Academic Board
Find out how the Academic Board helps to maintain academic leadership at Federation. Learn about the work that goes into monitoring and improving the quality of education.
The Academic Board aims to establish and maintain academic leadership at an institutional level in accordance with the Federation University Australia Statute 2021.
As the peak academic governing body of the University, the Academic Board oversees the academic governance system to meet the requirements of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 and other regulatory standards.
Federation relies on the Academic Board to:
- achieve effective academic oversight of the quality of learning and teaching, research and research training
- approve proposed new academic and other courses leading to an award
- set and monitor institutional benchmarks for academic and research quality and outcomes
- oversee and monitor risks to academic and research integrity and brief the University’s Audit and Risk Management Committee on matters that may result in regulatory risk
- provide advice to management, the Vice-Chancellor and the Council on academic and related matters, including advice on academic outcomes, policy and practices
- monitor and report to Council on academic and research quality and standards
- monitor the occurrence and nature of formal complaints relating to academic matters and the actions taken to address underlying causes
- receive advice on academic matters from University advisory bodies
- confirm that delegations of academic authority are exercised appropriately
- recommend to Council the conferral of higher education and vocational education and training qualifications
- between meetings, decide urgent matters by circular resolution, which matters have been referred to it for decision by the Academic Board Administrative Committee
- consider issues referred to it by the Council for consideration.
The Board comprises 22 member positions, 14 of which are ex officio and 8 of which are filled by elected academics and teaching staff, general/professional staff and students of the University.