Social Media in Health Care
Open Banking and Electronic Health Records
The Open Banking model is a data sharing model emerging in financial services sector that...
Rethinking IS graduates work-readiness: Employers' perspectives
The delicate balance of communicational interests: A Bakhtinian view of social media in health care
Purpose: This paper aims to use the writings of Mikhail Bakhtin to reveal new insights into the...
The Design of a Smartbrush Oral Health Installation for Aged Care Centres in Australia
The nature of intelligent analytics
Understanding the gap between academics and game developers: An analysis of gamasutra blogs
A taxonomy for mHealth
Blockchain leveraged decentralized IoT eHealth framework
Dynamically Recommending Repositories for Health Data: A Machine Learning Model
Recently, a wide range of digital health record repositories has emerged. These include...
Gestalt Based Evaluation of Health Information Diagrams
Diagrams for four different health care settings have been proposed: Snapshot Diagram, Diagnosis...
Online dispute resolution in mediating EHR disputes: a case study on the impact of emotional intelligence
An Electronic Health Record (EHR) is an individual's record of all health events that enables...
Pixel N-Grams Representation for Medical Image Classification
Image classification has wide applications in many fields including medical imaging. A major...
Rapid health data repository allocation using predictive machine learning
Health-related data is stored in a number of repositories that are managed and controlled by...
Towards Smart Online Dispute Resolution for Medical Disputes
With the advancements in technologies, digitization of health records in the healthcare industry...
A Decentralized Patient Agent Controlled Blockchain for Remote Patient Monitoring
Blockchain emerging for healthcare provides a secure, decentralized and patient driven record...
A lightweight blockchain based framework for underwater iot
The Internet of Things (IoT) has facilitated services without human intervention for a wide range...
An efficient selective miner consensus protocol in blockchain oriented iot smart monitoring
Blockchains have been widely used in Internet of Things(IoT) applications including smart cities,...
Are ERP Simulation Games Assisting Students to be Job-Ready? An Australian Universities’ Perspective
Deep and rapid changes in digital enterprise technology exceed the ability of traditional...
Blockchain leveraged task migration in body area sensor networks
Blockchain technologies emerging for healthcare support secure health data sharing with greater...
Comparing Pixel N-grams and Bag of Visual Word Features for the Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy
The extraction of Bag of Visual Words (BoVW) features from retinal images for automated...
Continuous Vital Signs Monitoring: Benefits And Challenges For Real Time Big Data Analyses
Criteria to measure social media value in health care settings: Narrative literature review
Background: With the growing use of social media in health care settings, there is a need to...
Integrating Biological Heuristics and Gene Expression Data for Gene Regulatory Network Inference
Gene Regulatory Networks (GRNs) offer enhanced insight into the biological functions and...
Patient-empowered electronic health records
Electronic Health Records (EHRs) constitute evidence of online health information management....
Personalised measures of obesity using waist to height ratios from an Australian health screening program
Objectives: The aim of the current study is to generate waist circumference to height ratio...
Remote Patient Monitoring for Healthcare: A Big Challenge for Big Data
Remote patient monitoring involves the collection of data from wearable sensors that typically...
Semi-Invasive System for Detecting and Monitoring Dementia Patients
Dementia is one of the most prevalent conditions faced by the elderly caused by specific brain...
A patient agent to manage blockchains for remote patient monitoring
Continuous monitoring of patient's physiological signs has the potential to augment traditional...
Approaches for the visualization of health information
Clinical reasoning leading to diagnosis or treatment decisions in the modern era can be complex...
Comparison of Pixel N-Grams with Histogram, Haralick's features and Bag-of-Visual-Words for Texture Image Classification
Texture image classification is very useful in many domains. It has been tried using...
Continuous Patient Monitoring with a Patient Centric Agent: A Block Architecture
The Internet of Things (IoT) has facilitated services without human intervention for a wide range...
Data analytics to select markers and cut-off values for clinical scoring
Scoring systems such as the Glasgow-Coma scale used to assess consciousness AusDrisk to assess...
Deriving Value from Health 2.0: A Study of Social Media Use in Australian Healthcare Organizations
Health 2.0 is becoming increasingly ubiquitous. The features and functionalities of social media...
