A Survey of Commercial and Industrial Demand Response Flexibility with Energy Storage Systems and Renewable Energy
Ecological and statistical models to configure flow regime for environment benefit in highly engineered rivers: a case study in the MacKenzie River, Southeast Australia
Empirical evidence on circular economy adoption in Australian small and medium enterprises
Exploratory Survey of Australian SMEs: an Investigation into the Barriers and Opportunities Associated with Circular Economy
Investigating Near-Surface Hydrologic Connectivity in a Grass-Covered Inter-Row Area of a Hillslope Vineyard Using Field Monitoring and Numerical Simulations
A Review of Cascade Water Supply Systems
Analysis of Water Quantity and Quality Trade-Offs to Inform Selective Harvesting of Inflows in Complex Water Resource Systems
Community structure and ecological responses to hydrological changes in benthic algal assemblages in a regulated river: application of algal metrics and multivariate techniques in river management
he flow regime of the Wimmera River was substantially modified due to the construction of a water...
Elevating engineering education via improved pedagogically based course structures
Importance of environmental flows in the Wimmera catchment, Southeast Australia
In this paper the environment, climate, vegetation, indigenous and European settlement history,...
Multi-objective optimisation to manage trade-offs in water quality and quantity of complex water resource system
Temperature characteristics for a deep water supply reservoir: A case study for lake Bellfield
Temperature dynamics in different body regions of decomposing vertebrate remains
River management and environmental water allocation in regulated ecosystems of arid and semi-arid regions – A review
Rivers make a significant contribution in providing goods and services for human well-being....
Study on Short-Term Streamflow Forecasting using Dynamic Artificial Neural Networks
An unexpected decrease in urban water demand: Making discoveries possible by taking a long-term view
Forecasting supply and demand is fundamental to the sustainability of the water system. Demand...
Apportioning allocations to users of multi-storage water supply systems: A case study of making a complex volume shared system more transparent
This paper describes principles for the apportionment of water allocations to users of a...
Exploring a flow regime and its historical changes downstream of an urbanised catchment
The rapid growth of Ballarat's urban area, an inland city of approximately 100,000 people in...
Exploring the Application of Artificial Neural Network in Rural Streamflow Prediction - A Feasibility Study
Streams and rivers play a critical role in the hydrologic cycle with their management being...
Losing stormwater: 60 years of urbanisation and reduced downstream flow
The potential for stormwater to supplement traditional water supplies from upstream catchments or...
Prediction of Clogging in Stormwater Filters Using Artificial Neural Network
Stormwater filtration technologies play a significant role in improving water quality and making...
Regression modelling for prediction of clogging in non-vegetated stormwater filters
Clogging of infiltration systems is the decrease in permeability of a filtration system and...
Testing the robustness of optimal operating plans under various future hydro-climatic scenarios
A key challenge for water resources planning processes around the world is to develop operating...
Understanding deep aquifer responses to interseam materials of brown coal mines
Brown coal deposits in the Latrobe Valley form part of the tertiary coal system of the Gippsland...
A Weighted Sustainability Index for Selection of Optimal Operating Plans
The Wimmera Mallee Pipeline Project (WMPP) provides reticulated water to 36 towns and about 6000...
Improving the independence of water allocation decision-making
Prediction of monthly rainfall in Victoria, Australia: Clusterwise linear regression approach
This paper develops the Clusterwise Linear Regression (CLR) technique for prediction of monthly...
Statistical downscaling of general circulation model outputs to precipitation, evaporation and temperature using a key station approach
Using a key station approach, statistical downscaling of monthly general circulation model...
A history of water distribution systems and their optimisation
Water distribution systems have a very long and rich history dating back to the third millennium...
An assessment of the monitoring methods and data limitations for inflow and infiltration in sewer networks
A structured procedure for developing sustainable operating plans for complex water resources systems
Water resources planning processes around the world are increasingly striving to incorporate...
Exploration of the Trade-Offs between Water Quality and Pumping Costs in Optimal Operation of Regional Multiquality Water Distribution Systems
This paper explores the trade-offs between water quality and pumping costs objectives in...
Impact of Water-Quality Conditions in Source Reservoirs on the Optimal Operation of a Regional Multiquality Water-Distribution System
The impact of water quality conditions in source reservoirs on the optimal operation of a...
Potential improvements to statistical downscaling of general circulation model outputs to catchment streamflows with downscaled precipitation and evaporation
An existing streamflow downscaling model (SDM(original)), was modified with the outputs of a...
Sensitivity of algorithm parameters and objective function scaling in multi-objective optimisation of water distribution systems
This paper presents an extensive analysis of the sensitivity of multi-objective algorithm...
Statistical downscaling of general circulation model outputs to evaporation, minimum temperature and maximum temperature using a key-predictand and key-station approach
A key-predictand and key-station approach was employed in downscaling general circulation model...
