Biopolymer stabilization of clayey soil
Discussion: A Fuzzy Classification Process for Swelling Soils [Transp. Infrastruct. Geotechnol. 10(3), 474-487]
Discussion: Development of a Single-Point Method to Determine Soil Plastic Limit Using Fall-Cone Data [Geotech Geol Eng 41:4473-4485, 2023]
Discussion of Strength Evaluation of Expansive Soil Stabilized with LeadZinc Mine Tailings and Cement: An Artificial Intelligence Approach [DOI: 10.1007/s42947-02400450-y]
Enhancing earth dam slope stability prediction with integrated AI and statistical models
Statistical Reappraisal of the Wax and Mercury Methods for Shrinkage Limit Determinations of Fine-Grained Soils
Sustainability in Ground Improvement: The Case of Xanthan Gum Biopolymer
Unique Relationship Between Optimum Compaction Properties of Fine-Grained Soils Across Rational Compactive Efforts: A Validation Study
Converting optimum compaction properties of fine-grained soils between rational energy levels
Discussion: Effects of Plastic Waste Materials on Geotechnical Properties of Clayey Soil [DOI: 10.1007/s40515-020-00145-4]
Discussion of 'Factors influencing undrained strength of fine-grained soils at high water contents' [Geomechanics and Geoengineering 13(4), 276-287]
Effects of particle shape on shear modulus of sand using dynamic simple shear testing
Experimental study on cyclic simple shear behaviour of predominantly dilative silica sand
Modeling the Effects of Particle Shape on Damping Ratio of Dry Sand by Simple Shear Testing and Artificial Intelligence
Predicting the Compactability of Artificially Cemented Fine-Grained Soils Blended with Waste-Tire-Derived Aggregates
Predicting the Strength Performance of Hydrated-Lime Activated Rice Husk Ash-Treated Soil Using Two Grey-Box Machine Learning Models
Reappraisal of linear shrinkage test for plasticity index determination and classification of fine-grained soils
Comments on "Possibility of using torvane shear testing device for soil conditioning optimization by Avunduk et al. [Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 107 (2021) 103665]
Comments on 'Strength and Deformation Behavior of Fine-Grained Soils Reinforced with Hair Fibers and Its Application in Pavement Design' by Ayothiraman et al. [Journal of Natural Fibers, DOI: 10.1080/15440478.2021.1954129]
Compressibility Behavior of Soft-Rigid Granular Mixtures Bound with Polyurethane Binder
Cyclic swell-shrink behaviour of an expansive soil treated with a sulfonated oil
Discussion of "Behaviour of a Foam Mixture as a Lightweight Construction Material" [Int J of Geosynth and Ground Eng (2021) 7(3), 51]
Discussion: Predicting Compaction Properties of Soils at Different Compaction Efforts
Discussion: The Impact of Variation of Gypsum and Water Content on the Engineering Properties of Expansive Soil [DOI: 10.1007/s40515-021-00192-5]
Experiments and Dimensional Analysis of Waste Tire-Based Permeable Pavements
This study investigates the stress–strain response of a novel high-porosity semi-bound soft–rigid...
Intermittent swelling and shrinkage of a highly expansive soil treated with polyacrylamide
This laboratory study examines the potential use of an anionic polyacrylamide (PAM)-based...
Machine learning techniques for relating liquid limit obtained by Casagrande cup and fall cone test in low-medium plasticity fine grained soils [Eng. Geol. (2021) 294, 106381]
Modeling the Compaction Characteristics of Fine-Grained Soils Blended with Tire-Derived Aggregates
Reappraisal of Fall-Cone Flow Curve for Soil Plasticity Determinations
Review on IPCC Reports
Stabilization of a highly expansive soil using waste-tire-derived aggregates and lime treatment
Tyre rubber and expansive soils: Two hazards, one solution
An objective framework for determination of the air-entry value from the soil-water characteristic curve
The air-entry value (AEV) suction, marking the transition between saturated and unsaturated soil...
Discussion: A comparative study on the application of artificial intelligence networks versus regression analysis for the prediction of clay plasticity [Arab J Geosci (2021) 14(7), 534]
Discussion: Determining the plasticity properties of high plastic clays: a new empirical approach [Arab J Geosci (2020) 13(11), 394]
This article presents a discussion of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 394, Vol. 13, No. 11,...
Discussion of "the flow index of clays and its relationship with some basic geotechnical properties" by G. Spagnoli, M. Feinendegen, L. di Matteo, and D. A. Rubinos, published in geotechnical testing journal 42, no. 6 (2019): 1685-1700
[No abstract available]
Improved shear strength performance of compacted rubberized clays treated with sodium alginate biopolymer
This study examines the potential use of sodium alginate (SA) biopolymer as an environmentally...
Improving the behaviours of expansive soils using recycled tyres
Infiltration rates of recycled tyre-based permeable asphalt pavements and future maintenance
Mechanical Performance of Tire-Derived Aggregate Permeable Pavements Under Live Traffic Loads
Modeling the compaction characteristics of fine-grained soils blended with tire-derived aggregates
Reappraisal of the astm/aashto standard rolling device method for plastic limit determination of fine-grained soils
Given its apparent limitations, various attempts have been made to develop alternative testing...
A dimensional description of the unconfined compressive strength of artificially cemented fine-grained soils
This study aims at establishing a universal predictive model for the unconfined compressive...