Exploring reasoning mechanisms in ward rounds: A critical realist multiple case study
Background: Ward rounds are an important and ubiquitous element of hospital care with a history...
Framework for Integration of Medical Image and Text-Based Report Retrieval to Support Radiological Diagnosis
Medical images are vital part of diagnostics and patient treatment. With the advent of...
Making the invisible visible Stimulating work health and safety-relevant thinking through the use of infographics in construction design
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine the potential to use infographics to capture,...
Medical system choice: Information that affects the selection of healthcare provider in Australia?
Many complementary and alternative medical practices (CAM) are readily assessable in Australia...
Preventing elder abuse by providing safe & quality aged care for senior Australians (Supporting aged care nursing staff to manage behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia: iSeeBehaviour).
Managing challenging behaviours that are exhibited by aged care facility residents involves...
Significance level of a big data query by exploiting business processes and strategies
Querying data is one of the most frequent activities in business organisations. The tasks...
Supporting regional aged care nursing staff to manage residents' behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia, in real time, using the nurses' behavioural assistant (NBA): A pilot site ?eEnd-user attitudes' trial
Background: This regional pilot site ‘end-user attitudes’ study explored nurses’...
A count data model for heart rate variability forecasting and premature ventricular contraction detection
Heart rate variability (HRV) measures including the standard deviation of inter-beat variations...
An agile group aware process beyond CRISP-DM: A hospital data mining case study
The CRISP-DM methodology is commonly used in data analytics exercises within an organisation to...
A rule based inference model to establish strategy-process relationship
An effective relationship between business processes and their relevant strategies helps...
Atrial Fibrillation Analysis for Real Time Patient Monitoring
Atrial Fibrillation (AF) can lead to life-threatening conditions such as stroke and heart...
A visual grid to digitally record an Ayurvedic Prakriti assessment; a first step toward integrated electronic health records
Efficient route selection in ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing
The protocol diversities of mobile ad hoc have already got hold of the field to a peak of a...
Pixel N-grams for mammographic lesion classification
Automated classification algorithms have been applied to breast cancer diagnosis in order to...
Significance level of a query for enterprise data
To operate enterprise activities, a large number of queries need to be processed every day...
A Genetic Algorithm-Neural Network Wrapper Approach for Bundle Branch Block Detection
A Bundle Branch Block (BBB) is a delay or obstruction along electrical impulse pathways in the...
A Heuristic Gene Regulatory Networks Model for Cardiac Function and Pathology
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and next-generation sequencing (NGS) has led to an...
A model for the introduction of Ayurvedic and Allopathic electronic health records in Sri Lanka
Fully integrated electronic health records (EHR) provide healthcare providers and patients access...
A taxonomy for mHealth
Cost-analysis of teledentistry in residential aged care facilities
Introduction The purpose of this research was to conduct a cost-analysis, from a public...
Data-analytically derived flexible HbA1c thresholds for type 2 diabetes mellitus diagnostic
Data analytics identify glycated haemoglobin co-markers for type 2 diabetes mellitus diagnosis
Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) is being more commonly used as an alternative test for the...
ECG Reduction for Wearable Sensor
The transmission, storage and analysis of electrocardiogram (ECG) data in real-time is essential...
Group decision making in health care: A case study of multidisciplinary meetings
Recent studies have demonstrated that Multi-Disciplinary Meetings (MDM) practiced in some medical...
Information visualisation for the wicked problem of safe construction design
Prevention through Design has been identified as an effective means to enhance construction...
Missing Data Imputation for Individualised CVD Diagnostic and Treatment
Remote Monitoring and Mobile Apps
Texture image classification using pixel N-grams
Various statistical methods such as co-occurrence matrix, local binary patterns and spectral...
Addressing the Complexities of Big Data Analytics in Healthcare: The Diabetes Screening Case
The healthcare industry generates a high throughput of medical, clinical and omics data of...
AppA: Assistive patient monitoring cloud platform for active healthcare applications
Attitudes towards and use of homoeoprophylaxis: Findings of two international surveys
Background: The use of homoeopathic remedies to prevent infectious diseases, homoeoprophylaxis...
Business context in big data analytics
Diagnostic with incomplete nominal/discrete data
Patient admission prediction using a pruned fuzzy min-max neural network with rule extraction
A useful patient admission prediction model that helps the emergency department of a hospital...
