Internet Commerce Security Laboratory (ICSL)

Malware and Reverse Engineering


  • Malware analysis
  • Program patch analysis
  • Adversarial machine learning attacks
  • Container security
  • Privacy protection


  • Dr Paul Black
  • Dr Paul Pang,
  • Dr Muhammad Usman,
  • Tarek Chaalan (PhD student)
  • Victor Jayakody (PhD student)
  • Pooja Mishra  (Master of Computing)


  • Westpac Information Security Group
  • A number of our research projects have been funded by the Australian government under the  Artificial Intelligence for Decision Making Initiative.


  • Challenge  !5 "Dynamic Decision Making AI for Penetration Testing", AI4DM 2020 Phase I, Department of Defence, and the Office of National Intelligence, Outcome: "Cross Compiler Bipartite Vulnerability Search", $20,000
  • Challenge 15, AI4DM 2020 Phase II, Build prototype vulnerability search software, $50,000
  • Challenge 7, AI4DM 2022, Phase I, "Classification of Code Modifications to Differentiate Security Fixes and Learn Vulnerable Code Patterns in Compiled Software", $30,000


  • Malware Threat Intelligence Service
  • Command and Control Emulator,  to support webinject research
  • Malicious Advertising Monitor (Latrobe and Federation)


  • P. Black, I.Gondal, R.Layton, "A Survey of Similarities in Banking Malware Behaviours", Computers and Security Journal, vol 77, Impact Factor 3.579, 2018
  • P.Black, A. Bagirov, . Gondal, "Malware Variant Identification Using Incremental Clustering", Electronics Journal, Impact Factor 2.397,  2021
  • P. Black, I. Gondal, "Cross Compiler Bipartite Vulnerable Function Search", Electronics Journal, Impact Factor 2.397, 2021