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Kim Anderson

Kim completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts (First Class Honours) at the Arts Academy in 2003, and in 2007 was awarded a scholarship to study a Master of Fine Art at the University of Dundee in Scotland, one of the top-ranking arts institutions in the UK. Since then she has exhibited extensively and undertaken residencies around the world including an Australia Council International Studio Residency at the British School in Rome, Italy; Australia House in Echigo-Tsumari, Japan; Hospitalfield House in Arbroath, Scotland; Murray’s Cottage in Hill End, NSW; the University of Tasmania and Scotch Oakburn College in Launceston, Tasmania; and The Art Vault, Mildura. In 2016, Kim undertook a three-month residency at DRAWinternational in Caylus, France, which was supported by the Ian Potter Cultural Trust, the Copyright Agency, and Creative Partnerships Australia.

In 2010, Kim received an Australia Council ArtStart Grant, and she has been a finalist in numerous awards including the Paul Guest Award, the Rick Amor Drawing Prize, and the Hazlehurst Works on Paper Award. She has created projects supported by Regional Arts Victoria, Creative Victoria, and the City of Melbourne, and her most recent major project was a visual/sound installation at the inaugural White Night Ballarat in March, 2017.

Close observational drawing has always been at the core of Kim’s practice. Through her drawing, she is able to peel back the protective layers she displays to the outside world and undertake an extremely personal journey of intense emotional scrutiny. With a consistent tendency towards intricate detail, Kim attempts to capture not only the physical attributes of a subject, but also the less tangible emotional aspects. Minute structures of the body, the physical manifestation of a mind in turmoil, and the relationship between the psyche and the landscape are recurring themes.

Professional activities include a curatorial internship at Deveron Arts in Scotland, committee member of artist-run gallery Space 22 in Ballarat, tutor in Drawing and Art Theory at the Arts Academy, and curator of Skin Gallery in Carlton, an initiative between Arts Access Victoria and the Skin and Cancer Foundation Inc. where she presented exhibitions by artists living with disability or experience of mental illness. Currently Kim is an Associate to the Board of the Ballarat Arts Foundation on their Grants Committee, supporting other young emerging artists to pursue their careers.

In 2018, Kim's work is everywhere. Her work will appear in the 5th Annual DRAWN Exhibition in Cincinnati, Ohio, in the Sidespace Gallery of Hobart's Salamanca Arts Centre, in a Collingwood exhibition space, Gallery There, and at The Lost Ones Gallery in Ballarat, to mention but a few.

Kim is a featured artist in the Biennale of Australian Art (BOAA), 21 September to 6 November at venues across Ballarat. You can find Kim's epic works in the Art Gallery of Ballarat.

Read more on her personal website.

Image: Kim Anderson