Co-operative Centre of Excellence brings vibrancy to the heart of Ballarat


Vibrant new learning and meeting spaces in the heart of Ballarat’s CBD are connecting students and academics with business and the community as part of a major campus revitalisation.

Minister for Higher Education Gayle Tierney officially opened Federation University’s Co-operative Centre of Excellence at the historic School of Mines Ballarat (SMB) campus on Lydiard Street on Friday, April 14.

The Centre has seven innovative spaces which feature state-of-the-art audio-visual technologies that support media-rich collaboration, video conferencing, and focus group discussions. It will be used by students from a range of disciplines across higher education and TAFE, connecting the University with industry, government and the local community.

Researchers tackle challenges of harsh arid zone conditions

16 August 2024

Federation researchers are trialling an innovative tool they hope will give young plants a chance to thrive in an area where it has been almost impossible for them to survive.

Federation researcher awarded ARC Future Fellowship

5 August 2024

A Federation University researcher has been awarded a prestigious ARC Future Fellowship for a project that aims to increase energy resilience and efficiency in next-generation community microgrids.

Exploring the challenges and opportunities for livestock industry

30 July 2024

A study looking at innovations in meat-based food systems is exploring how traditional farming can survive and thrive with the growing popularity of plant-based meat alternatives.