
University organisational plans

The following plans have a specific focus and articulate Federation University's strategies:

These plans provide overarching direction under our Strategic Planning Framework, which covers all levels of planning and includes:

  1. Federation University Australia Strategic Plan 2021 - 2025
  2. Core Plans (Academic, Research and Innovation, International and Engagement Plans)
  3. Organisational Unit Plans (Schools, TAFE, Directorates, Research Centres, Campus Plans)
  4. Supporting Plans (Annual Budget, Medium Term Financial, Strategic Investment, Workforce Plans).

University planning process

Strategic Planning Framework and Guidelines

Federation University’s Strategic Planning Framework and Guidelines brings together all levels of our planning activities, to guide the preparation of annual operational planning within our Schools, TAFE, Directorates, Research Centres and campuses.

This framework provides a robust, transparent and consistent model for strategic and operational business planning. It brings a unified approach to planning, and provides us with clearer and more measurable targets, supports collaboration and information sharing across business areas, and provides better information for decision-making.

Organisational unit plans, tools and resources

As outlined in the Strategic Planning Framework and Guidelines, each School, TAFE, Directorate, Research Centre and Campus must develop its own operational plan in a consistent template to provide the following direction to its activities:

  1. Establish the roles and functions, context/background, opportunities, challenges and future direction of the organisational unit
  2. Its strategic direction (three year horizon) – the strategies or broad courses of action to be adopted by an organisational unit to support the achievement of University Strategic Plan goals and the implementation of university-wide actions as defined in the Core Plans, and
  3. An annual operational plan to support achievement of these strategies.

Access the guidelines, tools and resources here: