Anna Farago completed her Master of Arts at the Arts Academy, School of Arts in 2019 and was supervised by Associate Professor Carole Wilson and Dr Jill Orr. Anna’s research titled The making and placing of a personal view: questions of place used various making methods to explore both the artist’s and others personal connection to place.
The research investigated the intersection of memory, identity, and place. Memory informs personal history and collective environmental futures. Identity, for the artist is as mother, wife, friend, crafter, artist, woman and now widow. For others involved in the research, it is as Indigenous elders, rangers and locals connected to specific sites. Place is that which grounds and locates memories and landscapes that preoccupy the creative works.
Memory and identity is explored materially through making, connecting art to place using craft’s historical connection with domestic and natural environments. Using the postmodern feminist geography of Doreen Massey, place is a site of flow and routes, of passage, rather than origins and roots. The relation between art and Massey’s notion of place is investigated as sympathetic to craft as a feminine epistemology.