Tarli Glover: Hard Land
Wed 5 Sep - Sat 29 Sep 2012
Opened by Peter Pilven, Visual Arts Coordinator, School of Education & Arts, Arts Academy, University of Ballarat on Sat 8 Sep @ 1.30 - 3.30pm.
Tarli Glover’s ongoing series of landscape paintings expose the harsher side of the Australian landscape and the aftermath of extreme weather events and environments changed by climatic occurrences of fire, flood, drought and cyclones. Her sparse, minimalist canvases map and etch out fictional terrains with roads, tracks, built structures and vehicles, capturing the openness of space peculiar to the landscapes of regional and inland Australia.
Tarli Glover was the Artist-in-Residence at the Arts Academy, University of Ballarat.
Image: Tarli Glover, Black Paddock, 2012 acrylic on canvas. Courtesy the artist