A novel formula for the prediction of swelling pressure of compacted expansive soils
[No abstract available]
Discussion: Influence of external stress and initial density on the volumetric behavior of an expansive clay during wetting [Environ Earth Sci (2020) 79(10), 211]
[No abstract available]
Effect of pore water chemistry on the behaviour of a kaolin–bentonite mixture during drying and wetting cycles
The behaviour of a kaolin–bentonite mixture with different pore water chemistry, i.e. distilled...
Field performance monitoring of waste tire-based permeable pavements
Traditional pavements in urban areas are often impervious, resulting in augmented surface run-off...
Improved geotechnical behavior of an expansive soil amended with tire-derived aggregates having different gradations
This experimental laboratory study examines the potential use of tire-derived aggregate (TDA)...
A note on determination of the preconsolidation pressure
The preconsolidation pressure, σ 0y, is commonly interpreted by means of empirical...
Application of slag–cement and fly ash for strength development in cemented paste backfills
The present study investigates the combined capacity of a newly developed slag-blended cement...
A simplified method for determination of the soil–water characteristic curve variables
The air-entry value and residual state suction are two critical variables obtained from the...
A sulphonated oil for stabilisation of expansive soils
The efficiency of a commercially manufactured sulphonated oil (SO) agent in treating a highly...
Comments on effect of wetting-drying-freezing-thawing cycles on the swelling behaviour of the Yanji mudstone [Environ Earth Sci (2019) 78: 435]
[No abstract available]
Consistency limits and compaction characteristics of clay soils containing rubber waste
The aim of the study reported in this paper was to develop practical correlative models capable...
Discussion of "compaction and Strength Behavior of Tire Crumbles-Fly Ash Mixed with Clay" by Akash Priyadarshee, Arvind Kumar, Deepak Gupta, and Pankaj Pushkarna
[No abstract available]
Discussion of "Optimization of carpet waste fibers and steel slag particles to reinforce expansive soil using response surface methodology" by M. Shahbazi, M. Rowshanzamir, S.M. Abtahi, S.M. Hejazi [Appl. Clay Sci., doi:10.1016/j.clay.2016.11.027]
Shahbazi et al. (2017) adopted the response surface methodology (RSM) technique to evaluate the...
Discussion on "Effects of lime addition on geotechnical properties of sedimentary soil in Curitiba, Brazil" [J Rock Mech Geotech Eng 10 (2018) 188-194]
The present discussion aims at complementing the original work published by Baldovino et al....
Engineering reactive clay systems by ground rubber replacement and polyacrylamide treatment
This study investigates the combined performance of ground rubber (GR), the additive, and...
Experiments and dimensional analysis of contaminated clay soils
An experimental programme was developed to investigate the influence of three viscous-dominant...
Improving workability of cement paste backfill using new binders
Interfacial shear strength of rubber-reinforced clays: A dimensional analysis perspective
The present study aims towards the development of practical dimensional models capable of...
Mechanical behavior of micaceous clays
This study aims to investigate the effect of mica content on the mechanical properties of clays....
Mechanical performance of Jute Fiber-reinforced micaceous clay composites treated with Ground-Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag
The combined capacity of Jute Fibers (JF), the reinforcement, and Ground-Granulated Blast-Furnace...
Optimization model for integrated river basin management with the hybrid WOAPSO algorithm
This work examines the effectiveness of a newly-developed optimization framework for river basin...
Strength development and strain localization behavior of cemented paste backfills using Portland cement and fly ash
This study examines the combined performance of Portland cement (PC), the binder, and fly ash...
Swell-shrink behavior of rubberized expansive clays during alternate wetting and drying
The present study examines rubber’s capacity of improving the swell-shrink potential of expansive...
Swell–shrink–consolidation behavior of rubber–reinforced expansive soils
This study examines the effects of two types of recycled tire rubber of fine and coarse...
A framework for interpretation of the compressibility behavior of soils
This paper aims at the development of a regression-aided analytical framework for modeling and...
Expansion, consolidation, compaction and strength characteristics of rubber-reinforced expansive soils
Rubber powder-polymer combined stabilization of South Australian expansive soils
This study examines the combined capacity of rubber powder inclusion and polymer treatment in...
Stabilization of soft clay using short fibers and poly vinyl alcohol
In this study, the effect of the combined addition of fibers and a nontraditional polymer on the...
Swell–compression characteristics of a fiber–reinforced expansive soil
This study presents results of an experimental program with respect to fiber's capacity of...
Treatment of expansive soils with quality saline pore water by cyclic drying and wetting
Expansive soils can be found in many parts of the world particularly in arid and semi-arid...
Swelling Potential of a Stabilized Expansive Soil: A Comparative Experimental Study
The efficiency of typical chemical and mechanical soil stabilization techniques in mitigating the...
Discussion of "Compressibility Behavior of Soils: A Statistical Approach" by Syed Iftekhar Ahmed and Sumi Siddiqua [Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, doi: 10.1007/s10706-016-9996-7]
Ahmed and Siddiqua (2016) introduced a new regression-based relationship in the form of a...
Models for predicting the seepage velocity and seepage force in a fiber reinforced silty soil
Randomly reinforced soil is used in hydraulic projects such as temporary canals, earth dams,...