Supporting innovative research and evaluation


Professor Joanne Porter leads a multidisciplinary team of researchers and evaluators, working on projects with industry partners, government departments, agencies and community groups to shift thinking in evaluation research by empowering communities to grow through evidence-based innovation.

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How research could make for smoother sailing in world-famous race

Too many Year 9 students are missing school. What can parents and teachers do to keep them engaged?

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High school students in Victoria are missing school at record levels. Why is this so and what can parents and teachers do to help keep students engaged?

New tool highlights our valuable urban wetlands

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The new mapping tool Valuing Urban Wetlands allows users to explore the world of urban wetlands and raises awareness of their biodiversity value.

Empowering research with data catalogue for grains industry

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A national data catalogue will give researchers access to years' worth of information and accelerate the release of new technology and knowledge in the grains industry.