Ms Michelle Nightingale

Academic qualifications

BEcon (Accounting) Monash

Summary of previous experience

Michelle Nightingale’s extensive experience in finance, HR and operations includes more than 30 years of leadership at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) across the Asia-Pacific region and in various global roles.

Prior to transitioning from Senior Partner to Senior Advisor for BCG in 2024, Michelle previously held the roles of Asia Pacific COO and Finance Director for the Australia/New Zealand region, functional leader for the group's global financial systems transformation, Finance Director for Asia Pacific, Head of HR for Global Internal Functions and Head of Global Finance Operations.  These roles were based across Melbourne and Hong Kong offices and at the Global Functions hub in Boston.

Michelle brings experience in accounting, global finance, human resources and operations to the Council as a member of both the Resources Committee and Governance and Strategy Committee. She has a strong focus on business partnering, operational effectiveness, risk management and controls.

Prior to joining BCG, Michelle worked at Arthur Andersen for 10 years.

Michelle also serves as a Non-Executive Director of Save the Children, chairing its Audit and Risk Committee.