COVID safety at Federation University and Federation TAFE
6 January 2023

Federation University Australia offers welcoming and safe regional campuses and high-quality teaching and learning across TAFE, higher education and research.
As the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues, we are ensuring our campuses are safe environments for our students, staff, and industry and community partners.
Federation has implemented extensive risk mitigations to keep our campuses safe, such as enhanced cleaning programs, hand sanitiser stations, improved ventilation and air filtration.
All members of the university community also have a part to play to reduce infection risks, such as staying home if unwell, and following advice on mask wearing and respiratory hygiene.
Implementing our COVIDSafe Plan
All actions taken by Federation are at the direction and guidance of state and federal governments.
For the latest advice, information and resources, go to:
- In Victoria,
- In Queensland,
To book a vaccination, follow the links at:
- In Victoria ‘Get vaccinated against COVID-19’
In Queensland ‘Protect yourself and others’
Advice from the Commonwealth Government and its agencies can be found at:
- Department of Health and Aged Care
- Smartraveller travel advice
- Australian Border Force travel restrictions advice
You can also call the National Coronavirus Helpline on 1800 020 080. It operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you require translating or interpreting services, call 131 450.
If you have concerns about your health, please speak to your doctor.
In Victoria, there are some reporting requirements for children, families and staff at our Children’s Centres.
Early childhood education and care (ECEC) services remain responsible for the health, safety and wellbeing of all children in their services. ECEC continue to apply their COVIDSafe practices and policies and take reasonable steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 within their service.
The following settings, based on advice from the Department of Health, apply.
It is strongly recommended that children:
* who test positive to COVID-19 should stay home and isolate for 5 days
* should not attend ECEC services after 5 days if still symptomatic
* who are symptomatic but have not tested positive should not attend ECEC services
Parents and carers should advise the service of the child’s COVID-19 positive test result.
Where children become symptomatic at an ECEC service they should:
* be collected by their parents or carers
* undergo testing for COVID-19
It is strongly recommended that staff:
* who test positive to COVID-19 stay home and isolate for 5 days
* should not attend after 5 days if still symptomatic
* who are symptomatic but have not tested positive should not attend the service
* advise their service of the positive test
Department of Health COVID-19 reporting requirements in ECEC
The Department of Health recommends that a person who tests positive for COVID-19 should inform those with whom they have recently been in contact, including their workplace, ECEC service or school, and household.
In line with the approach to other infectious diseases in early childhood services, if COVID-19 is identified, the service should continue to notify parents or an authorised emergency contact of children at the service (or family day care (FDC) residence or venue of the occurrence) as soon as practicable.
In addition, services are recommended to display a notice stating that there has been a positive case of COVID-19 at the service premises, FDC residence or approved venue.
Services should now notify the department through the National Quality Agenda IT System (NQAITS) only if there is an outbreak of COVID-19 in the service (5 or more cases within a 7-day period) or if the service is to be closed.
Federation University and Federation TAFE staff are working on campus to provide high-quality teaching and learning for our students.
People and Culture has prepared a range of guides and toolkits for staff to address any questions around workplace flexibility and approved arrangements for working remotely. You can access these at
If you have questions or concerns, please raise these with your manager, Executive Dean or Director.
You can also contact your People and Capability Partner using our People and Culture ServiceNow portal.
For staff who would like to seek mental health support, there are resources available via our website
Our campuses are open to all students. There is no vaccination requirement for students and visitors to visit our campuses, although vaccination is strongly encouraged.
Vaccination requirements for placements
If you are completing a placement as part of your studies, you are required to submit your vaccination status on InPlace in line with the vaccination requirements of your industry.
Connecting with student services
You can find more information about life on student life on campus, study essentials, career opportunities and a range of support services at
Mental health and COVID-19
If you are feeling anxious or distressed about the impacts of COVID-19 on you or your studies, you can talk with a Federation University counsellor free of charge.
Appointments can be made by phoning (03) 5327 9470 (Ballarat and Wimmera) or (03) 5122 6425 (Berwick and Gippsland). Appointments can be made via e-mail at, but priority is given to phone requests.
On-campus research activities
Researchers, including HDR candidates, are permitted on campus to undertake research activities, provided that COVID-safe practices are in place, such as appropriate distancing, use of masks, equipment cleaning, and respiratory hygiene.
All staff and students should monitor government announcements and their university email accounts for updates as required.
Research partners and storage of information and data
Researchers involved in contract research who may have missed important milestones due to previous COVID-19 restrictions should inform the Research Office. The grants and contracts team will assist with negotiating contract extensions and variations.
All researchers, including HDR candidates, should ensure that research data is curated and stored in an approved repository according to our policy (RS1836).Please note that compliance with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research must be maintained at all times. This applies whether researchers are working on or off-campus.
Researcher Skills Development Program
The Researcher Skills Development programs will continue to be delivered online during 2022.
Federation University has maintained regular communication to students and staff since the beginning of the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak in March 2020. Communication channels have included regular direct emails, messages from leadership, regular updates on this dedicated webpage, internal online communication, talking points provided to management, targeted communications to partners within Australia and overseas, and by SMS.
Below are direct messages sent to staff and students in 2022.
13 October 2022 Coronavirus Update (PDF, 92kb)
26 July 2022 Coronavirus Update (PDF, 120kb)
14 July 2022 Coronavirus Update (PDF, 162kb)
30 June 2022 Coronavirus Update (PDF, 138kb)
29 April 2022 Coronavirus Update (PDF, 325kb)
11 March 2022 Coronavirus Update (PDF, 97kb)
1 March 2022 Coronavirus Update (PDF, 464kb)
21 January 2022 Coronavirus Update (PDF, 121kb)
13 January 2022 Coronavirus Update (PDF, 122kb)
For the latest advice, information and resources, go to:
- In Victoria, or the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services
- In Queensland,
Advice from the Commonwealth Government and its agencies can be found at:
- Department of Health update - Smartraveller travel advice - Australian Border Force travel restrictions advice