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Course Finder International Course Guide (pdf, 2.5mb) Schedule of overseas student fees

Do your research

To figure out what you want to study, spend some time thinking about why you want to study. If you want to prepare yourself for a career, think about where you would like to work, and what sort of career attracts you. By identifying these things, you can spend time researching jobs that interest you and the qualifications you will need to work in those areas – and how investing in a degree from Federation will help you succeed in your career.

Our International Course Guide (pdf, 2.5mb) is a great source of information about courses available to International students, as well as general information about FedUni and our campuses.

Currently in Australia?

If you are currently in Australia, you can experience FedUni first-hand!

You can come to our Open Day in August, or our Info Days held from October to December. Our Ballarat, Berwick and Gippsland campuses will be open to the public, with teaching and admin staff available to answer all your questions.

If you can't attend Open Day, you can book a tour of the campus by emailing

You can also attend an information session for your course of choice.

Still unsure?

If you have any questions about FedUni's programs or facilities, please Ask FedUni