Perceptions of façade risks: a preliminary analysis towards presentation of knowledge graphically
Prevention through Design (PtD) in construction has been identified as an important factor...
Teleconsultation and telediagnosis for oral health assessment: An australian perspective
A scalable cloud Platform for Active healthcare monitoring applications
Australia's Under-Utilised Bioenergy Resources
The potential for bioenergy in Australia is very large with up to 50 million tonnes a year of...
Decision trees and multi-level ensemble classifiers for neurological diagnostics
Cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN) is a well known complication of diabetes leading to impaired...
Informatics to support patient choice between diverse medical systems
Performance evaluation of the dependable properties of a body area wireless sensor network
Teleconsultation/telediagnosis using teledentistry technology: A pilot feasibility study
This study assessed the feasibility of a teledentistry model for teleconsultation and...
Using meta-regression data mining to improve predictions of performance based on heart rate dynamics for Australian football
This work investigates the effectiveness of using computer-based machine learning regression...
Using meta-regression data mining to improve predictions of performance based on heart rate dynamics for Australian football
This work investigates the effectiveness of using computer-based machine learning regression...
Visual character N-grams for classification and retrieval of radiological images
Diagnostic radiology struggles to maintain high interpretation accuracy. Retrieval of ...
An approach for Ewing test selection to support the clinical assessment of cardiac autonomic neuropathy
Objective: This article addresses the problem of determining optimal sequences of tests for the...
A participatory information management framework for patient centred care of autism spectrum disorder
Association of ankle brachial pressure index with heart rate variability in a rural screening clinic
Capped K-NN Editing in Definition Lacking Environments
CWDM: A case-based diabetes management web system
Empirical Investigation of Decision Tree Ensembles for Monitoring Cardiac Complications of Diabetes
Cardiac complications of diabetes require continuous monitoring since they may lead to increased...
Energy-efficient priority-based routing scheme for the healthcare wireless sensor networks
Multivariate Data-Driven Decision Guidance for clinical scientists
Predicting cardiac autonomic neuropathy category for diabetic data with missing values
Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy (CAN) is a serious and well known complication of diabetes....
Real-time Self-stabilizing Scheme for the Localization of Faults in Wireless Sensor Networks
A comparison of machine learning algorithms for multilabel classification of can
Approaches for community decision making and collective reasoning: Knowledge technology support
Data mining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Lessons learnt from mining in law and allopathic medicine
Detection of CAN by Ensemble Classifiers Based on Ripple Down Rules
Empirical investigation of consensus clustering for large ECG data sets
Empirical investigation of multi-tier ensembles for the detection of cardiac autonomic neuropathy using subsets of the ewing features
Empirical study of decision trees and ensemble classifiers for monitoring of diabetes patients in pervasive healthcare
Fault-Tolerant Energy-Efficient Priority-Based Routing Scheme for the Multisink Healthcare Sensor Network
High definition 3D telemedicine: The next frontier?
Evidence from the literature indicates that the degree of immersion often referred to as the...
Improving classifications for cardiac autonomic neuropathy using multi-level ensemble classifiers and feature selection based on random forest
Insights from jurisprudence for machine learning in law
The central theme of this chapter is that the application of machine learning to data in the...
TEA: A generic framework for decision making in web services
The role of emotional intelligence on the resolution of disputes involving the Electronic Health Record
Unification of Electronic Health Records and Holistic Medicine
Water Allocation Argument Tree (WAAT): A tool for facilitating public participation in water allocation decisions
A case for the re-use of community reasoning
In software engineering, the re-use concept is a design principle that improves efficiency,...
A reasoning community perspective on deliberative democracy
This chapter describes some of the current approaches to deliberative democracy and then...
A Reasoning Framework for decision making in water allocation: a tree for water decisions
Decision Support Based Needs Assessment for Cancer Patients
Does the Delphi process lead to increased accuracy in group-based judgmental forecasts or does it simply induce consensus amongst judgmental forecasters?
We investigate the relative impact of internal Delphi process factors - including panelists'...
