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Professor Andrew Lewis

Deputy Dean, Institute of Health and Wellbeing

IHW - Operations


IHW - Operations


Berwick Campus, Online

Available for:

  • Supervision


Andrew J. Lewis is a clinical psychologist and Professor. He is currently Director of Academic Operations in the Institute for Health and Wellbeing at Federation University. He has previously held academic appointments as Professor and Director of Clinical Psychology at Murdoch University and as Research Academic in the School of Psychology at Deakin University. Following on from a clinical career working in infant and child mental health at the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne, Andrew’s research has focused on the causes of child psychopathology and psychological interventions in in childhood and adolescence. Andrew has published widely in refereed journals, book chapters and treatment manuals and is available to supervise honours, masters and Ph.D students in the above areas.

An Attachment-Based Family Therapy for Anxiety and Depression in Children: A Mixed-Methods Evaluation of BEST-Foundations

BEST-Foundations: a mixed methods exploration of the feasibility of a novel intervention treating internalising symptoms in children

Health and wellbeing of staff working at higher education institutions globally during the post-COVID-19 pandemic period: evidence from a cross-sectional study

Infant sleep and anxiety disorders in early childhood: Findings from an Australian pregnancy cohort study

Maternal emotional availability and perinatal depressive symptoms as predictors of early childhood executive function

The Relationship Between Early Term Birth and the Risk of Later Childhood Mental Disorders Within a Pregnancy Cohort

Effects of a Structured Reflective Interview on Parental Reflective Functioning: A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial

Maternal attachment state of mind and perinatal emotional wellbeing: Findings from a pregnancy cohort study

Prenatal predictors of childhood anxiety disorders: An exploratory study of the role of attachment organization

Rurality as a predictor of perinatal mental health and well-being in an Australian cohort

The trajectory of maternal perinatal depressive symptoms predicts executive function in early childhood

A Psychometric Study of the Emotional Availability Scales: Construct Validity and Measurement Invariance Between Depressed and Nondepressed Mother-Infant Dyads

Examining differences in placental efficiency following exposure to antidepressants and current depression: Findings from an Australian pregnancy cohort study

Exploring sex differences in fetal programming for childhood emotional disorders

Major depression and generalised anxiety disorder: An analysis of the effects of remission status and comorbidity on mother-infant emotional availability in the perinatal period

Major depression as a predictor of the intergenerational transmission of attachment security: Findings from a pregnancy cohort study

Maternal trauma but not perinatal depression predicts infant-parent attachment

Methamphetamine exposure during pregnancy: A meta-analysis of child developmental outcomes

Parenting stress, maternal depression and child mental health in a Melbourne cohort before and during the COVID-19 pandemic

The perinatal origins of childhood anxiety disorders and the role of early-life maternal predictors

Trainee therapist personality and the rating of cognitive behavioural and dynamic interpersonal therapy processes

Antidepressant exposure in pregnancy and child sensorimotor and visuospatial development: Antidepressants and child development

"Bumps in the Road": A Pilot Study of a Therapeutic Technique for the Integration of Unresolved Family Loss and Trauma

Emotional availability in women with bipolar disorder and major depression: A longitudinal pregnancy cohort study

Fetal programming pathway from maternal mental health to infant cortisol functioning: The role of placental 11?-HSD2 mRNA expression

Maternal depression and the emotional availability of mothers at six months postpartum: Findings from the Mercy Pregnancy and Emotional Wellbeing Study (MPEWS) pregnancy cohort.

Maternal diet, depression and antidepressant treatment in pregnancy and across the first 12 months postpartum in the MPEWS pregnancy cohort study: Perinatal diet, depression and antidepressant use

Maternal perinatal depression and child executive function: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Maternal social support, depression and emotional availability in early mother-infant interaction: Findings from a pregnancy cohort

The relationship between oxytocin blood concentrations and antidepressants over pregnancy and the postpartum

Attachment-Based Family Therapy for Adolescent Substance Use: A Move to the Level of Systems

Editorial: Addiction and Attachment

Gender differences in trajectories of depressive symptoms across childhood and adolescence: A multi-group growth mixture model

Maternal perinatal depression, circulating oxytocin levels and childhood emotional disorders at 4 years of age: The importance of psychosocial context

