Morgan McDermott she/her
Height: 167 cm
Vocal range: C#2-A5
Morgan McDermott is a spirited performing artist who grew up in the rural outskirts of Bendigo. She has trained across the mediums of musical theatre, theatre, screen and live music. She was selected in the VCE Season of Excellence 2020, Top Class: Theatre Studies for her interpretation of Nina in The Seagull. During her studies at the Arts Academy, Morgan performed in Frankenstein (DeLacey/Creature); Momo by Michael Ende, adapted by Anthony Crowley, music by Rick Chew (Liliana/Grey Man); and MOTOR-MOUTH LOVES SUCK-FACE: An Apocalyptic Musical (Suck-Face). She also worked as a deviser and performer in Exquisite Corpse 3.0 where she performed her own work alongside her graduating company.