Fault-tolerant Data Aggregation Scheme for Monitoring of Critical Events in Grid based Healthcare Sensor Networks
Feature selection using misclassification counts
Hybrid wrapper-filter approaches for input feature selection using Maximum Relevance-Minimum Redundancy and Artificial Neural Network Input Gain Measurement Approximation (ANNIGMA)
Automatic sleep stage identification: difficulties and possible solutions
Coalescing medical systems: A challenge for health informatics in a global world
As globalisation advances, patients in many nations increasingly access diverse medical systems...
Exploring novel features and decision rules to identify cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy using a Hybrid of Wrapper-Filter based feature selection
Group Structured Reasoning for Coalescing Group Decisions
Hybrid wrapper-filter approaches for input feature selection using maximum relevance and Artificial Neural Network Input Gain Measurement Approximation (ANNIGMA)
Preface - Technologies for Supporting Reasoning Communities and Collaborative Decision-Making
[No abstract available]
Technologies for Supporting Reasoning Communities and Collaborative Decision Making: Cooperative Approaches
The information age has enabled unprecedented levels of data to be collected and stored. At the...
A classification algorithm that derives weighted sum scores for insight into disease
Deliberative discourse and reasoning from generic argument structures
Grid-based information retrieval solution for the aggregation of legal datasets in online dispute resolution
Inference of Gene Expression Networks using Memetic Gene Expression Programming
Online Group Deliberation for the Elicitation of Shared Values to Underpin Decision Making
Values have been shown to underpin our attitudes, behaviour and motivate our decisions. Values do...
An intelligent learning environment for traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners and students
A study of the use of structured reasoning frameworks for improving students' reasoning quality
A web-based narrative construction environment
AWSum - Applying Data Mining in a Health Care Scenario
This paper investigates the application of a new data mining algorithm called Automated Weighted...
AWSum-Combining Classification with Knowledge Aquisition
AWSum - Data Mining for Insight
Many classifiers achieve high levels of accuracy but have limited use in real world problems...
Dramatic Level Analysis for Interactive Narrative
Enhancing learning outcomes with an interactive knowledge-based learning environment providing narrative feedback
Explicit representations of reasoning to support deliberation within groups
In practice, the reasoning that underpins problem solving and decision making is rarely performed...
Re-Consider: The Integration of Online Dispute Resolution and Decision Support Systems
Scalable Continuous Query Architecture for eCommerce and Legal Disputes
ToolSHeD: The development and evaluation of a decision support tool for health and safety in construction design
Toward Computer Mediated Elicitation of a Community's Core Values for Sustainable Decision Making
An Argument Structure Abstraction for Bayesian Belief Networks: Just Outcomes in On-line Dispute Resolution
Classification for accuracy and insight: A weighted sum approach
Dramatic Flow in Interactive 3D Narrative
The concept of dramatic level is crucial for a model of dramatic flow. We present a framework to...
Narrative-based interactive learning environments from modelling reasoning
An interaction framework for scenario-based three dimensional environments
A Tool for Assisting Group Decision-Making for Consensus Outcomes in Organizations
Knowledge based regulation of statistical databases
Knowledge Discovery from Legal Databases - Using neural networks and data mining to build legal decision support systems
Supporting the design OHS process: a knowledge-based system for risk management
The generic/actual argument model of practical reasoning
A scenario-based learning environment for critical care nursing
Context-dependent security enforcement of statistical databases
Deliberation using three dimensions
Structured reasoning to support deliberative dialogue
Deliberative dialogue is a form of dialogue that involves participants advancing claims and,...
Supporting discretionary decision-making with information technology: A case study in the criminal Sentencing jurisdiction
The integration of narrative and argumentation for a scenario-based learning environment in law
Narrative or story telling has long been used to structure and organise human experience. In...
Association rules and multiple variables in complex times series forecasting
Forecasting a complex dataset with association rules
Forecasting on complex datasets with association rules
Knowledge discovery from legal databases
Scenario-based learning environments
Web-based decision support for structured reasoning in health
Visualizing association rules for feedback within the legal system
An argumentation-based multi-agent system for e-tourism dialogue
An argumentation shell for supporting the development and drafting of legal arguments
Discovering interesting association rules from legal databases
Generic arguments: A framework for supporting online deliberative discourse
A global optimization approach to classification in medical diagnosis and prognosis
Argumentation structures that integrate dialectical and monolectical reasoning
Argumentation concepts have been applied to numerous knowledge engineering endeavours in recent...
Tools for world wide web based legal decision support systems