Biofilm development in water distribution and drainage systems: dynamics and implications for hydraulic efficiency
Pipeline distribution systems account for the vast majority of the physical infrastructure in the...
Development of an algal response model to inform water resource system operations
Morphology, ecology and biogeography of Stauroneis pachycephala PT Cleve (Bacillariophyta) and its transfer to the genus Envekadea
Stauroneis pachycephala was described in 1881 from the Baakens River, Port Elizabeth, South...
Multi-model ensemble approach for statistically downscaling general circulation model outputs to precipitation
Two statistical downscaling models were developed for downscaling monthly General Circulation...
Optimal operation of a multi-quality water distribution system with changing turbidity and salinity levels in source reservoirs
Statistical downscaling of general circulation model outputs to catchment scale hydroclimatic variables: issues, challenges and possible solutions
The aim of this paper is to discuss the issues and challenges associated with statistical...
Statistical downscaling of general circulation model outputs to precipitation - part 1: calibration and validation
This article is the first of two companion articles providing details of the development of two...
Statistical downscaling of general circulation model outputs to precipitation - part 2: bias-correction and future projections
This article is the second of a series of two articles. In the first article, two models were...
A benign approach to the preparation of freshwater bryozoan statoblasts for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imaging
Several different species of freshwater Bryozoa, belonging to the genera Plumatella, Rumarcanella...
An algorithm for minimization of pumping costs in water distribution systems using a novel approach to pump scheduling
The operation of a water distribution system is a complex task which involves scheduling of...
Identification of five bryozoan species in the Northern Mallee Pipeline, Australia
Five species of freshwater bryozoans were identified in the Northern Mallee Pipeline (NMP) system...
Least square support vector and multi-linear regression for statistically downscaling general circulation model outputs to catchment streamflows
This study employed least square support vector machine regression (LS-SVM-R) and multi-linear...
Pumping Costs and Water Quality in the Battlefield of Optimal Operation of Water Distribution Networks
A novel approach to optimal pump scheduling in water distribution systems
Comparison of metaheuristic algorithms for pump operation optimization
Configuring consumptive water transfers for ecological benefit: An algal response model for water resource operations
Experience with the Grampians Wimmera Mallee Pipeline Scheme: A Case Study in Water Quality Risks, Unintended Consequences and Opportunities
Framework for Multi-objective Optimisation of the Operation of Water Distribution Networks including Water Quality
Issues Associated with Statistical Downscaling of General Circulation Model Outputs: A Discussion
Minimization of pumping costs in water distribution systems using explicit and implicit pump scheduling
Multi-objective optimisation method for water resources management: A multi-reservoir system case study
Pipes, Ponds and People: Adaptive Water Management in Drylands
Securing Water Supply in Western Victoria through the Implementation of Regional Pipeline Systems
Statistical downscaling of general circulation model outputs to precipitation
Victoria suffered a severe drought over the period 1998-2007, when the annual average...
A procedure for formulation of multi-objective optimisation problems in complex water resources systems
Coping with severe drought: Stories from the front line
The last 12 years has seen extreme drought in western Victoria. This has impacted on the area in...
Development of hydraulic models for a complex and large scale water distribution system in regional Australia
Hydraulic simulation models have become a valuable tool to manage water distribution networks...
Modelling the Environmental Water Reserve: A Case Study Exploring the Effects of the Environment's Water entitlement in a complex Water Supply System
An 8800 km pipeline has been constructed in estern Victoria to replace 17,500 km of open channel...
Multi-Objective Planning and Operation of Water Supply Systems Subject to Climate Change
Statistical downscaling of General Circulation Model outputs to catchment streamflows
Vulnerability of water and wastewater infrastructure and its protection from acts of terrorism: A business perspective
Adaptation to water shortage through the implementation of a unique pipeline system in Victoria, Australia
Characterizing the roughness of freshwater biofilms using a photogrammetric methodology
The physical roughness of a surface changes when freshwater biofilms colonize and grow on it and...
Design and Calibration of a Water Tunnel fro Skin Friction Research
Freshwater Bryozoan Infestations in the Northern-Mallee Pipeline System
Verification of a Numerical Model for the Prediction of Low slope Vertical slot Fishway Hydraulics
A Case Study of the Improvements Gained in conduit efficiency by Cleaning a biofouled Pipeline
A Free Surface Model of a Verticle Slot Fishway to Numerically Predict Velocity and Turbulence Distributions
Application of HEC RAS to Hydraulic Modelling of an Irrigation Scheme to Determine Potential for Capacity Increase
Hydraulic Roughness of Biofouled Pipes, Biofilm Character, and Measured Improvements from Cleaning
Modelling the Future Use of Reservoirs: A Case Study Exploring the Impact of Operating Rules and Climate Change
Optimisation of operations of a water distribution system for reduced power usage