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Dr. Alison Ollerenshaw

Senior Research Fellow

Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI)


Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI)


Mt Helen Campus, Online

Field of Research

  • Industrial and organisational psychology (incl. human factors)
  • Information systems user experience design and development
  • Agriculture, land and farm management not elsewhere classified

The application of digital tools for knowledge sharing in agriculture: A longitudinal case study from four Australian grower groups

A smart agriculture information system delivering research data for adoption by the Australian grains industry

The integral role of incubator managers in supporting tenants positive psychological wellbeing

A community-wide approach to reducing risky drinking cultures in young people in rural Australia

A health justice partnership for young people: strategies for program promotion to young people and youth workers

Digital data and practice change: the impact of innovative web portals on user knowledge building and decision-making processes

Use of digital technology for research data and information transfer within the Australian grains sector: A case study using Online Farm Trials

Increasing the digital literacy skills of regional SMEs through high-speed broadband access

Universal challenges exist for small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) in regional and rural areas to...

Central Highlands Health Justice Partnership: Evaluation report

  • Report

Towards good dementia care: Awareness and uptake of an online Dementia Pathways tool for rural and regional primary health practitioners

Objective: To explore the awareness and usage of an online dementia pathways tool (including...

Health justice partnerships: Initial insights into the delivery of an integrated health and legal service for youth in regional Victoria

Introduction: This article presents interim findings from research examining the implementation...

Leading the way: the integral role of local government within a multisector partnership delivering a large infrastructure project in an Australian growth region

Multisectoral partnerships with local government have emerged as a strategy for solving...

A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about studying leadership

Beyond the call of duty: the integral role of rural local government in emergency management

As Australian state and federal governments extol the importance of resilience-building in rural...

Making the invisible visible: the impact of federating groundwater data in Victoria, Australia

The Visualising Victoria's Groundwater (VVG) web portal federates groundwater data for the State...

Online pathways for dementia care

Background Dementia is one of the fastest growing diseases in Australia. General practitioners...

  • Journals

Literacy Trails: A whole-of-community program to encourage literacy and numeracy awareness for children in preschool and early primary

This article describes the evaluation outcomes of an innovative, communitybased educational...

Priority setting in primary health care: a framework for local catchments

Managers and staff in primary health care partnerships in local catchments, particularly in...

  • Journals

The Longitudinal Effects of Midwife-Led Postnatal Debriefing on the Psychological Health of Mothers

  • Book Chapters

Internet tool box for rural GPs to access mental health services information

INTRODUCTION: Rural GPs play a significant role in the mental health care of their patients. It...

  • Journals

Dimensions of pastoral care : Student wellbeing in rural Catholic schools

This paper investigates the health and welfare needs of students (n = 15,806) and the current...

Moorabool Shire project: Stage 1 - Local Area Planning

  • Book

The emergence of water markets in Australia and implications for rural social work

  • Journals

The longitudinal effects of midwife-led postnatal debriefing on the psychological health of mothers

To assess the effect of midwife-led postpartum debriefing on psychological variables, 149 women...

Review of services to meet the health, welfare and educational needs of students in the Ballarat diocese

  • Book

13 days and counting: A mutual support model for young, homeless women in crisis

  • Journals