Maternal psychosocial predictors of pacifier use in a mother-infant interaction task: An observational study from the MPEWS pregnancy cohort

Maternal trauma and emotional availability in early mother-infant interaction: findings from the Mercy Pregnancy and Emotional Well-being Study (MPEWS) cohort

The impact of maternal perinatal depression on exposure to reading and screen time for their infants: pilot findings from the MPEWS Study

The Influence of an Attachment-Related Stimulus on Oxytocin Reactivity in Poly-Drug Users Undergoing Maintenance Therapy Compared to Healthy Controls

The mother, the infant and the mother-infant relationship: What is the impact of antidepressant medication in pregnancy

The role of glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptor DNA methylation in antenatal depression and infant stress regulation

An Australian adaptation of the Strengthening Families Program: Parent and child mental health outcomes from a pilot study

Breastfeeding, Antidepressants, and Depression in the Mercy Pregnancy and Emotional Well-Being Study

Depression across pregnancy and the postpartum, antidepressant use and the association with female sexual function

Perinatal maternal mental health and infant socio-emotional development: A growth curve analysis using the MPEWS cohort

The role of trauma and partner support in perinatal depression and parenting stress: An Australian pregnancy cohort study

Trans-generational stress regulation: Mother-infant cortisol and maternal mental health across the perinatal period

A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Impact of a Family-Based Adolescent Depression Intervention on both Youth and Parent Mental Health Outcomes

Cohort profile: The Triple B Pregnancy Cohort Study: A longitudinal study of the relationship between alcohol, tobacco and other substance use during pregnancy and the health and well-being of Australian children and families

Exercise frequency and maternal mental health: Parallel process modelling across the perinatal period in an Australian pregnancy cohort

Maternal depression, antidepressant use and placental oxytocin receptor DNA methylation: Findings from the MPEWS study

Perinatal maternal depression, antidepressant use and infant sleep outcomes: Exploring cross-lagged associations in a pregnancy cohort study

Perinatal maternal mental health and disorganised attachment: A critical systematic review

Prenatal antidepressant exposure and child motor development: A meta-analysis

Review: Longitudinal trajectories of child and adolescent depressive symptoms and their predictors – a systematic review and meta-analysis

Trajectories of early childhood developmental skills and early adolescent psychotic experiences: Findings from the ALSPAC UK birth cohort

Adolescent depressive symptoms in India, Australia and USA: Exploratory Structural Equation Modelling of cross-national invariance and predictions by gender and age

A Multi-Family Group Intervention for Adolescent Depression: The BEST MOOD Program

Depression and parenting: the need for improved intervention models

Impact of irritability: a 2-year observational study of outpatients with bipolar I or schizoaffective disorder

Mercy Pregnancy and Emotional Well-being Study (MPEWS): Understanding maternal mental health, fetal programming and child development. Study design and cohort profile

Neonatal adaptation following intrauterine antidepressant exposure: Assessment, drug assay levels, and infant development outcomes

Dimensions of Religious/Spiritual Well-Being in Relation to Personality and Stress Coping: Initial Results From Bosnian Young Adults

Offspring of Parents with Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review of Developmental Features Across Childhood

Perinatal maternal depression and cortisol function in pregnancy and the postpartum period: A systematic literature review

Prenatal maternal mental health and fetal growth restriction: A systematic review

The treatment of suicidality in adolescents by psychosocial interventions for depression: A systematic literature review

The validation of a Spanish version of the multidimensional inventory of religious/spiritual well-being in mexican college students

Vulnerable Dark Triad Personality Facets Are Associated with Religious Fundamentalist Tendencies

Academic psychiatry - Extinction or adaptation to a changing world: A view from clinical psychology

A Qualitative Evaluation of an Intervention for Parents of Adolescents with Mental Disorders: The Parenting Challenging Adolescents Seminar

Borderline Personality Disorder in the perinatal period: early infant and maternal outcomes

Child developmental outcomes in preschool children following antidepressant exposure in pregnancy

Children Impacted by Parental Substance Abuse: An Evaluation of the Supporting Kids and Their Environment Program

Commentary on Leung et al. (2015): Inequalities in mental health begin in utero - the case of prenatal tobacco exposure

Gender differences in adolescent depression: Differential female susceptibility to stressors affecting family functioning

