Careers in everyday industries: Potential benefits of increased visibility

Retail and hospitality industries employ around 20 per cent of the Australian workforce.

A research project has been examining career paths in the retail and hospitality industries and the attitudes towards them.

Led by Federation researcher Professor Erica Smith, the project has examined and makes visible the available careers and looks at how to increase awareness about the varied career opportunities in the industries among young people, adults, and those who advise them.

Retail and hospitality industries employ around 20 per cent of the Australian workforce, operating throughout Australia, yet the industries suffer from low prestige.

This historically low perception discourages people from imagining worthwhile careers in those sectors and can contribute to poor self-image for those working in the industries.

The COVID-19 crisis has shown how vital these sectors are for the Australian public and the national economy. They are recognised internationally as low-status occupations which have become more valued during the crisis.

Professor Smith says with a better understanding of available careers, young people could be better advised by schools and universities, and workers already in those industries would experience higher self-esteem and would be able to advance their careers.

The project is funded by the Australian Government’s National Careers Institute and focuses on investigating and publicising available career paths, as well as on the reasons for poor public perceptions among various stakeholder groups.

Watch a video on the project below. Click here for more information.

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