HEDx event – Gender Equity and Inclusion


What is the current position of Australian universities in advancing gender equity and inclusion, in particular in academia, and how do we accelerate our progress? HEDx posed these questions at an important discussion at the State Library of Victoria last week, bringing together leaders from across Victorian universities.

Federation has developed a video giving voice to our commitment to gender equity and inclusion played at the event. The HEDx Live Event video will be available at HEDx News in the coming days, while the highlights from the Sydney and Brisbane talks are available now.

New tool highlights our valuable urban wetlands

12 June 2024

The new mapping tool Valuing Urban Wetlands allows users to explore the world of urban wetlands and raises awareness of their biodiversity value.

Empowering research with data catalogue for grains industry

11 June 2024

A national data catalogue will give researchers access to years' worth of information and accelerate the release of new technology and knowledge in the grains industry.


Testing for avian flu on the frozen continent

6 June 2024

VIDEO  Dr Meagan Dewar’s work in wildlife disease surveillance has taken her to Antarctica where she has led an international team of researchers searching for the deadly and fast spreading avian flu.