Maternal prenatal mental health and placental 11?-HSD2 gene expression: Initial findings from the mercy pregnancy and emotionalwellbeing study

Perinatal maternal mental health, fetal programming and child development

The impact on family functioning of social media use by depressed adolescents: A qualitative analysis of the family options study

The views of parents who experience intergenerational poverty on parenting and play: A qualitative analysis

Depression and suicidal behavior in adolescents: A multi-informant and multi-methods approach to diagnostic classification

Early life programming as a target for prevention of child and adolescent mental disorders

Parental encouragement of healthy behaviors: Adolescent weight status and health-related quality of life

Religious/Spiritual Well-Being, Personality and Mental Health: A Review of Results and Conceptual Issues

The Janus face of schizotypy: Enhanced spiritual connection or existential despair?

Trauma-related symptoms in Sri Lankan adult survivors after the tsunami: Pretraumatic and peritraumatic factors

When ignorance is bliss: weight perception, body mass index and quality of life in adolescents

Adolescent depressive disorders and family based interventions in the family options multicenter evaluation: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

A pilot study of brief psychodynamic psychotherapy for depression and anxiety in young iranian adults: The effect of attachment style on outcomes

Breastfeeding and infant sleep patterns: An Australian population study

Child literacy and psychotic experiences in early adolescence: Findings from the ALSPAC study

EEG-Neurofeedback in psychodynamic treatment of substance dependence

Prenatal exposure to antidepressants is associated with small but significant differences in pregnancy and delivery outcomes

Prevention of common mental disorders: What can we learn from those who have gone before and where do we go next?

Religious/Spiritual Well-Being, Coping Styles, and Personality Dimensions in People With Substance Use Disorders

Religious/spiritual well-being in mentally ill persons: A comparison of anxious/depressives, addicts and healthy controls [Religiös/Spirituelles Befinden bei psychisch Kranken: Ängstlich/Depressive und Suchtkranke im Vergleich zu gesunden Kontrollpersonen

Trauma symptoms in children after the tsunami

A call for an expanded synthesis of developmental and evolutionary paradigms

Anti-depressant use during pregnancy in Australia: Findings from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children

Consumer feedback following participation in a family-based intervention for youth mental health

Further findings linking SSRIs during pregnancy and persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn: Clinical implications

Perinatal mental health, antidepressants and neonatal outcomes: Findings from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children

  • Journals

The association between parental personality patterns and internalising and externalising behaviour problems in children and adolescents

A review of the use of psychotropic medication in pregnancy

Developmental outcomes of children exposed to antidepressants in pregnancy

Early life stress and child temperament style as predictors of childhood anxiety and depressive symptoms: Findings from the longitudinal study of Australian children

Review: Adverse effects of antidepressants use during pregnancy

The role of oxytocin in mother-infant relations: A systematic review of human studies

Twin Removal in Genetic Algorithms for Protein Structure Prediction Using Low-Resolution Model

This paper presents the impact of twins and the measures for their removal from the population of...

DFS-generated pathways in GA crossover for protein structure prediction

Genetic algorithms (GAs), as nondeterministic conformational search techniques, are promising for...

Neonatal growth outcomes at birth and one month postpartum following in utero exposure to antidepressant medication

Brief report: The defense mechanisms of homophobic adolescent males: A descriptive discriminant analysis

The study examined the role of defense mechanisms in homophobic attitudes of older male...

Diagnosing borderline personality disorder: Examination of how clinical indicators are used by professionals in the health setting

Disorganized attachment and reproductive strategies

Serotonin discontinuation syndrome following in utero exposure to antidepressant medication: Prospective controlled study

DFS based partial pathways in GA for protein structure prediction

Nondeterministic conformational search techniques, such as Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are promising...

Professional attitudes towards deliberate self-harm in patients with borderline personality disorder

Short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy: Review of recent process and outcome studies

Short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy (STPP) is a widely practised form of psychological...

Targeted clinical education for staff attitudes towards deliberate self-harm in borderline personality disorder: Randomized controlled trial

Mother-infant psychotherapy and perinatal psychiatry: Current clinical practice and future directions

Objective: To explore trends in the practice of mother-infant psychotherapy among perinatal...

The Self-Concepts and Possible Selves of Problem Gamblers: A Qualitative Exploration

  • Conference Proceedings