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Whether you're just starting out on your business journey or seeking to expand your professional toolkit, our range of courses has something for everyone.

Unsure of which path to take? Don't sweat it - we've got you covered. Dive into our diverse disciplines within the realm of business and discover where your ambitions can lead.

Why study business at Federation University?

So, let's talk business – it's the heartbeat of our world, you know? It's everywhere, from the big corporate meetings to the shop on the corner. Studying business is like unlocking a treasure trove of skills that'll serve you well, no matter where your interests lie.

At Federation, you will dive into real-world situations, tackle those head-scratching challenges, and polish up your skills with hands-on experiences, internships, and team projects. Our courses are designed to connect you with industry and equip you for your future in business.

Here you can feel free to shake things up, try out new ideas, and maybe even stumble upon a game-changer or two.

Study Areas Include:

  • Accounting
  • Algorithmics
  • Applied Computing
  • Business Management
  • Economics
  • Extended Investigation
  • Industry and Enterprise
  • Languages
  • Legal Studies
  • Mathematics
  • Politics

Explore our courses by study level

"My experience on placement at the at the City of Casey has strengthened my organisational skills, enhanced my confidence in building professional connections and provided me with a greater understanding of operating within a Corporate Services function, at a diverse and community focussed organisation." Emma, Bachelor of Business

Career Outlook

As a graduate, you will be equipped to dive into the realm of business and unlock a world of opportunity across various sectors, from not-for-profit to corporate giants.

With a skill set tailored for innovation and adaptability, you'll be at the forefront of emerging fields like nanotechnology and big data, as well as the growing green economy.

Equipped with deep expertise and a suite of invaluable skills—from critical thinking to global acumen—you'll be primed for a rewarding career journey where every challenge is a chance to shine.

Career options include:

  • Accounting and Bookkeeping
  • Administration
  • Banking and Finance
  • Business Consulting
  • Business Law
  • Economics
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Hotel and Resort Operations
  • Human Resource Management
  • Information Technology
  • Management
  • Marketing / Research
  • Public Relations
  • Sales
  • Sports Management
  • Stockbroking
  • Taxation

At Federation University, we're in it with you

We know that with the right support and knowledge, education can transform lives and communities. All you need is a place that helps you believe it’s possible.

And we reckon that’s us.

At Federation, we break down barriers to education, offering support and pathways for all, ensuring nobody is left behind.

Our courses are unique, designed with industry collaboration to ensure graduates are immediately employable.

We prioritise accessibility, offering scholarships and grants to create a diverse campus community.

With a focus on local partnerships, we're not just educating individuals; we're positively impacting regional economic development.

At Federation, education isn't just about getting a degree; it's about transforming lives and communities together.